The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 341 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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I'm sure they had to have some sort of way to ID them, because they go by month, but they also have classification for wand core and something else, so maybe they have weird dots on them. Idk.

And I think we all should give Colleendoll one huge Orlando United hug, as well as support for her kids. :)
Hay guys, i have a few questions of things im trying to get cleared up
1. whats all this talk about lines in the morning to get into WWOHP. Will i need to get there before the park opens to get in when i go on june 28
2. someone said that planning a two day trip to wwohp would leave me dissapointed. why
3. when ron makes it snow in the dADA class, does it really snow on you
4. is it really confirmed to have snow machines so we can throw snow like ellen

if someone can answser these i would appreciate it
Okay, I'll answer with as much as I know.
1. I'm pretty sure you'll have to get in pretty early, especially circa June 18th. They will have to close the entrance to all of IOA because of crowds. Good luck!
2. Haha, I'm sure it's because of two things: the theming, and the lines. XP
3. Yes, it does snow on you. Confirmed by people who have visited. :)
4. I'm not sure. It didn't snow during TM previews as far as I know, so we'll see about that.
Teebin is going to pull one of his nasties, and accuse me of all sorts of things, but... I've been told that there is a very good chance that on Monday they may open TWWoHP to the general public for a soft.

Okay, Teebin, go at it. Amuse me with your vile.
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but is there any plans/ have they already changed the front gate at the entrance of IOA that has small plates on it for all of the "lands" in the park?

Not so far, they haven't. Unfortunately I don't expect they ever will :/

However I will be heading out tomorrow, so I'll check that, and of course report on any possible softs or news, and expect some form of a picture update. Who knows, I'm really there mostly for Mythos. And for those who follow other threads, btw, I'll be checking out the issues on Hulk and CITH. :thumbs:

--- Update ---

Teebin is going to pull one of his nasties, and accuse me of all sorts of things, but... I've been told that there is a very good chance that on Monday they may open TWWoHP to the general public for a soft.

Okay, Teebin, go at it. Amuse me with your vile.

I expect actually DFB, not Teebin, might attack on this. Prepare yourself.

And I know it's feeble, but oh do I hope for softs tomorrow!
I was just going to bed but I saw your post Scott & had to say something. I mean really be honest your just copying teebin now arn't you it's ok you can tell us we won't hate on your for it lol. But really I don't know who told you that but really as of me typing now still nothing is set in stone 100% things have to be signed, sealed, & delivered & I'm not sure if that's been done yet. So much to do in so little time. So Scott very interesting but nothing is set quite yet sir. Goodnight
I was just going to bed but I saw your post Scott & had to say something. I mean really be honest your just copying teebin now arn't you it's ok you can tell us we won't hate on your for it lol. But really I don't know who told you that but really as of me typing now still nothing is set in stone 100% things have to be signed, sealed, & delivered & I'm not sure if that's been done yet. So much to do in so little time. So Scott very interesting but nothing is set quite yet sir. Goodnight

What did I tell ya?! All hail the psychic mantaguy! Maybe I should be the new Divination teacher! :lol:
How are you so sure that this person's right, ScottinNY? In no way am I being indicative of you being wrong, it's just that I want to know, lol.

And, lmao, Mantaguy. xD
(We all love you, DFB, just in case you thought otherwise!)
Actually, I haven't been following. Had Teebin said Monday?

Here's the skinny... A while ago someone from Universal took pity on me when I thought I might hitch a ride with some friends and come down to Florida. This was over a month ago and this person reassured me that there was no chance that the rumors at that time were true and that the "Island" would not be open. For a while we remained in contact, but I haven't been around much for several reasons, one Universal legal got into a snit over some posts I made and I found some of the posters here rather rude and unnecessarily vile.

I have from time-to-time checked in, because I like most people here am very excited about TWWoHP, but as I typed earlier, I'm no longer a avid follower of this post. Recently, this source has befriend a friend here, which is sort of neat and cool and perhaps I've made a new friend in all of this when the dust settles. My friend is going on Monday based on the recommendation of this source. That's the story. Believe it or not. I honestly don't know if it will come true. I honestly don't know the Teebin reference you're making. I avoid his posts as he's rather nasty and mean spirited. So, if he too predicted Monday, perhaps that's just more reason to believe it's true.
Also... please be it known that I had believed - from the same source - that perhaps today was the day. Well, it didn't come to fruition, so the comment that nothing is etched in stone until it actually happens is true. Just thought for those of you who are close and can easily stop by that you might want to try. I'm promising nothing. Personally, I don't work for Universal. I just know some people who do and...
Also... please be it known that I had believed - from the same source - that perhaps today was the day. Well, it didn't come to fruition, so the comment that nothing is etched in stone until it actually happens is true. Just thought for those of you who are close and can easily stop by that you might want to try. I'm promising nothing. Personally, I don't work for Universal. I just know some people who do and...

Well ScottInNY, I will be headed over to IOA early in the morning on Monday (if my plans don't change because of this forum, which they do quite frequently, I was planning on going sunday/tomorrow) Just because Monday seems like a good soft opening day, DisFreak, I know, I know, You know but I still want to see for myself. Luckily I only live an hour and a half away so I can go when I like, which I plan on doing everytime a cricket chirps about something...
ill be going on money thanks to scott unless somebody on the forum fully convinces me that nothing will be happening. me and my boyfriend and a few fag hags will be camped out
wow so they can close the entrance to ioa due to crowds, so if im going ten days aftergrand opening, how early do you all anticipate i get there before park opens
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wow so they can close the entrance to ioa due to crowds, so if im going ten days after opening, how early do you all anticipate i get there before opening

Most of the crowds don't appear at opening. Usually the place floods at about 10. (this is purely personal experience, so as usual, take it with a grain of the salty stuff) I'd say that if the park is to reach capacity and close its gates to incoming traffic, it'll probably happen at about 11-12. Again grain of sodium chloride.
Hi folks -- I received the latest Entertainment Weekly issue in the mail today, and they have a "Sneak Peek" article of WWoHP, from a trip they took there on 5/17. I tried to link the article above, but now I realize the online version on teases the magazine article. So I thought I'd transcribe it for you guys in case you were interested.

Forgive me if this isn't news, I haven't been following the WWoHP as closely --- but after reading this, I am ULTRA excited for this, particularly the part about Hog's Head pub. :thumbs:

Highlight to read, since there are definitely park experience spoilers:

"The first thing you should know about The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" (admission: $79/day for adults, $69 for kids) is that the Butterbeer tastes magical. It's frothy, butterscothy, and incredibly yummy, and it's one of many details that make the theme park - part of Universal's Islands of Adventure in Orlando - a transportive delight for Potter fans. EW was invited to take an early tour on May 17. Accio highlights!

SHOPPING: Prepare to drop more than a few Galleons on Potterphenalia in the commercial area of Hogsmeade. There are Sneakoscopes ($15) at Zonko's joke shop; Peppermint Toads ($7) at Honeydukes' sweet shop; Quaffles ($20), Bludgers ($22), and Golden Snitches ($15) at Dervish and Banges' magic shop. (You can even buy a Firebolt broomstick - for $300.) Thanks to close supervision by the Potter films' design team, everything looks and feels precisely right, down to the absurdly high shelves and cramped, English-style layouts. In other words, expect some tight crowds. Purists may scoff that Ollivander's wand shop has been apparated here from Diagon Alley, but who cares when you can buy Sirius Black's wand ($25)?

FOOD: Shepherd's pie and chocolate trifle are on the menu at the Three Broomsticks, and with their floppy, pointed hats, the employees do sort of look like house elves. Elbow up to the Hog's Head pub next door for a special, park-only alcoholic brew, but don't be shocked if the namesake mounted on the wall starts snarling at you.

RIDES: There are three. Flight of the Hippogrifff and Dragon Challenge are well-executed, if conventional, roller coasters. The park's signature cutting-edge ride, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, wasn't running yet during our visit. But that hardly mattered, since the queue for it takes guests on a bewitching journey through Hogwarts castle itself. Somehow, the living portraits do look like talking oil paintings instead of just framed TV screens. Enter Dumbledore's office, and the headmaster (i.e., Michael Gambon) happily welcomes the first Muggles ever to set foot inside the school. And after arriving at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Harry, Hermione, and Ron (i.e., Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint) conspire to save everyone from one of Professor Binns' dull history lessons - and then Ron accidentally makes it snow.

OTHER STUFF: The greenhouse doesn't feature any moving plants (a missed opportunity, we think), but clever touches abound at the park. Quills write on their own, a book of monsters snaps at bystanders, and a tape measure plays with the hem of Hermione's Yule Ball dress. Just try not to spill your pumpkin juice - nothing quite breaks the spell like a Muggle trying to hide a stain on his shirt.

SIDEBAR: Hear that? A four-person Hogwarts choir periodically gathers to sing sons like "Double Trouble" (from Prisoner of Azkaban) and "Do the Hippogriff" (with bullfrog puppets). Also, you can hear Moaning Myrtle giggling at you while you're in the bathroom."
geeze manta your scientific lingo is too much to handle after 10pm lol

I love that every comment made in that ew artice is themed, even comments about things they didnt expect.