Cool post it when your done!!!
Wish, Granted. Now, This is a version that I think would work and i'll exlain about the surrounding area too. So without further Adu, Heres a version
of what i'd like to be called 'The World of Lakia' (Please note this WILL be long).
Coraline Dark ride:
Name - Coraline: The wild adventure. This ride would be UOR's first ever Invisiable Track Darkride, mixing Transformers and Mystic Manor Tech. The
Attraction would NOT use StopMotion but use something VERY similar to the new effect they did on making the CGI look like Stopmotion animation. It'd
be a 3D attraction with the original Cast of the film. It'd be a sequel to the attraction and the line would go through the normal worlds Garden which;
Every season comes, all the flowers change to they're respected season. Then, you enter the Preshow which would be the elderly's home as In my story:
Coraline needs help with protecting her as she goes through the doors into the other world. You get a vigerous vichicle from Wybie. He does get a role
as he helps you with making your Ride car to go through the portal. The loading dock is actauly back outside as you go up as your holding your safety
goggles as once your out. You grab your goggles and head to the dock. The first scene would be Outdoors as you go up to get into Coralines home. You
enter the main room where the door is and a Animatronic Coraline is there as she says that she will hop on to the Rear bumper of the vechicle.
You Go through the portal and you see the other house back up and Clean and beautiful. The other mother welcomes herself as coraline goes through a vent
to get outside. The other mother Shows you how to get outside the house. As you exit; You encounter Coraline but this time, with the cat. The cat
welcomes you and Coraline and the cat look around to see as in the story; She wants to end the Other mothers world Permantly this time.
This seems like a good place for me to let this first ACT of my MAJOR theory on a Laika area. If you'd like to talk about this; please do and I'll get to
Act II tommorow so till then. :meditate: