The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 180 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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I'm not going to argue but I DO KNOW for a fact TMs need to be trained maybe not all of them but there are still a good number of them. So considering that simple fact & they are still doing finishing touches it won't open tomorrow. If they didn't need to have everything painted & TMs trained they would have been able to be open for Grad Bash. So if for some strange reason it does Grad Bash people even though you got free tickets I would get ready to throw your rocks at guest services & I am sure than JK would throw with you for opening it with things unfinished. It's not finished it's not opening simple as that.

Its true, its very unlikely that softs might be happening anytime this week but in a week or so I think softs can start. Anyone else agree ??
I can't say much but I will say you will have to wait a few more weeks to hear much of anything. I know we all want it to soft now but it's just not going to happen. The way it looks it may barely get public soft before the package people come down so just be happy if you get in before they get here. (going to bed c'ya)
It could happen....
but I wouldn't go expecting to get in next week.
I'm just going to go after it opens most likely July 15-17.

I will be going in september when crowds have died down. Im not taking the risk of going this week thinking that there's softs and being disappointed.
there is no way softs will be happening within the next two weeks so just relax and wait until the un-legit like wednesday misstatements happen (if it does of course) and see what appears online. Teebin never said go to the park, he said go to this website.
there is no way softs will be happening within the next two weeks so just relax and wait until the un-legit like wednesday misstatements happen (if it does of course) and see what appears online. Teebin never said go to the park, he said go to this website.

Have you started training yet?
Well the crazy Kiwi is on the way to the states as we speak, in Orlando next week, not expecting anything to happen and happy to know I'm back with mates @ IOA in October to enjoy the WWoHP!! :=) - Will be lurking and will report any news on site (-:
Thats a good idea.
The Grand opening is going to be CRAZY.
I don't know how Uni's going to pull it off.

what makes anyone think that the crowds will die down.:inquisitive:

It is not going to happen.
Uni planned it well,
June to November Intitial opening crowds
November to Next Summer second wave of people (after watching Deathly Hallow part 1)
Summer and on Thrid wave of people (before and after Deathly Hallow part 2)

only after that, crowds will die down. The first year? nope.:jaw:
What do you guys predict about wait times?
I'm thinking it won't be too bad for the first hour or so of opening, maybe up to 10.30ish, although still expecting at least 30min+ wait on FJ at rope drop due to early access for onsiters (although many may still be at Three Broomsticks breakfast).
From there, maybe 30-90 min wait on all non-HP rides (90 being for the popular non-HP rides), FJ maybe 120-180mins during the busy part of the day.
Perhaps die down a little from about 6pm to close (those with children / those going out for dinner etc), so FJ down to 60mins and other to around 30?
. Did you know there have been a few "events" in central Florida in the past 5 days? Everyone listen closely and watch closely.

Teebin, your post did get me thinking about local events/tradeshows. I can't think of any in the last 5 days (other than McDonald's Worldwide, but to my knowledge, they only did a park buyout at Seaworld, not IOA).

However, I remembered that the International Pow Wow is coming in May. This is a big deal in Orlando, it's a tradeshow of travel agents, and all the attractions in Orlando show off for them. In 2007, Seaworld and Animal Kingdom hosted private evening events to show off their new attractions. At AK, Everest was new, and in soft opening, there was free food, drinks, and entertainment throughout the park. The same at Seaworld, but their new attraction was the new Shamu believe show which was also in soft opening.

According to the website:, there is an evening event hosted by Universal on May 17. My hunch is that they will be showing off HRRR and WWoHP, and that WW will be in softs by then at the latest.
So my sister just gave me this magazine "Going Places - The Magazine For Today's Traveler"
Anyway, it has 2 pages on WWOHP that has some info....

I'm not sure if it's old news but I thought I'd post it here anyway:

"Check out the Gringott's bank and its ATM. No one protects money like a goblin! And be sure to try the Butterbeer in Hogsmeade. It's said to be a cross between shortbread and butterscotch... yum!"

Dervish and Banges
"I've heard you can purchase a Firebolt, a world-class broomstick. Plus there's a MONSTER BOOK OF MONSTERS on display that growls and snarls at anyone who comes too close. Perhaps it can be tamed with the Riddikulus charm!"
"This magical instrument and equipment shop features Quidditch supplies, Triwizard apparel, Spectrespecs and Remembralls. You may also find wizardly re-creations of Hogwart's robes and scarves."

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
"While waiting for the ride, experience talking portraits featuring Hogwart's never-before-seen four founders: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw."

"A spellbinding confectionary sells all types of wizarding sweets, including Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott's Every-Flavour Beans. In the series, Chocolate Frogs are enchanted with a temporary spell that, according to Ron in Sorcerer's Stone, gives them one good jump (once the package is opened). Each is packaged with a collectible card displaying a magical picture and brief biography of a famous witch or wizard of medieval to modern times."
"A little owl told us that Honeydukes will also sell licorice clippins, a candy that is dispensed in a very unique and unusual manner!"

"Visit Ollivander's and you'll have the chance to choose a wand -- or more appropriately -- let the wand choose you. A mismatched wand creates havoc (thanks to cool special effects) and the right one.... Well you'll just know!"
"There are 13 kinds of wands unique to Ollivander's shop. Specific questions by the wandkeeper determine the correctness of your wand."
So my sister just gave me this magazine "Going Places - The Magazine For Today's Traveler"
Anyway, it has 2 pages on WWOHP that has some info....

I'm not sure if it's old news but I thought I'd post it here anyway:

"Check out the Gringott's bank and its ATM. No one protects money like a goblin! And be sure to try the Butterbeer in Hogsmeade. It's said to be a cross between shortbread and butterscotch... yum!"

Dervish and Banges
"I've heard you can purchase a Firebolt, a world-class broomstick. Plus there's a MONSTER BOOK OF MONSTERS on display that growls and snarls at anyone who comes too close. Perhaps it can be tamed with the Riddikulus charm!"
"This magical instrument and equipment shop features Quidditch supplies, Triwizard apparel, Spectrespecs and Remembralls. You may also find wizardly re-creations of Hogwart's robes and scarves."

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
"While waiting for the ride, experience talking portraits featuring Hogwart's never-before-seen four founders: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw."

"A spellbinding confectionary sells all types of wizarding sweets, including Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott's Every-Flavour Beans. In the series, Chocolate Frogs are enchanted with a temporary spell that, according to Ron in Sorcerer's Stone, gives them one good jump (once the package is opened). Each is packaged with a collectible card displaying a magical picture and brief biography of a famous witch or wizard of medieval to modern times."
"A little owl told us that Honeydukes will also sell licorice clippins, a candy that is dispensed in a very unique and unusual manner!"

"Visit Ollivander's and you'll have the chance to choose a wand -- or more appropriately -- let the wand choose you. A mismatched wand creates havoc (thanks to cool special effects) and the right one.... Well you'll just know!"
"There are 13 kinds of wands unique to Ollivander's shop. Specific questions by the wandkeeper determine the correctness of your wand."

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. Gringotts is in Diagon Alley, not Hogsmeade and therefore not in the WWoHP.
Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. Gringotts is in Diagon Alley, not Hogsmeade and therefore not in the WWoHP.

WWoHP will certainly have an ATM so guests can spend every penny they have. Can't it be Gringotts themed? The ATM program itself probably won't be overly themed, but a surrounding display or archway could easily get the message across.

And we've already discussed how things that are "only in Diagon Alley" can easily be imported to Hogsmeade. It's a tiny sacrifice to the story in order to enhance the experience and maximize on the HP product.
Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. Gringotts is in Diagon Alley, not Hogsmeade and therefore not in the WWoHP.

That would be "Sandy Klim"

The whole bank story sounded new to me too, so I thought that'd be cool to post here.....
I'm not THAT much into Harry Potter to know that Gringotts isnt in Hogsmeade....

Anyway, thats what the article says, I might scan it later today and post it here, its just 2 pages so that'll work...

can it be possible that they (universal/WB/J.K. Rowling/ etc.) found a way to have Gringott's in WWOHP anyway?!

--- Update ---

WWoHP will certainly have an ATM so guests can spend every penny they have. Can't it be Gringotts themed? The ATM program itself probably won't be overly themed, but a surrounding display or archway could easily get the message across.

And we've already discussed how things that are "only in Diagon Alley" can easily be imported to Hogsmeade. It's a tiny sacrifice to the story in order to enhance the experience and maximize on the HP product.

You just beat me to it, but that's just basically what I meant... in not so many words :)
Well they have brought and olivanders to hogsmeade which is in diagon alley i believe, so i guess it is possible but at the most i would think an ATM is the most were getting which TBH does not bother me as a big bank is totally unnecessary and plus there has been absolutely no possible talk about this....
Shrunkenned I like what you found about that event on May 17th. Maybe that gives a good chunk of time for TM & passholder previews than having public soft be right after the 17th giving them a bit over a week before those package people come in hmmmmm???? I can see that event getting a crack before public soft but maybe not before TM & passholders get a taste. ;-)
Um guys it would be like ollivanders. It is a branch just like when we walk in our cities there isn't just one fairwinds. I think it's a cool idea that Jo aproved of.