The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 665 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Argh, lost my bloddy Premier Pass tonight at WWoHP. I found the secret butterbeer cart but it had just closed so joined the relatively short main cart line. Noticed a woman at my side who I thought cut me, while she thought I cut her. After exchanging mild words, we both realized we weren't the types to cut and realized we both were sincere in our belief. Thus we each offered to let the other ahead; I ended up insisting she go when I discovered it was her family's first time trying the nectar of the Gods. We had a very pleasant conversation for the rest of the line, and I showed her my Premier pass, which I had taken out in the vain hope they had instituted the discount at the cart. Then sat down with my butterbeer and must not have put it back in my lanyard 'cause I discovered it was gone when I tried to use it at Valet. Kudos to CityWalk Guest Services for helping me out. I got lots of cool little video clips with my Flip that I'll post later (butterbeer being poured/foam being added, quick interview with conductor, length Ollivanders line, etc.).

Sounds good! :) Curiosity killed the cat, but who got their butterbeer first?
They did...they kept stepping behind me (I can't help the South Side of Chicago air even when I'm being friendly), but our conversation revealed it was their first time every trying it so I said, "You HAVE to go first. You need it more than I do!" That's how the conversation got onto annual passes. The kid was really cute. She was telling me all about her ride on FJ. Funny how potential line rage can turn into a really pleasant conversation.
I've now read 2 'second hand' reports that people are being physically ill when on (causing shut downs)/coming off Forbidden Journey

Is it that bad?
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^ No its not. However if you have a handicap or have motion sickness then it might give you trouble but otherwise, its about the same intensity as Spidey.
One of my friends did indeed become physically ill from FJ. She rode it twice and thankfully didn't puke on the ride, but she did so (quite violently) shortly thereafter. I think she's the exception though. I've ridden it 13 or 14 times in a row with no ill effects, nor have I see others in my bench ever get sick. It could indeed be a problem for those who get motion sick easily tho'. My friend who got sick usually avoids thrill rides, but she's a major HP fan so that's why she tried it.
OMG! I just saw a Hogs Head bartender at my local Publix supermarket!!! I guess someone figured out that he was a muggle and so he was fired and forced to go live among the muggles once again. Such a tragedy!
Does IOA have space for the whomping willow ??? Where would they put it.

They have "put it" and it cost them nearly 1/2 million dollars US. It can be found on FJ. That is it... all it will ever be. Even if they destroyed all of the LC... a WWill would cost 10-50 million even if it never moved. I am speaking from my opinion, my knowledge of plans, and my limited yet informed experience with the biz.

Edit: On another note... Disney/ABC-Family is really kicking the WW in the "you know where" tonight. Full run HP series in HD. Only advertisement is lego harry potter. One would not know the WW exists... but perhaps too many do at this point. Advertising might not be necessary.

Edit edit... WW has been advertised tonight... if limited. So, NBC/Universal on ABC television.
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Okay, I just had to vent.
I run a fairly popular WWoHP blog on tumblr that has gathered a following of over 4,000 people. With that amount of people, there will always be the ones that are a tad... uninformed. Here is a broad list of things I've received.
-Do you know anything about the Deathly Hallows premiere?
-What Disney park is WWoHP in?
-If it's in Disney why is there no Mickey?
-I work at WWoHP and we've NEVER run out of any of the merchandise!!!!!! Idk wut ur talkin about!!11!
and my personal favorite:
-When is Universal opening a Twilight island?!
Just got back from my day at Universal with my relative from out of town. I think he liked it!
My neck was no problem at all on most rides, including all the coasters and FJ. I'm just going to do a (hopefully) brief write-up of some things I noticed today.

-Hulk seemed to be going faster for what reason, I do not know. My brother agreed with me--it seemed to be at a higher speed.
-There was no wait to get in from 12-3 from my knowledge. I didn't venture over there earlier than 12, but it seemed to be smooth sailing.
-Pygmy Puffs were indeed gone.
-Ollivander's had a very long line the whole time I was in the WWoHP (3-7)
-I finally got into the Three Broomsticks (no wait!) and loved it. I didn't eat there, but it looked incredible.
-Went into Hog's Head for the first time and tried frozen Butterbeer. I like it much better than regular!
-They were either not selling the Butterbeer steins, or they were simply out of them. Someone said it may have been too expensive to manufacture, but that is just speculation. Instead, they had these average, sturdy plastic cups with the Butterbeer logo on it. It was $7.25 if memory serves.
-I went on FJ for the first time after a roughly 70 minute wait.
-They were rushing people through the queue. We barely got to see the trio.
-I found the loading and unloading area kind of dangerous. I'm not very tall and found that I had to sort of propell myself onto the moving bench. As for unloading, we were very disoriented and then were put on a moving platform...not a good combination!
-I'm going to write some spoilers right here, so highlight to read: The dragon animatronic was in full working order. The dementor fog effect worked for us, which I was happy about. My picture looked kind of weird, though, because when it was taken when my mouth was open and I was kind of morbid? I had to close my eyes occasionally because I was getting really sick, though it was pretty smooth. I really did lose sense of reality and which way was up and down. I felt like I was flying. My favorite parts were the Dark Mark, the CoS, and the Whomping seeing Tom Felton as Draco.
-So overall, I liked FJ. But I think it was a bit hyped up. Dunno. It was good, but I feel they tried to pack waaaay too much into one ride. Like others have said, the story is lost and it just becomes an onslaught of creatures. Still great, but could be better.
I think that's about it!
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Okay, I just had to vent.
I run a fairly popular WWoHP blog on tumblr that has gathered a following of over 4,000 people. With that amount of people, there will always be the ones that are a tad... uninformed. Here is a broad list of things I've received.
-Do you know anything about the Deathly Hallows premiere?
-What Disney park is WWoHP in?
-If it's in Disney why is there no Mickey?
-I work at WWoHP and we've NEVER run out of any of the merchandise!!!!!! Idk wut ur talkin about!!11!
and my personal favorite:
-When is Universal opening a Twilight island?!

Ahahahaha! I love tumblr. Always a good laugh.
I noticed something today that I forgot to put in my post.
Today, it felt like just a bunch of tourists (and a bunch of tour groups from Brazil. I had experienced this before, but only with one group. I saw at least five today...). They were griping and complaining, as is customary with a theme park in Florida. I don't know how many times I heard "Ohhhh it's sooo hot!" Of course it is! It's Florida, in a packed park, in one of the hottest months of the year! There were screaming parents and wailing children.
On opening day, everyone was a fan for the most part. Everyone was just so happy to be there. It kept the magic alive and made it feel more real. I didn't hear anyone complain of the heat. It was just a blessing to be there.
Just wanted to note that.
Ahh tour groups,

Today, it felt like just a bunch of tourists (and a bunch of tour groups from Brazil. I had experienced this before, but only with one group. I saw at least five today...). They were griping and complaining, as is customary with a theme park in Florida. I don't know how many times I heard "Ohhhh it's sooo hot!"

They must have been from extreme southern Brazil then as it is somewhat North Carolina winter there right now.

Enjoyed your earlier post about the ride... I have not ridden, but for some reason I feel it will hit me like it hit you... I will not be overly impressed. I will be looking for SM and come out feeling like I just rode everest, mummy, and simpsons combined into one mushy impressivish thingy. Teebin hates mushy "too many hands in the kitchen" design. Each of those previous rides mentioned are great rides and very clearly what they are and what they will be. This sounds like an indecisively designed ride. I will let you all know if and when.

On the other hand, we all have our impressions. Some are being ruined in the brain as of late by Hulk and others think FJ is the best thing since flying the shuttle to the Hubble telescope for repairs.
They must have been from extreme southern Brazil then as it is somewhat North Carolina winter there right now.

Enjoyed your earlier post about the ride... I have not ridden, but for some reason I feel it will hit me like it hit you... I will not be overly impressed. I will be looking for SM and come out feeling like I just rode everest, mummy, and simpsons combined into one mushy impressivish thingy. Teebin hates mushy "too many hands in the kitchen" design. Each of those previous rides mentioned are great rides and very clearly what they are and what they will be. This sounds like an indecisively designed ride. I will let you all know if and when.

On the other hand, we all have our impressions. Some are being ruined in the brain as of late by Hulk and others think FJ is the best thing since flying the shuttle to the Hubble telescope for repairs.

Totally agree. Spider-Man is still a much better ride.

Just a note, the bendable plastic cups for butterbeer are now larger than before and almost a dollar more expensive. $4.85 for frozen with no AP if memory serves me well.
The olivanders experince is cool, but when the kid leaves the store with his own wand and tries to Magically do things with it and notices it dosent work, what do you say ?? A Six year old may still believe in magic, and may not know that the wand is just a decoration piece.
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I think if kids have the imagination enough to want a wand, they can just imagine it spitting out different colors of sparks. My daughter is 5 and uses any stick as her wand right now. And anyways, if the kid is a Potter fan, they will know that they don't learn magic until they are 11.

I so hope they kick getting merch back on the shelves into high gear. It would suck majorly to go at the end of September to empty shelves.