As WAJAS98 said, tax incentives are crucial to attract filming. There's a lot of competition from other cities & states that offer incentives. As an example, Pittsburgh generally gets a good deal of movie & TV production, but it almost always fluctuates depending on the tax incentives the state is offering. When the incentives are good, there's plenty of filming. When the incentives dry up, filming decreases. Available locations are also important. Pittsburgh has a lot of older neighborhoods and housing stock that works well for dated filming purposes. And its' important that there's enough local film tradesmen to fill the production jobs. Just having Production Studio sets are only one of the factors needed to procure filming productions. ...And cities like Atlanta, Toronto and NYC attract a huge amount of the available productions because they give the production companies most everything they want. Lots of competition out there. Even LA has to fight to get their share, which has dropped drastically over the past few decades.