The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 342 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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lol, ok are you calling me a rooster? Im confused lol... and sleepy haha.

DANG IT!!!!! I'm really sorry, DREAMCAT. It was rewster who posted the article. Maybe it's time to hit the hay!

Edit: wait a second, I was talking to rewster. I gave him the rep. Only the lol went to dreamcat. Ok I know I'm tired.
Heyy guys,

Long time lurker but I figured I would post already about how excited I am for WWOHP to finally open! I feel like I've been waiting for it forever (like most of you I'm sure). I don't think I've been this excited for something in a while. I'm heading there for my 21st bday at the end of June and I can't even wait. Thanks everyone for keeping me fully updated about everything. I hope everyone that's getting to go for an early opening or whatever has a great time and that everything is up and running soon! And keep updating us :)
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Heyy guys,

Long time lurker but I figured I would post already about how excited I am for WWOHP to finally open! I feel like I've been waiting for it forever (like most of you I'm sure). I don't think I've been this excited for something in a while. I'm heading there for my 21st bday at the end of June and I can't even wait. Thanks everyone for keeping me fully updated about everything. I hope everyone that's getting to go for an early opening or whatever has a great time and that everything is up and running soon! And keep updating us :)

Nice! You get to have your first drink be the Hog's Head Brew! (I hope it's your first. :look:)

Anyway, :welcome:

Good night, ya'll!
The one thing I've noticed that we haven't heard or talked anything about in the WWOHP is Filches emporium of confiscated goods. Even though its still a "giftshop" It should be good size because of ride photos, and hopefully well themed. I wonder exactly where it will be...
Haha thanks! And I guess I can say it will be my first at Hog's Head...but not my first ;)

haha its going to be your first legal drink! I turn 21 in december and plan on going there and doing that (and it will be my actual first full drink).

manta, I totally just realized there was a space meaning two different people oh well we were both tired. Im going to sleep too now.

universalhead, that is weird its like the store doesnt exist in some reviews.
Long time lurker, finally new member... I have always gotten a lot of really good information off this board. First went to Disney and Universal March 2009. I was blown away! I grew up going to Six Flags in Dallas and Astroworld in Houston. I had never experienced anything to the level of the parks in Orlando. I loved it so much, I went back... Three more times in 2009. Going back in June 8-24, 4 days at Uni and the rest at Disney. I fear now that my daughter (17) is going to bankrupt me at WWOHP. ;)

I have one thing to say...

"We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace.... ....come here to this gate. Mr. (Universal) Studios, open this gate. Mr. Studios, tear down this wall!" -and open WWOHP ! (early) ;)

This will probably make no sense to some of the younger members on the board...
haha its going to be your first legal drink! I turn 21 in december and plan on going there and doing that (and it will be my actual first full drink).

i say we're both pretty lucky to be spending our big 2-1 at WWOHP :) maybe we'll both be even luckier and be the chosen one at ollivanders on our days? riiiiiiiight haha wishful thinking i know
Long time lurker, finally new member... I have always gotten a lot of really good information off this board. First went to Disney and Universal March 2009. I was blown away! I grew up going to Six Flags in Dallas and Astroworld in Houston. I had never experienced anything to the level of the parks in Orlando. I loved it so much, I went back... Three more times in 2009. Going back in June 8-24, 4 days at Uni and the rest at Disney. I fear now that my daughter (17) is going to bankrupt me at WWOHP. ;)

I have one thing to say...

"We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace.... ....come here to this gate. Mr. (Universal) Studios, open this gate. Mr. Studios, tear down this wall!" -and open WWOHP ! (early) ;)

This will probably make no sense to some of the younger members on the board...

Are you referring to the Berlin Wall? And I'm 16 & 1/2 if that's considered young lol.
The only thing that actually sucks is that there is no room to expand even if they wanted to.

--- Update ---

I think that JK rolling should have created her own theme park.
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You have restored my faith in your generation!! ;) :mickey2:

Thanks very much!

A lot of us teenagers are smart mature kids who have brains and act maturely. A lot of us have a good knowledge too lol. It's just that it seems like the majority of teenagers of idiotic and like to cause trouble for no reason. But seriously, brought a smile to my face ER-Nurse.

About Harry Potter, anything going on tomorrow(technically today) or this week? Looking through here, I thought someone said today will be a good day and that May 28th will be soft openings.
I was just going to bed but I saw your post Scott & had to say something. I mean really be honest your just copying teebin now arn't you it's ok you can tell us we won't hate on your for it lol. But really I don't know who told you that but really as of me typing now still nothing is set in stone 100% things have to be signed, sealed, & delivered & I'm not sure if that's been done yet. So much to do in so little time. So Scott very interesting but nothing is set quite yet sir. Goodnight

DFB you really are annoying and don't even have the tact to read before you desperately rant, Scott wrote precisely this:

I've been told that there is a very good chance that on Monday they may open TWWoHP to the general public for a soft.

I guess you missed "THERE'S A VERY GOOD CHANCE" or maybe the part where it CLEEEARLYY says "MAY OPEN". Please learn to read and then whine Scott never assured us it would be open.

People who have a tiny little insignificant scoop suddenly feel all mighty enough to correct and command (ie. DFB). Like I said, annoying.

Giant thanks a lot for your reply, that´s awesome!! And I understand, with what you said was more than enough.
To think of it theres been no discussion of Filchs emporium of confiscated goods...hmm oh thats probably because you exit through that way after the ride and the only way to get to it is to walk through the exit. I figure they took people in the queue and made them go through like an emergency exit door and there was no point in backtracking through the exit to just show them that i suppose...
To think of it theres been no discussion of Filchs emporium of confiscated goods...hmm oh thats probably because you exit through that way after the ride and the only way to get to it is to walk through the exit. I figure they took people in the queue and made them go through like an emergency exit door and there was no point in backtracking through the exit to just show them that i suppose...

I'm pretty sure I've read this in some reports, and I've also been told, that they indeed went out of the FJ building through Filch's. The only things I remember hearing about it, though, is how tiny it was :-(

EDIT: Thank god for Google! Scratch that... Google is God! :lol: So, I searched "Filch's Chess" (I remembered that in some report or other they had mentioned that they sold the Wizard's Chess set there) and where should I be directed to, other than RIGHT HERE, of COURSE! :D

Filch's Emporium

It will become monotonous and repetitive to declare this space as tight and restrictive. It was so claustrophobic that, after wading through the sea of TMs, I accidentally took the exit to the backstage area. But the merchandise is worth the struggle -- and while I don't have all the prices memorized, here are some items and prices to give you an idea.

The most expensive item in WWoHP, according to a well-informed TM at Filch's is... Wizard's Chess at a whopping $400. No, it doesn't move on it's own, but it is a highly detailed item. ...Second, is... House Chess; decorated gold and silver (Gryffindor vs. Slytherin), the chess set is quidditch-themed and priced at $300. ...An item that surprised me at its expense is the... Marauder's Map. It's encased in a glass frame with hinges, but it is elaborate, extensive, and exactly like one would imagine it -- minus the footsteps of living beings. $64.95. ...One final unique item, that the TM took me to the cash register to check out, was... Mad-eye Moody's staff -- this would be an amazing thing to have if it wasn't so damned heavy! But it was a really cool item; I did not request the price.

The regular post-ride shop items can be found, many of which tempted me. Sirius Black wanted-poster coffee mugs, Bellatrix t-shirts, stuffed unicorns, owls, phoenixes, Crookshanks, and Scabbers (who is appropriately missing a toe). Hogwarts journals, beer steins, towels, pillows, throw rugs, and clothing. Even Voldemort action-figures (more like a doll...). To quote the lawyer from Jurassic Park, "We're going to make a fortune with this place!"

Tight quarters will be the chief complaint of every shop and space in WWoHP, minus the Three Broomsticks, which will be the topic of my next post. But Filch's is wonderfully themed and contains many items unique to it in WWoHP, and the staff were very knowledgeable about their shop already.


Any update on whether express will be accessible for Forbidden Journey and/or Dragon Challenge?

We haven't heard anything about Express in DC :shrug:
We did hear from some people that they have gone throught the express queue in FJ, but that's probably the way they've been routing some of the tours during some previews. So we definitely know there's an Express queue for FJ, but not sure when it will be open :shrug:

So basically... :shrug:
Why would a mocking bird be chirping at 3:40 am? Don't they wait until there is a hint of dawn??? I hate guns and love animals but I could have shot that sucker to the ground this morning... thus I have been up since said time.

So, I guess overnight I was declared as vile, I was claimed to have suggested that Monday was a soft opening which I did not. I have no contact or info on park operations at all... AT ALL. Only TMs might have a sense as to when they have been scheduled to be "on deck" in full... and they are doing a good job at being mum about this.

I guess that only leaves one possible fact, that I can be "vile" at times. I promise that I am a really nice person 90% of the time even though the 10% moments can stick like gum to a shoe.

Anyway... as the sun rises in the eastern sky, let me wish you all Guten Morgen!