The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 350 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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It just sucks that I'll have to cancel my trip if it doesn't open by May 28th for package-holders. We're supposed to be coming in June 2nd-7th but will have to resort to Plan B if FJ isn't running.
I would think that is package holders paid to be in the area and ride the rides, I would be REALLY bad PR for them to not let these people get on the ride itself.

UO would look bad in soo many eyes.
What i mean is we know that FJ is ridable so whats with all the negativity, some of you OU'ers do like to bring out the worst of every situation :lol:

To be honest, it's better not to get your expectations out of whack. Considering none of the employees or media were allowed to ride it recently, I find it highly probable.

If I remember correctly, the "small print" for the package holders mentioned Breakfest at 3 Broomsticks..which is something that could easily be done, considering we know that other people have already eaten also mentions "private preview time in the park" something that is also possible. What it doesnt mention is an exclusive ride on the FJ. If anything it says "if rides are not open, we will not be held accountable" ...I really hope everyone gets to ride FJ, but considering not many people have it makes me a little weary.

Now if the Previews included the ride, I would feel completely different.
Until we get ride reports and reactions, I'm not going to believe that anyone has ridden the ride.

We all know people have ridden the ride and we know elements of the ride, now we need someone on here to bring it all together and paint a magical picture of it.

I hope to do that for you guys this upcoming weekend :smiley:
The ride is working, they just haven't let anyone on it yet.

Its just a matter of time of when and who will get on.
Yeah FJ is working just not open. There is a lot of gray area as to why but it isn't anything that should cause package holders to miss out. The very least I see happening is they open it (maybe not to the best of the ride's ability) ONLY for the package people so they can make it on for a bit but not for public until the 18th.
::live update from IOA::
So supoooooosidly no softs today, via manager. They said if there was going to be a soft open they would at least know what day. But according to you guys, what do TMs know anyways. We sat in front of the gates for a bit and noticed a group of important looking people. We then decided that we should check out the other WW vantage points. When we neared the entrance to DD we heard the frog choir and stopped to listen for a bit. They sang several songs. Then while we were by the green houses we heard the audio pretty loud. They mostly played songs from the first film, songs that you'd associate with the students in the halls and what not. It fit. Anyways I think what was happening was audio tweeking. The group of people we saw enter Hogsmead were th same people we saw at the greenhouses, they seemed to be taking notes. All the black walls in hogsmead are on wheels. No music/ projections in DD. Music was playing in Hogsmead. Sorry if this was not as exciting an update as you all (and I had hoped) but just thought I'd give my observations. You can follow me on Twitter: hycontrastkid. I'll be here all day and come back tomorro and or Wednesday if there seems to be anything worth seeing.
Yeah FJ is working just not open. There is a lot of gray area as to why but it isn't anything that should cause package holders to miss out. The very least I see happening is they open it (maybe not to the best of the ride's ability) ONLY for the package people so they can make it on for a bit but not for public until the 18th.

I hope package holders get to ride it since they paid the money & since UO has everyone's expectations up (and of course I want a report), but honestly I will just be happy if it's up and running by grand opening...since I won't be heading there till the end of June. UO is keeping me and my hands and toes with all this secrecy! I have faith in them!
UO is doing last minute tweeks to the ride and area no doubt and just trying to not only run as perfect as possible, but with as little hiccups as possible as well. They don't want 2 years in a row with a new ride opening up and constantly going down and breaking. They have WAY too much invested in this to not get it right.

HRRR was a filler ride for them to do SOMETHING while we waited for Potter and for USF to get a new ride as well.
^^^ Yes! Remember that WWoHP was supposed to open earlier than this, possibly even Christmas 2009. The timing would have HRRR opening just prior, and hopefully drawing some of the massive crowds away from IOA.
I guess we really just have to wait until May 28th to see what happens.

But Universal keeps going back on a lot of what they told guests coming to the resort around that time at first. One-time Express per day for on-site guests became no Express whatsoever for FJ. One-hour early admission for on-site guests became 30 minutes early admission for hotel guests.. and I don't even see Universal organizing this as well as they should.

Just crossing my fingers for FJ being open. Without FJ, IOA just has a new shopping district.