The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 352 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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No. I know what it is, and I don't know why no one else has figured it out yet.

It's He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Voldemort has all of the Universal big-wigs under an Imperious Curse. They are torturing us at his bidding.

I already came up with that one but a few pages ago...just take out Voldemort and add JK Rowling. Possible she wants to ride it before anyone else does, so she can brag about it on Twitter. :)
I don't think the word "Capacity" is in Universal's vocabulary.

maybe not, but Im sure it's in the Fire Marshall's vocab. Im sure these stores will have outdoor lines when they are extremely busy, as they can only leagally allow so many people in at a given time.
No. I know what it is, and I don't know why no one else has figured it out yet.

It's He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Voldemort has all of the Universal big-wigs under an Imperious Curse. They are torturing us at his bidding.

Does that make OU members Dumbledore's Army?

And that we should sneak into the Forbidden Journey building at night?

But wait . . . that would mean it's a trap! So we can't go!
Well in my opinion (which i realize isn't worth much, but for the record), if the TM's had been able to ride FJ, the reports would have been something like "Yes, we got to ride it, but I can't say anything." They wouldn't have been told to lie and say they weren't allowed to ride.
I already came up with that one but a few pages ago...just take out Voldemort and add JK Rowling. Possible she wants to ride it before anyone else does, so she can brag about it on Twitter. :)

Where do you get this perception that JK Rowling is this pretentious, greedy, controlling person? The contract, if I am correct, is between Universal and WB. JK Rowling only factors in as a consultant, at the most, who gets royalties because she created the whole darn thing that is gonna fill Universal's and WB's pockets even more. They go to her for approval because they want to get this thing right, please the fans, and get more bu$ine$$. JK Rowling does not control this whole project. I don't know if you're joking about JK Rowling or not, but I don't like it. Sorry that I get defensive, but it's not cool when they mess with one of your heroes, and that's just not the way JK Rowling is. I'm not saying she is perfect... she's human... but she's one of the most giving and humble "celebrities" out there, and I'm pretty sure she respects the boundries.
Well in my opinion (which i realize isn't worth much, but for the record), if the TM's had been able to ride FJ, the reports would have been something like "Yes, we got to ride it, but I can't say anything." They wouldn't have been told to lie and say they weren't allowed to ride.

You are absolutely right. If the TMs rode this we would know about it. Notice one member saw the loading room (something others havent seen) but was not allowed to speak about it. It would have been the same situation.

At this point, it's definitely more probable that Emma and the crew were mugging it up for the camera....but in my personal opinion, I just think that they are trying to get the ride cycling with all the special effects at 100% before allowing people on and getting a false impression of the ride. They could have been test subjects..

Which brings up another question...If they are cycling the ride, why not let the employees be the guinea pigs?

--- Update ---

Where do you get this perception that JK Rowling is this pretentious, greedy, controlling person? The contract, if I am correct, is between Universal and WB. JK Rowling only factors in as a consultant, at the most, who gets royalties because she created the whole darn thing that is gonna fill Universal's and WB's pockets even more. They go to her for approval because they want to get this thing right, please the fans, and get more bu$ine$$. JK Rowling does not control this whole project. I don't know if you're joking about JK Rowling or not, but I don't like it. Sorry that I get defensive, but it's not cool when they mess with one of your heroes, and that's just not the way JK Rowling is. I'm not saying she is perfect... she's human... but she's one of the most giving and humble "celebrities" out there, and I'm pretty sure she respects the boundries.

Felipe it was a joke..
Ok, I was wondering. I haven't gotten to know you much yet, so I don't know your kind of humor.

sorry, I Thought the Twitter comment and the smiling face was a good indication of my intentions.

I wouldnt say JK is evil, but she is a VERY smart and savy business woman, and she does not settle until she gets exactly what she wants. This is main reason she is one of the richest people in the world, NOT becuase of writing Harry Potter, but because of how she has promoted the brand and made smart business decisions. You could write the greatest novel ever, but if you don't have a good head on your shoulders it may never even be published.
Im starting to think that the "package preview" may be similar to what the Team members preview has been..they will get to see the inside of the park, shop and eat, and see the FJ line, but wont be able to actually ride it. Unless something changes in the next few days...I would imagine it's "crunch" time for Universal right now.

If FJ doesn't open for the package people, then it'll seem to me like something's up. Let's hope it at least opens on June 18th :look:

A Universal Team member told me (in front of a rather large group I might add) that grand opening package guests have not been guaranteed a ride on FJ, or a visit inside any of the shops. That sucks for them if they don't get to really experience any of it and they paid a ton of money for it. I'd be mad.. and ask for all my money back.

We do not know this. People are only assuming no one has gone on it. We only heard that team members that went to the previews supposedly didn't get to ride FJ. These are Universal team members that work all around the resort, not just those in the WWoHP. For all we know the TMs in the preview could have gone on the ride and had to sign a non-disclosure agreement that prevents them from saying that they went on it with their jobs are on the line. I don't remember hearing from any of the ride operators or any other TMs from FJ, so we don't know if they've gone on the ride. It's all a big unknown right now and people are assuming that because there's no information or ride reports, then it must mean that no one has gone on it. This is not necessarily true ;-)

Most parks have a media disclosure that team members have to sign. When they break it, they can be terminated. That even goes as far as taking pictures, expressing opinions, and leaking "inside" information. Universal might have a different policy than stuff that's listed above, but they need some sort of "protection" from team members leaking secrets everywhere and not being able to do anything about it.
Pictures from yesterday.
























More later.....
Right but if apply enough pressure they will "leak"


:lol: I agree. If anyone had ridden it, they would say they had ridden it but give no further details if they couldn't.

This is not the first major attraction opening of our time. We know how these things work. TMs are not sworn to secrecy that they've even been able to ride it.

I'm sure the cast members were able to ride it. What excuse would they have for not giving them a sneak peek when it's a week away from supposedly being due to open for the first batch of package-holders and a month from the general public?
I feel like this thread took a couple steps back. everyone thinks the ride is broken or that it's a roller coaster or something.
The Universal Creative team would not be letting people walk the queue and hype this experience if they were behind the scenes panicing that it didn't work...lets be real it's going to be fine
I don't think the word "Capacity" is in Universal's vocabulary.

That will be the truth if they can't get FJ running at full speed, and we end up having another HRRR on our hands

I can only imagine how many problems they're running into with this complex ride system, the large amount of vehicles, plus all of the coordination that has to occur along with the whole thing (like the carousels). As innovative as they were at the time, the carousels were the most common point of failure in Epcot's original Imagination ride.
I'm sorry but like I said a page ago.

UO would be ROYALLY stupid to not let these people on the ride. That will be on the evening news in 5 minutes.
sorry, I Thought the Twitter comment and the smiling face was a good indication of my intentions.

I wouldnt say JK is evil, but she is a VERY smart and savy business woman, and she does not settle until she gets exactly what she wants. This is main reason she is one of the richest people in the world, NOT becuase of writing Harry Potter, but because of how she has promoted the brand and made smart business decisions. You could write the greatest novel ever, but if you don't have a good head on your shoulders it may never even be published.

I agree partially... but it's a long discussion we can have some other time on a Harry Potter/JK Rowling thread :p

On with WWoHP now... :)

Water dummies can keep secrets...

yep :lol:

Right but if apply enough pressure they will "leak"


yep :rofl:

AWESOME PICS mantaguy!! :rep:

I wonder if these (speakers?) will ever get covered...

Nothing is wrong with Forbidden Journey. It's been cycling for about 2 or 3 months. (With some hilarious stories, I might add)

I'm planning on being there this Friday and I fully intend on riding FJ and seeing all the shops, since i'm pretty -positive- it'll be open.