The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 619 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Alright got to ask where were you stuck for 2 + hours(in what scene). And in the end were you evacuated?
Alright got to ask where were you stuck for 2 + hours(in what scene). And in the end were you evacuated?

Right after the Dragon. We eventually evacuated as our vehicle basically traveled along the track, with the lights on, near the end of the ride. :lol:

If I see you, I'm buying you that butterbeer we all promised you way back when. Much deserved!

Much appreciated. :lol:
Okay - my mother is a crazy person and is insisting we travel to Universal over the Fourth of July weekend, arriving early morning (to be optimistic let's say 10 AM) on Saturday the third and leaving following closing on the fourth. Is this a crazed plot? Obviously no one can predict the future, but based on people who have been this weekend thus far, am I going to endure a two hour wait to enter the area itself? I do not mind in the least waiting to enter any of the rides, the restaurant, or even the shops - but it'll be a great shame if my access to the area is extremely restricted.

(Also, I'll be staying on-site, if that helps at all. Any word on express for Forbidden Journey?)
Okay - my mother is a crazy person and is insisting we travel to Universal over the Fourth of July weekend, arriving early morning (to be optimistic let's say 10 AM) on Saturday the third and leaving following closing on the fourth. Is this a crazed plot? Obviously no one can predict the future, but based on people who have been this weekend thus far, am I going to endure a two hour wait to enter the area itself? I do not mind in the least waiting to enter any of the rides, the restaurant, or even the shops - but it'll be a great shame if my access to the area is extremely restricted.

(Also, I'll be staying on-site, if that helps at all. Any word on express for Forbidden Journey?)

As of now, there are no plans to have express for FJ. It's getting the Rockit treatment. As far as 4th of July goes, be in for a hectic crowd. It's always a busy holiday to begin with. As far as how they will set it up, it is beyond me. It's to new of a ride to really gauge what's to come. My advice is to prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
So, we're heading down to Potterland this morning. If anyone else is planning to be there, just look for a guy in a red shirt that's not Brazilian. ;)

It's got a four-leaf clover on the front, as well. XD
A bit restless, on our way back home so thought I would check the forum for updates.

Tebin - Post Mark and are they making money? I purchased 5 post cards which totaled $2 and change. Then I went back and purchased a sheet stamps but forget the price (44 cent stamps I think there were 10 in the sheet). The post mark was free. Before I wrote out the cards I asked if they would post mark it first but they said to write out the cards first. BIG mistake! I wrote where they post mark. My eldest daughter did get her post cards stamped first then wrote hers out. Luckily, I saw hers before I started my last two.

Where to Buy Butterbeer and Pumpkin Juice? There is a cart and table between the snow man and the entrance from JP. You wont see the Butter beer but the person manning that cart will pop in the doors right behind them and pop right back out with Butter beer in the mugs. I think someone else already posted you can buy it at the Butterbeer cart, Three Broomsticks, Hogs Head and there is also roaming waitress and waiter.

On Sunday all the Pigmy Puffs were gone. Even those in cages in the window display. On Friday an employee in Zonkos told my eldest daughter they would get more in August. I think they under estimated the number of people interested in this item.

Something else I noticed was the availability of Gryffindor pins…I only saw ONE type in the parks today and it was pretty plan looking. I bought it because it was part of a gift for the person watching over my house and pets. Glad my youngest purchased her pins on the 17th.

Funny note about my children and I in regards to the houses, youngest wanted Gryffindor items only, eldest daughter picked Slitherin, son picked Ravenclaw. Me? Well, I decided to complete the set and my house items were a Hufflepuff.

In regards to the woman who said there was no water in the lines that was not true. There were carts pushed to different areas of the line and they sold water and other beverages. There were also employees walking around with coolers strapped about their necks selling water for $2.75 a bottle. You could also get water filled in empty water bottles, souvenir cups and meal deal cups all along the line at any of the restaurants. We passed by several restaurants and carts and little snack shacks all along the way to the WWOHP. In fact I saw at least one cart going back for more bottled drinks, it only had ice in it and the employee stopped and asked if anyone in line wanted some ice. Dozens of people pushed there water bottles, cups, etc. into the cart and filled up with ice and the water within. I saw the drink carts and coolers around employees’ necks on the 18th and the 20th. If this happened to the woman on the 19th then I cannot say what happened on that day. We were in Universal Studios on the 19th.

I agree with Tbad - the lines and crowd did diminish quit a bit after the grand opening. We went back again on the 20th and had no problem getting in all three times. The only time we had to wait was in the morning when we, as hotel guests, waited in line from about 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM inside Dr. Seuss.

BriMan - What time did the ride break down when you were on? My children and I were in the queue today and it broke down while we were in the room just before the sorting hat. I laughed with my children and said “Which one of you wished to spend more time in Hogwarts castle?” and “It wouldn’t be the full experience if we didn’t experience FJ shutting down.” Hey, I consider us lucky the ride broke down while we were inside, AC working, dry floor to sit on while we waited…

THANK YOUs!!! (highly unlikely these people read the forum but thought why not mention it here)
We had one bad experience on the 18th but it had nothing to do with the staff or crowds. My youngest was cranky and her brother teased her a bit too much before the Hipogriff ride. She had already ridden Spiderman and FJ but this ride….Oh My Goodness! When we reached the loading area she Screamed! She Cried! She clung to the fence! The manager of the ride offered her a free plush Hipogriff if she got on the ride but her sobbing response was “Thanks but I have my own money and will buy one myself if you just let me go back the way I came.” I want to give a shout out and THANK YOU to HEATHER working at the ride who tried oh so sweetly to convince my daughter to ride. I couldn’t understand why this short little, non-scary ride would upset her so much. Later she told me her brother said it was a “Super Fast ride” but what he really meant was it was “short”. Yes, he teased her about it but he really, really tired to calm her down when she became ….well, hysterical.

To KAT at the FJ ride - you were soooo in character for the Slytherin! All three of my children enjoyed talking with you at the entrance to FJ on Thursday afternoon. Oh they wanted to see the guy that was with you at that time when we came back to the park on the 18th and 20th. The way he said “Watch out for that dragon. He will eat you alive.” Just cracked them up! Also, thank you for fixing my daughter’s Gryffindor tie.

To the lady escorting people into Olivanders, you were so sweet to my girls while we waited in line. The next day, after seeing thousands of guests in the park you remembered them! You also told my youngest that she was now famous in Brazil.

To the Manager of the Three Broomsticks - WOW you were so into the birthday! The kids and I were really touched. They want to make this a family tradition now, not just for themselves but when they have children (way down the road). I just knew if this experience this week was a hit UO would become a tradition for them as Disney has always been for me.
To KAT at the FJ ride - you were soooo in character for the Slytherin! All three of my children enjoyed talking with you at the entrance to FJ on Thursday afternoon. Oh they wanted to see the guy that was with you at that time when we came back to the park on the 18th and 20th. The way he said “Watch out for that dragon. He will eat you alive.” Just cracked them up! Also, thank you for fixing my daughter’s Gryffindor tie.

I'm so glad you had a positive experience! You've clearly gone the distance to make this adventure great for your kids. I actually worked with Kat at Dueling Dragons, before it was re-themed. She's a good egg.
Anybody else a bit alarmed at how quickly the attendance has dropped off in just THREE days of being open? A few days ago we had tens of thousands of people lined up way before park opening. I just checked the wait times for this morning, and FJ is a walk-on. I know the park just opened today, but that suggests no one is lining up early anymore.
Anybody else a bit alarmed at how quickly the attendance has dropped off in just THREE days of being open? A few days ago we had tens of thousands of people lined up way before park opening. I just checked the wait times for this morning, and FJ is a walk-on. I know the park just opened today, but that suggests no one is lining up early anymore.

According to several people on Twitter, there is an hour long line to get into WWoHP today. Why should we be alarmed in the attendance dropping? It was unusually busy on the grand opening. It wouldn't be logical to expect crowds like that for a long period of time.

Plus, the online wait times usually all start at 5 minutes when the park first opens. The first real update is basically 10:00 AM.
Wow what a lot of reading I just caught up with.

The crowds on Friday were nothing short of insane.

For the people standing in line and think it is Universal's job to babysit you and make sure you have water, GO AND BUY IT!

And for those who have gotten in, I'm jealous and happy for you at the same time.

Awww I'm so glad that it was perfect for you Colleen!
I'm concerned about the lack of merchandise...I mean...what will they put on that large shelf in place of the Pygmy Puffs? If they really are opening the online store, are they saving some for that?
I think attendance will remain steady. There were a ton of people who wanted to be there for the GO--but then again, there are many who wanted to experience it while it's fresh, but not in a mob. I think we'll see it packed the next couple months.

--- Update ---

I just checked the times again and Forbidden Journey is now 120 minutes. DC and FotH at 5 minutes and the highest outside of WWoHP is Spider-Man at 30 minutes.
It was pretty awesome to be able to jump on DC three times with no wait at all. Glad this is still the trend, because the relative coming down from NY loves coasters. He'll have a blast trying out the two different "dragons."
Wow what a lot of reading I just caught up with.

The crowds on Friday were nothing short of insane.

For the people standing in line and think it is Universal's job to babysit you and make sure you have water, GO AND BUY IT!

And for those who have gotten in, I'm jealous and happy for you at the same time.


Better, water is free at almost all beverage stands and counter service restaurants. Just go up and ask for a cup of water they will happily give it to you free of charge.
I definitely suggest to those headed out this summer to bring some snacks of your own and freeze some beverages before you go. If you don't plan on spending $50 on lunch for a family of 4, bring some food. Especially for the Wizarding World. Now, if eating at the TB is in your itinerary, then that's fine. But if you want to spend more on merchandise (if there is any left), pack your own. They let you bring it in! And if you see something else you want to eat, cool! But it's comforting and always smart to have some back-up nourishment.

--- Update ---

Guess the lady at Zonko's was right. Now they have an online store coming to sell out of more merch! This is definitely a major cash cow.
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Smoking Chimneys???

What happened to the smoking chimneys? We saw one smoking chimney back in March via Local6 Helicopter but none have been turned on since. Are they intended for winter only?

Will some of you employees ask around and see what you can find out?
What happened to the smoking chimneys? We saw one smoking chimney back in March via Local6 Helicopter but none have been turned on since. Are they intended for winter only?

Will some of you employees ask around and see what you can find out?

Do you really not know or are you testing us (Without riddles)?