Didn't somebody recently say the Kid Zone revamp isn't necessarily going be kid or family IP's? Anyways future expansion possibilities: TMNT, Scooby Doo, Star Trek, Godzilla, Fast & the Furious, SpongeBob, Coraline, LOTR/Hobbit. I also really like the idea of Fear Factor Live being replaced by either James Bond or Sherlock Holmes show. Plus they both can take place in London which just happens to be right by it.
TMNT: 35% - depends on how well the movie does
Scooby Doo: 50% - they already have him walk around so it could go either way
Star Trek: 40% - would allow Space Fantasy to come here
but the fanbase is pretty niche, and aside from the 60s show, no major family appeal
Godzilla: 75% - this is just begging for a Disaster overlay
Fast and Furious: 95% - Uni owned IP, blockbuster franchise just begging for a Test Track on steroids E ticket
SpongeBob: 15% - Nick is supposedly on the way out
Coraline: 60% - Uni distributed family movie, perfect for a dark ride
LOTR/Hobbit: 7% - IOA or 3rd gate if anywhere
James Bond: 45% - if Bourne weren't around, I'd say 007 is an ingenious addition next to MIB/Diagon
Sherlock Holmes: 35% - Sherlock's hot and it fits London
Other IPs:
Sony Animation - 10%: not likely but Smurfs/Cloudy were included in an attraction survey
Untitled Pets Project - 35%: Illumination film so will get some presence in the park
My Little Pony - 65%: if anything could equal NFL, Equestria could
Sesame Street - 15%: Busch and Uni are fairly friendly so it's not impossible to get Sesame into USF
Hello Kitty - 5%: girl appeal, and perfect for a store