The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 182 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Teebin I am with you even if you had something in your back pocket it's just a matter of watching online now for a few things because other than that there is nothing to really rush to the park for until previews. Will there be activity this week of coarse after all they are only a month away from the 1st package people but nothing to get to jumpy over. (not that we can jump over walls now anyways)
Please don't expect anything more from me. The news will come from elsewhere if there is any news at all. And as I stressed yesterday, do not go to the park to glean such news... it will happen online and not at the park "per se".

If you dont want to give any info why are you even in this forum. :/ You seem to know more than what you want to give which makes you suspicious. :inquisitive: :look: =)
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Wait you mean this a forum & NOT A NEWS SITE?!?!?! *SHOCKER* So this is why we can talk about things & be on this topic (or any other) even if we are not giving out info we may or may not have on things. Wow this interweb thing sure is an amazing thing a ma bob. But really lets play nice & talk about how sick of the music us regulars will get if we go all the time (love the music but if it's that loud all the time they are asking for me to go insane)
Ooo! It's time for a fun for everyone "Pass-the-Time" Poll:

If you jumped over the walls to sneak into WWoHP and had to hide somewhere to evade the Universal Militia, where would you hide?

A. Behind a Rumored Gringott's ATM
B. In the Old Queue of DD
C. In the Vanishing Cabinet of Borgin and Burkes (Hogsmeade Branch, Jo approved it lolz)
D. Dobby's pillowcase
E. The DC Lockers (which are apparently Unplottable)
F. Hermione's hair
G. The Chamber of Secrets (Due to Budget Cuts: "The Closet of Secrets")

Btw, this is a "Pass-the-Time" joke. Don't actually respond, or admin will maim me (or you). And Brian Ordorf, BEAUTIFUL video! Perfectly timed, too! Thanks for the update, and all the construction updates along the way.

--- Update ---

But really lets play nice & talk about how sick of the music us regulars will get if we go all the time (love the music but if it's that loud all the time they are asking for me to go insane)

Maybe it's that loud so we don't hear the workers.
I would say E. because I'm small enough they would never find me in one of those & I hope your right about the music but if they use it to kill the sound of tour groups also I'm all for it :)
The music only seems loud because there is not as many people in that area as there are meant to be, plus it is new and you are looking for it so you will notice it more. With the crowds of people the music needs to be pumped in order to have it as ambiance.
Oh something interesting I noticed today while I was overlooking the three broomsticks was that they have spraypainted with black paint little "x's" on the bulky overhanging snow on the roof over the back door to the restaurant. I wonder if they are now going to have to shave some of that back due to low clearance? I'll try to upload pics later.
Oh boy, maybe a tall WB executive came through and hit their head and Universal realized they need to shave it down.
You seem to know more than what you want to give which makes you suspicious. :inquisitive: :look: =)

Well DUH! You haven't seen the legal missives sent to others by Uni legal including clever Brian Orndorf as we learned today. None have been sent to me by Uni Legal, but I have seen and read those sent to others. Can you see Uni Legal in court arguing "Your honor, Teebin has asked other members about Crape Myrtle trees!!!!! We demand the electric chair!!!!"
Teebin don't worry about it we all have our bits of info we are not giving up for exactly those reasons. Everyone just enjoy the hinting & riddles because that's what we are reduced to for the next weeks until we actually get in there.

As far as having to shave down the snow it's just something they have to add to their mini list to get done in record time. It will be changed before you know it.
If you dont want to give any info why are you even in this forum. :/ You seem to know more than what you want to give which makes you suspicious. :inquisitive: :look: =)

That's exactly what Woodward said to Deep Throat, right before he dismissed him and never talked to him again. Good thing, too, otherwise he might've become the most important journalist of all time. I hate knowledgeable people who don't disclose everything they know right away. Pansies.
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As far as having to shave down the snow it's just something they have to add to their mini list to get done in record time. It will be changed before you know it.

Right, someone needs to turn to Stuart Craig and cast the Riddikulus Spell on him. What, does he want this to be perfect or something? It's a wonder that Nassal hasn't ordered a Mafia hit on the guy. (yep, I am kinda being serious)

That's exactly what Woodward said to Deep Throat, right before he dismissed him and never talked to him again. Good thing, too, otherwise he might've become the most important journalist of all time. I hate knowledgeable people who don't disclose everything they know right away. Pansies.

I love historic facts... thank you. LOL
That's exactly what Woodward said to Deep Throat, right before he dismissed him and never talked to him again. Good thing, too, otherwise he might've become the most important journalist of all time. I hate knowledgeable people who don't disclose everything they know right away. Pansies.


I mean I would not risk my job or friends job involved, but people are willing to share clues and hints to what to expect..if we want to know than we should be grateful.
So I finally saw these supposed prints that are blue in color, and from the looks of these arms, they are HUUUGE!

Speaking of something funny, I went to go see Bon Jovi last weekend down here in Miami and he has 5 huge kuka arms with giant tvs on the end of them and he uses then throughout the whole concert including walking on top of them and he looked tiny compared to these things. Just thought it was funny that I was probably one of a couple of people in there that saw these things and went OHHH KUKA ARMS!
I am breaking rules here, yet it is all under the guise of getting weepy at Orndorfs chance video today. Check out my most recent post on Non-Orlando Theme Parks. Even HP lovers should be amazed by it. I cannot believe I am saying this... but Disney is pulling an HP with it's latest and greatest (in YEARS). Been following... but never expected much of it. So, based on my Brian Orndorf theme of wonderous magic at Area 52... please check it out.