The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 184 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Not really on-topic, but an interesting article about how Disney has been able to remain strong despite the recession, leaving Universal and SeaWorld to tumble in attendance figures:

The more we learn about Universal's financial situation, it makes sense why there are such tight reigns on the PR and publicity about WWoHP -- it truly is their Ace-in-the-Hole.

There are some interesting remarks in the article (and the following comments) about customer service at Universal (and its lack of quality), and I do think they are legitimate concerns for the longevity of WWoHP. Many tourists don't care about customer service -- they will attend regardless because it's HP. But two factors that greatly influence a theme park's sucess are its repeat customers, and the word-of-mouth that spreads to other potential travelers. Universal needs help here, and it has to come from company vision (management).

TMs are paid minimum wage (as are most CMs at Disney) to serve guests who pay through the nose for admission, Universal Express (often as expensive as the ticket itself, during HHN), food, merchandise, parking, and God-knows-what-else -- they expect to be treated like VIPs, because they're paying like VIPs. Folks over at Disney certainly pay around the same, especially for merchandise, but somehow, Disney has the winning hand at customer service.

Sorry, long post, but there's not much else to talk about.
We had soo many offers for Disney on the TV over here; some including a $1000 free when booking a two week holiday, some were get a week free, get free park tickets when you stay for a week etc; it got a bit pathetic in the end they sounded so desperate. So yes their attendance may have not been affected but im sure there profit was...
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Universal don't market very much here in England. The *extremely rare* recent WWOHP tv ad is the first Universal ad I think I've ever seen. I don't believe a great deal of people, especially those with children, know about UO at all. They just think Orlando = Disney. Disney have quite frequent adverts (both Orlando and Paris).
Now seeing the pics of where they need to shave the snow a bit closer it doesn't surprise me. Everything need a height clearance & seeing how that bit is hanging down a bit lower I'm not surprised it didn't make the cut.

Remember even though Universal may have some idea of a preview date things change fast even on a daily basis. So what might be a week may stretch to two or three. I would even give it a slight chance even though I am not happy about it that if things go really wrong passholders like myself will be SOL for a preview as they say. Universal's #1 priority are the package people YES even over any previews for their loyal guests so they only have one date on their mind & that's May 28th.
Not really on-topic, but an interesting article about how Disney has been able to remain strong despite the recession, leaving Universal and SeaWorld to tumble in attendance figures:

The more we learn about Universal's financial situation, it makes sense why there are such tight reigns on the PR and publicity about WWoHP -- it truly is their Ace-in-the-Hole.

There are some interesting remarks in the article (and the following comments) about customer service at Universal (and its lack of quality), and I do think they are legitimate concerns for the longevity of WWoHP. Many tourists don't care about customer service -- they will attend regardless because it's HP. But two factors that greatly influence a theme park's sucess are its repeat customers, and the word-of-mouth that spreads to other potential travelers. Universal needs help here, and it has to come from company vision (management).

TMs are paid minimum wage (as are most CMs at Disney) to serve guests who pay through the nose for admission, Universal Express (often as expensive as the ticket itself, during HHN), food, merchandise, parking, and God-knows-what-else -- they expect to be treated like VIPs, because they're paying like VIPs. Folks over at Disney certainly pay around the same, especially for merchandise, but somehow, Disney has the winning hand at customer service.

Sorry, long post, but there's not much else to talk about.

One thing that a lot of people don't realize though, yes Universal had less attendance than Disney, BUUUUT, Universal was VERY strategic when it came to cut backs so even though they had less people in the parks, their merchandise and food sales with the AYCE promotion made them have bigger profits than Disney.

Disney said 'we are not cutting back capacity or employees'. Universal said 'we are cutting back where we can and shutdown useless attractions when the park is slow' ie Fear Factor and Twister. So with that mentality, Universal made more of a profit than Disney, I love how all of these articles forget that part.
One thing that a lot of people don't realize though, yes Universal had less attendance than Disney, BUUUUT, Universal was VERY strategic when it came to cut backs so even though they had less people in the parks, their merchandise and food sales with the AYCE promotion made them have bigger profits than Disney.

Disney said 'we are not cutting back capacity or employees'. Universal said 'we are cutting back where we can and shutdown useless attractions when the park is slow' ie Fear Factor and Twister. So with that mentality, Universal made more of a profit than Disney, I love how all of these articles forget that part.

Disney is the first thing you think of when you say orlando. Disney is the best thats why people keep on going back 2 times a year. We went for my moms B-day and she got in free !!!! And i swear every employee told her Happy Birthday because they saw her wearing a pin . =) Good Times
Disney is the first thing you think of when you say orlando. Disney is the best thats why people keep on going back 2 times a year. We went for my moms B-day and she got in free !!!! And i swear every employee told her Happy Birthday because they saw her wearing a pin . =) Good Times

This is very true, Disney will ALWAYS have history, nostalgia, and memories on their side since they are the best in the theme park industry. Universal is #2 without a shadow of a doubt, and I would put Islands of Adventure in the #1 spot when it comes to theme parks around the world. Tokyo DisneySea would be right up there as well #1/#2, and Magic Kingdom #3 cause of the nostalgia and memories. But now with WWOHP, Islands of Adventure pushed the bar even further when it comes to theming, ride mechanics, and overall experience.

I mean even the shops are going to have queues to get in, you know what that is that a theme park is able to do that, cha ching!
This is very true, Disney will ALWAYS have history, nostalgia, and memories on their side since they are the best in the theme park industry. Universal is #2 without a shadow of a doubt, and I would put Islands of Adventure in the #1 spot when it comes to theme parks around the world. Tokyo DisneySea would be right up there as well #1/#2, and Magic Kingdom #3 cause of the nostalgia and memories. But now with WWOHP, Islands of Adventure pushed the bar even further when it comes to theming, ride mechanics, and overall experience.

I mean even the shops are going to have queues to get in, you know what that is that a theme park is able to do that, cha ching!

I agree. IOA is gonna rise to the top.
Well since it's a bit slow today I thought I'd post that article that was in AAA Magazine. I know the article was posted before but I don't think the actual magazine scan was so here you go... :smiley:


^I hate that my job blocks out pictures from certain websites, I usually can't see any of them until I go home.
While I will agree that many people associate Orlando with Disney, I feel that Universal has history & nostalgia as well. Sure, I remember my first visit to Disney which was the same time as my first visit to Universal. However, I remember Universal more vividly. I remember riding King Kong, E.T & Back to the Future for the first time where with Disney all I really recall is Mickey Mouse giving me a kiss on the cheek. I know we must have spent the same amount of time at both parks but Universal is the one I remember having the most fun at. As a child I couldn't wait to go to Disney because you always heard about it & I LOVED Mickey Mouse but I had much more fun at Universal. Don't get me wrong, I love both parks, I just think Universal should not be counted out on nostalgia. Also I visit Universal once or twice a year depending on if I can make it the second time. I do not visit Disney as often.

Back to topic, thanks for posting the magazine article, now I can read it all myself. And thanks for the pics of the park (which I haven't looked at yet because my phone won't show pics & I just got on the computer)
While I will agree that many people associate Orlando with Disney, I feel that Universal has history & nostalgia as well. Sure, I remember my first visit to Disney which was the same time as my first visit to Universal. However, I remember Universal more vividly. I remember riding King Kong, E.T & Back to the Future for the first time where with Disney all I really recall is Mickey Mouse giving me a kiss on the cheek. I know we must have spent the same amount of time at both parks but Universal is the one I remember having the most fun at. As a child I couldn't wait to go to Disney because you always heard about it & I LOVED Mickey Mouse but I had much more fun at Universal. Don't get me wrong, I love both parks, I just think Universal should not be counted out on nostalgia. Also I visit Universal once or twice a year depending on if I can make it the second time. I do not visit Disney as often.

Back to topic, thanks for posting the magazine article, now I can read it all myself. And thanks for the pics of the park (which I haven't looked at yet because my phone won't show pics & I just got on the computer)

Different stroaks for different folks. I will always love the overall Disney way of things. I'm growing to like Universal more than I used to, I used to hate them for their incredibly poor services and the way they themed rides, It wasn't till I got my annual pass for Universal Orlando recently that I started to appreciate it more. I think with the opening of the Wizarding World I will be able to apprecieate them even more. Hopefully they will eventually take some notes from Disney about customer service and change their ways. Yes you'll always remember IOA for being an awesome park, but most people will also remember not feeling as welcomed at universal in comparison to Disney. Hopefully the wizards will be more polite and welcoming.

--- Update ---

Just got a tweet from Uni saying keep an eye out for another WW update soon! I knew if felt about that time again
Well since it's a bit slow today I thought I'd post that article that was in AAA Magazine. I know the article was posted before but I don't think the actual magazine scan was so here you go... :smiley:



Thnx gambit...
didnt get to scanning yet, busy, busy, busy ;)
I guess the suppossed news that Teebin said might be leaked yesterday did not come out, unless I missed something.

Talk about news and rumors being EXTREMELY slow lately.

UO needs to entice us with something, c'mon.
I guess the suppossed news that Teebin said might be leaked yesterday did not come out, unless I missed something.

Talk about news and rumors being EXTREMELY slow lately.

UO needs to entice us with something, c'mon.

Yeah, just got a tweet from Uni saying there will be an official update very soon...
I guess the suppossed news that Teebin said might be leaked yesterday did not come out, unless I missed something.

While I did specifically mention Monday as a possible starting point, later in the same post I offered "next few days" meaning sometime this week. But I believe there is something to your, "Talk about news and rumors being EXTREMELY slow lately."... more than meets the eye perhaps.

There is a famous metaphor that comes to mind... one that speaks of the weather...

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While I did specifically mention Monday as a possible starting point, later in the same post I offered "next few days" meaning sometime this week. But I believe there is something to your, "Talk about news and rumors being EXTREMELY slow lately."... more than meets the eye perhaps.

There is a famous metaphor that comes to mind... something about the weather...


When it rains, it pours?

I can't wait for more information. I sure hope they have something awesome in this new update.
Or hopefully what he means is that when the HRRR decided to just open one day it was completely out of the blue, maybe the same situation may be happenning soon?