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The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020)

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I may have missed this but has the IP to original ratio been revealed yet? I feel like if there is more originals we can at least confirm this is abosultely an anniversary year.
That’s not going to be officially confirmed for a while.

Early rumors are leaning on an original majority but anything can change.

Pretty much what ChaseTuff said, and that can be applied to anything being rumored so far.
As Legacy has said before, nothing is confirmed nor locked in until Universal officially announces it.
I just watched a video on the UO Mardi Gras tribute store. That store looks like something they could use for HHN with the bayou theme. I wonder if they would put any HHN easter eggs/clues in it? Maybe the voodoo guy sitting outside he cabin could be the icon?? I feel like I need to go in person to explore it..LOL.
I just watched a video on the UO Mardi Gras tribute store. That store looks like something they could use for HHN with the bayou theme. I wonder if they would put any HHN easter eggs/clues in it? Maybe the voodoo guy sitting outside he cabin could be the icon?? I feel like I need to go in person to explore it..LOL.

In 2010 they had a Mardi Gras zombie zone in SF in which a float crashed into a zombie holding facility, taking out the power and freeing them in the Disaster queue house.
I’m surprised that Haunting on Hill House hasn’t been speculated that much for this year. Especially, with Season 2 coming out this Fall.
i think this partially has to do with the fact that there aren’t a lot of things you can necessarily pull from hill house in terms of genuine scares. it’s very much a psychological and character driven series. then again, if they can stretch out stranger things i suppose they can do the same with hill house.
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This year, I’m not trying to.

Announcements will be fun.

Honestly, I'm quite fine with this!
I've noticed in previous years there's been a issue when things fall into "This is what's coming!", and the spec discussion falls into a dead zone. You run out of things to speculate since the list is right there. An when Uni does officially announce something, no one let's that settle since it was merely a confirmation of what they already knew and they're wondering when the next thing is confirmed pronto.

But when the clues are just for what's being rumored and not a full confirmation of what's actually coming, well it's not only a fun way to pass the time, but the actual announcements from Uni are gonna' have a bigger impact and be well, a actual surprise!
Honestly, I'm quite fine with this!
I've noticed in previous years there's been a issue when things fall into "This is what's coming!", and the spec discussion falls into a dead zone. You run out of things to speculate since the list is right there. An when Uni does officially announce something, no one let's that settle since it was merely a confirmation of what they already knew and they're wondering when the next thing is confirmed pronto.

But when the clues are just for what's being rumored and not a full confirmation of what's actually coming, well it's not only a fun way to pass the time, but the actual announcements from Uni are gonna' have a bigger impact and be well, a actual surprise!
Although, I think the impact would be better if the clues were solved.

And going back to an earlier question. I’m only really confident on four things, that aren’t necessarily all houses.
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I just watched a video on the UO Mardi Gras tribute store. That store looks like something they could use for HHN with the bayou theme. I wonder if they would put any HHN easter eggs/clues in it? Maybe the voodoo guy sitting outside he cabin could be the icon?? I feel like I need to go in person to explore it..LOL.

HHN has featured several bayou/voodoo inspired haunts/zones the past few years. Zombie Gras in 2010, Bayou of Blood in 2014, and Dead Waters in 2017. Most of the props in the Tribute store were used before for the haunts, and even includes props from Graveyard Games.

The Voodoo guy is Baron Samedi (Saturday), one of the four main god spirits of Voodoo – also known as Loa.

Basically, it's a Mardi Gras store with HHN elements, but I would not look into anything as a hint.
Okay so.... I am just shooting around here.
I decided to do digging on Clue #6 and I ended up at a venue in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (don't ask me how...I don't even know how myself). This isn't the Capitol of wisconsin, but it does have a Capitol road. Dawn of the Dead takes place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. So maybe that's it.
I also managed to find the location of all of the other tour destinations, the ones that take place at the Capitol (I know this is probably wrong, but hey, new perspective) of a state are: Columbus, OH; Boston, MA; Maybe Washignton D.C counts?; and North Little Rock, AR.
I think Dawn of the Dead could possibly work as a scarezone? Though, I'm sick of the oversaturation of zombies. This could confirm the idea of Zombieland since Columbus is a name of a character and it's one of the tour destinations.

Dawn Of The Dead would indeed make a good scarezone but also a part of Romero Zombie Series house but you're correct that Zombies have been sorta over-saturated at the event, it's best to take a break from zombies and maybe giving spirits and other demonic phenomenon more of their due at the event, I was glad with their usage of the zombies but would love to see more, Hollywood had a Dawn Of The Dead scarezone in 2006 I believe but it wasn't really good and I am sure we would do it better and as a big homage for Romero too.
Although, I think the impact would be better if the clues were solved.

This is a good point. Would you be open to telling us if ANY of the guesses (outside of Clues 2 and 5 because you already gave the answers to them) are correct? You don't need to name the clue, the member, or the guess - just wondering if ANYTHING on this list other than 2 and 5 have gotten it right. I'm just curious if any of these deep dives have been fruitful.

Legacy Clues 02-01.png
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