The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 179 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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psion I believe NBC has one planned & it was airing in June if I am correct?

In this MuggleNet article they talk about it
NBC announces "Making of Wizarding World of Harry Potter" special, to air in June

We'll be getting an inside look at the making of Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park in just three months.

NBC has announced that they'll be airing a "Making of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" special on Sunday, June 6th.

No details about the special have been announced. The Hollywood Reporter only says it is "a sneak peak".

We'll have more details if any are announced. We'll also remind you about its airing in June!
Only if I am correct... and only if we look, watch and listen very closely. How they will keep it quiet is beyond me, but I think that is being attempted. I can say no more.

No, don't go... we might know it here first... by accident. Watch for misstatements from a certain "type".

I'll be there for a very short period tomorrow morning, hopefully something interesting will be happening over that wall!
psion I believe NBC has one planned & it was airing in June if I am correct?

Teebin I value your hints & if I could go I would but since it's nothing to do with soft & I don't have the means to rush over there this time someone else will have to go for it. But if my info is in tune with yours it wouldn't surprise me if this was a very interesting week of visitors to the area.

Thanks Disfreak.

I know about the NBC one, but I belive that is just a PROMOTIONAL program that they do all the time for Universal Rides.

The Travel Channels ones are the behind the scene ones that talk about the Technology going into it and building of it.
I am looking forward to that.
(have you seen the Spiderman Ride one, where they show all the stuff inside backstage)

That would be so cool, if they will show all the mechnisims and stuffs inside the ride.

I definatly feel that this will be a collection of videos we already some on the web. Just a bit more.

You know they will definately not show ALL, because to ramp up the anticipation for the opening.

I remember the old times, where they did the Back to the Future ride special. no matter what, only saw like 20 sec of footage.
Makes me want to ride the thing as soon as possible, then I went for the opening at waited 3 hours for BTTF.
ahhh, the good old times.

But I am sure we will see most of the queue from the NBC special. maybe up to the launching of the ride vehicles,
then, it will be secret, making us want to go even more.

--- Update ---

IF THERE IS SOFT within this week!!!?!?/

TIME for crazy pictures!!! talking to people who are going!!!!!

counting on you guys! hehe
Umm no they don't but nice wishful thinking :)

psion I could see in the future Travel Channel having the tech. behind FJ maybe as part of one of their specials but I don't see them doing a whole hr. on WWoHP

How do you know that they don't start tomorrow ??...... Exactly you don't know :D But i dont either so it can.
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Things are not painted TMs are not trained its easy math other than that I have my ways like everyone else here does

How do you know that there are no TMs trained ????...... Exactly you don't ?? :D ....... But I dont know either so there can ??
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I haven't really been on in a few days to comment, but all I wanted to comment on the budget "pruning" and such. The financial side of any business is there to maximize profitability for the company. In themeparks (especially a company like Universal that had unique financial issues converging with the construction of the WWoHP), there has to be a balance between design, bells and whistles and the like and profit, otherwise the themepark will have limited funds for future growth and investment. Since most rides do not contribute to revenue, there have to be decisions made, which means throwing some ideas and designs away. However, it's not personal, just business. Obviously, Psion, you have had some projects not go the way you drew them up, but I don't think that warrants some of the unkind remarks you have for financial employees.

I was in IOA Foodservice for almost 8 years, but in that time earned an Economics degree and now work in Underwriting for an insurance company, so I have extensive experience on both sides. I can tell you I know as many good, honest people working in the financial industry as I do line-level theme park workers. Not everyone in business are unethical, "Wall Street Fat Cats."

Going back to FJ, I also have a little birdie that chirps in my ear from time to time. Being a bird, s/he cannot read or watch movies, thus knows nothing about Harry Potter. However, knowing I love the books and movies, this birdie has told me "You're going to freak when you go in there." S/he is genuinely impressed with the technology and level of detail inside the building. While it would be great to have an ambidextrous tree or a hidden show building, I have faith Universal has done the best they could with the resources available, and it is going to blow our minds.
Does anybody know if its a tradition in theme parks to leave one thing(piece of track, tower, etc.)undone until a soft or grand opening?

I say this because this was the case with HRRR. Within three days they put the last track piece in, had TMs ride it and a soft opening.
so if i go to islands of adventure tomorrow i will be able to get into the wwohp? if so i am bringing my entire family and they don't have passes so please let me know...
so if i go to islands of adventure tomorrow i will be able to get into the wwohp? if so i am bringing my entire family and they don't have passes so please let me know...

I wouldn't do No one knows for sure yet. :D Trust me as soon as I know I would be the first one writing it on the forum. I cant wait either. What im saying is that no one really know for sure. People say it cant be open cause theres no do you know that there's none. Softs are not perfect so i would expect to see if open soon.
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Softs are not PERFECT..... that's why they are called softs........I see a week or even less ? :sneaky::confused:
I agree. If Uni really wanted to, I believe they could open this tomorrow.
Then again, we don't know the status of FJ.
Unless they kept it closed.
IMHO, there are way too many variables to make an accurate prediction.
I'm not going to argue but I DO KNOW for a fact TMs need to be trained maybe not all of them but there are still a good number of them. So considering that simple fact & they are still doing finishing touches it won't open tomorrow. If they didn't need to have everything painted & TMs trained they would have been able to be open for Grad Bash. So if for some strange reason it does Grad Bash people even though you got free tickets I would get ready to throw your rocks at guest services & I am sure than JK would throw with you for opening it with things unfinished. It's not finished it's not opening simple as that.
I will be watching this board like a hawk tomorrow. Thanks Teebin for your information that is not legit like Wednesday. I can't wait to hear misstatements or whatever we may hear tomorrow.