Okay so.... I am just shooting around here.
I decided to do digging on Clue #6 and I ended up at a venue in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (don't ask me how...I don't even know how myself). This isn't the Capitol of wisconsin, but it does have a Capitol road. Dawn of the Dead takes place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. So maybe that's it.
I also managed to find the location of all of the other tour destinations, the ones that take place at the Capitol (I know this is probably wrong, but hey, new perspective) of a state are: Columbus, OH; Boston, MA; Maybe Washignton D.C counts?; and North Little Rock, AR.
I think Dawn of the Dead could possibly work as a scarezone? Though, I'm sick of the oversaturation of zombies. This could confirm the idea of Zombieland since Columbus is a name of a character and it's one of the tour destinations.