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The Walking Dead

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Damn, I can't believe Glenn refused to sleep in this girls room, I'm starting to lose a lot of respect for that character :lol:
I was totally rooting for Shane to take out Rick. I thought it would be awesome to see Shane lead the group. He could pull the charm out in front of everyone and be devious on the sly. And now that he is dead, his child will grow up without it's real father...:'(
I was totally rooting for Shane to take out Rick. I thought it would be awesome to see Shane lead the group. He could pull the charm out in front of everyone and be devious on the sly. And now that he is dead, his child will grow up without it's real father...:'(

Don't follow the comics, do you? :lol:
Shane is off to Network TV next season. Shane was screwed regardless Daryl had figured out what he had done. Man to loose Glenn would suck he is so good on the show but there is a chance. We have lost 3 main characters this season but some one must go. Also the Governor should be interesting. Who will save them and get them out of this onslaught of Zombies?
Glenn is a huge fave with Walking Dead fans. Plus, he's got a romance going on with Maggie. HIGHLY doubt they'll kill him or Daryl off. Fans would be screaming for blood. Unlike Dale's death, which kinda made sense, Glenn still has plenty to do on the show.

I think Carol, Jimmy, and Patricia will be the ones most likely to go.

Rumor is we find out what was whispered to Rick at the end of season one!
I would be one of "those" people pissed off if Glenn gets killed.
What was whispered in his ear was in a way shown this week....Think about it.

It was shown the week before as well with the two cops.

Don't think its a spoiler as its all pretty much been on TV but the plan was that the whisper would be :

Your wife is pregnant with maybe the addition that the father is Shane (The scientist at the CDC had done blood tests so at this early stage could at least know she was pregnant, it could be assumed Rick can put 1 and 2 together to make Shane)


That anyone who dies in any way will come back as a Zombie. We saw Shane and Rick checking the bodies of two cops who had no bites or scratches yet had become zombies, put down to injuries they couldn't see without undressing them. This week we saw Shane get stabbed in the heart and get back up not long after as well as the prisoner Shane took into the woods, snapped his neck and back to life he comes and this is witnessed by Daryl and Glenn.
It was shown the week before as well with the two cops.

Don't think its a spoiler as its all pretty much been on TV but the plan was that the whisper would be :

Your wife is pregnant with maybe the addition that the father is Shane (The scientist at the CDC had done blood tests so at this early stage could at least know she was pregnant, it could be assumed Rick can put 1 and 2 together to make Shane)


That anyone who dies in any way will come back as a Zombie. We saw Shane and Rick checking the bodies of two cops who had no bites or scratches yet had become zombies, put down to injuries they couldn't see without undressing them. This week we saw Shane get stabbed in the heart and get back up not long after as well as the prisoner Shane took into the woods, snapped his neck and back to life he comes and this is witnessed by Daryl and Glenn.

My only thing with that is....

If Rick knew that everyone who dies becomes a zombie because they're all infected, why did he consider hanging Randall (rather than shooting him in the head and preventing him from rising again)? Not to mention, he turned his back on Shane too, although that could be explained by Carl's appearance and just being upset.
I am in love with this show. The latest episode left me with a feeling of hopelessness. Which I am sure is the feeling the producers are going to leave us with at the end of the season finale.
My only thing with that is....

If Rick knew that everyone who dies becomes a zombie because they're all infected, why did he consider hanging Randall (rather than shooting him in the head and preventing him from rising again)? Not to mention, he turned his back on Shane too, although that could be explained by Carl's appearance and just being upset.

I got ya, I actually got my own wires crossed. What I meant to say was... :doh:

The scientist could have told him that some or all of the group are carrying a "gene / infection / mutation" that all the dead he has examined have also got. This would allow a what if type scenario. Rick might know some / all of the group are infected with something that appears to be harmless but not really know what that could lead to.

Ultimately it could be something else entirely, just hope it isn't brushed under the carpet and forgotten about like so many details in LOST.

Sure, the questions-that-were-often-never-answered and the cliffhangers were what sucked people in, but LOST was a character driven story. I have so much love for those characters.

I don't feel very attached to any of The Walking Dead characters. I like Glenn, I'd be pissed if he died... but I wouldn't feel sad at all. The only moment that actually got to me was when they finally found Sophia.
Sure, the questions-that-were-often-never-answered and the cliffhangers were what sucked people in, but LOST was a character driven story. I have so much love for those characters.

I don't feel very attached to any of The Walking Dead characters. I like Glenn, I'd be pissed if he died... but I wouldn't feel sad at all. The only moment that actually got to me was when they finally found Sophia.

I'd agree with this.
If your not attached to the characters then The Walking Dead as a TV show has failed you. The whole premise of that and the comics is that the living are the Walking Dead and its all about how as humans we cope in a world gone to hell and what that effect has on our interactions, the zombies are merely window dressing.

Personally I'd be pretty pissed to see Daryl go as I have grown quite attached, he's done a good job of showing that there is as much good in him as bad and I'd like to see where it all goes for him.

The point about the whisper is that to introduce it as a key "end of season" plot element for the viewer and then (so far) to have never mentioned it since is just pretty odd. Had it been more of a subplot or throw away "Mystery" like so many in LOST then fair enough but its a bit like being shown the Hatch at the end of Season 1 and then it never gets mentioned after that.
So was anyone frustrated at some of the character's reaction (Specifically Lori) when Rick came clean about killing Shane and the "You all have the infection"?
So was anyone frustrated at some of the character's reaction (Specifically Lori) when Rick came clean about killing Shane and the "You all have the infection"?

I had to LOL at Lori's reaction to Rick admitting he killed Shane. Woman, please. You practically asked him to do it earlier.

I'm also somewhat frustrated at how people reacted to the infection thing. I mean, really, what difference does the information make?