The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 353 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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King_K I would like to believe the same thing but let's not count our dragons before they hatch. Something could always go majorly wrong but let us hope nothing does.
I'd like to add my two cents... A few days ago, I posted that today was probably the first general public soft opening. Unless something changes, it seems I was wrong. For those who read what I posted, arrived today and were disappointed, I am truly sorry. Let me tell you what I know and don't know.

I have befriended someone who has been working on The Forbidden Journey. I also have a very old dear friend who's also a member of this forum. Today he traveled to the parks because our mutual friend who is working on the project seemed to believe that today was the day. It was always understood that plans change. Someone here wrote earlier that they thought Universal's reasons for not opening Forbidden Journey had all to do with tweaking the ride, making sure it's as close to "perfect" as possible. I don't know this as a fact, but I believe this is accurate. Universal knows all too well that the moment they open those gates and allow people in to ride Forbidden Journey that the experience will be all over the Internet and therefore all over the world. It will be less than 30 minutes between letting people ride and hundreds of reviews either praising or criticizing their efforts. With this much pressure, I am sure that they want those first impressions to be extremely positive.

I don't believe that Forbidden Journey is in trouble. Quite the contrary. I believe that there are probably some simple - maybe even complex - tweaks that the designers are sure they can do in the time allotted that will make the ride experience just that much better. Universal is under no obligation to soft open today. If they feel that something can be improved before holding back opening the ride causes a public relations nightmare, I am sure that's exactly what they'll do - are doing.

I haven't heard from my friend today. Again, I'm sorry to those who went and didn't get to experience The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (unless something magical happens later today/night). I agree that we're all just being a little hyper because we've waited so long and clearly we all share an amazing passion for both Harry Potter and theme parks in general.
Hey guys!!!! Currently am trying to catch up on all the posts I missed while I was away (Currently on Page 414...out of 464+...gonna take me a while needless to say). I wanted to report back on what I saw at IOA concerning WWoHP.

1. Don't see how HP ruins the theming of JP. True, seeing the castle does detract from it a bit, but I wouldn't say it tottally ruins it.
2. Words can't describe how it feels to see the Hogwarts Castle and Hogsmeade in person. Universal has done a truly astounding job here (Yes, WWoHP was not ready for softs yet). There are several really good vantage points into Hogsmeade and of Hogwarts castle...I even got several good peeks at the greenhouse area. The plants in the area do not appear to be audioanimatrnics (as far as my puny eyes could see).
3. Imposing Security guard was placed at exit ramp to Hogsmeade. He really enjoyed staring down guests that would stop there to get one of the best views of the castle possible.
4. Day I was there, Hogwarts express was bellowing steam from its pipe...gave me the chills.
5. Met a TM who got to preview the area. She said it was amazing and that "The queue is better than the ride." How she would know this is beyond me...maybe some TMs got to ride the ride after me. I asked her when she thought the area would be ready for softs and she told me she didn't know...later adding that she hopes by Friday, slyly grinning.

anyways thats my report. I also have some news on the (now castrated)Cat in The Hat ride, but since it does not have to do with HP I will go ahead and post it in the appropiate thread (unless u guys want to hear it on here).
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The rest of my pictures from yesterday.
























That will be the truth if they can't get FJ running at full speed, and we end up having another HRRR on our hands

I can only imagine how many problems they're running into with this complex ride system, the large amount of vehicles, plus all of the coordination that has to occur along with the whole thing (like the carousels). As innovative as they were at the time, the carousels were the most common point of failure in Epcot's original Imagination ride.

My mole on the grounds of Hogwarts said yesterday was not a good day for things staying in their place inside FJ.

Also, everyone involved in the project are apparantly pretty amused by the people camping outside of the walls hoping for a soft.
My mole on the grounds of Hogwarts said yesterday was not a good day for things staying in their place inside FJ.

Also, everyone involved in the project are apparantly pretty amused by the people camping outside of the walls hoping for a soft.

I'm sure they are having a hoot looking at the people waiting to ride something they've been waiting 2 years for.

"F" the people laughing, and they can go screw themselves. :censored:

The people waiting outside the gate are either

1. Loyal annual passholders and are dying to ride something new to one of the best theme parks in the world.
2. Huge fans of a series that would not be where it is if not for these people.

So if people are laughing that people are actually willing to wait outside a gate to possibly, hopefully ride a new ride, they need to dunk their heads in a vat of butterbeer and shut their trap.


Sorry that made me pissed off, rant over.
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Thanks mantaguy for the pics

Also you can throw all the stones at me you want but I also laugh at the people who go several days in a row just to wait in front of a gate. Just wait until it opens I mean really it's a waste of your time & energy & I find the whole thing ridiculous
Thanks mantaguy for the pics

Also you can throw all the stones at me you want but I also laugh at the people who go several days in a row just to wait in front of a gate. Just wait until it opens I mean really it's a waste of your time & energy & I find the whole thing ridiculous

Well for some people they don't live within driving distance to the area so they can't go so much. I doubt it is the same people waiting outside the gate everyday, minus 1 or 2 people who have nothing better to do. But the majority of them are people who have been planning this vacation and hoping to ride the ride and see the area.

Not trying to start another Ollivanders debate, but I just find it disrespectful of people laughing at others when they are in the area working on the things that people are dying to see.

Its like taunting and bullying "look at what I have/seen that you don't have."
Im sure if I worked there I would be laughing too. Not that I don't support and encourage other board members with unlimted time, season passes, and hopefully free parking to attend the park on a daily basis, as SOMEONE has to do it.

If you work for a media site or a blog that is one thing, but really there are lot of better things you could be doing then sitting in front of a theme park waiting for the gates to open.

I realize that there are lot more productive things I could be doing right now as I post on a message board about an amusement park.


So I guess it works both ways...
I was 8 when IOA opened so did Spiderman have have many technical problems early on? Or has it even had many problems ever. I've ridden it a ton of times and it had a small problem with the projector once but the ride didnt even stop. I'm asking because I know how FJ has been compared to Spiderman so many times.