The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 667 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Here is a silly question for everyone...

Can you Enter the Wizarding world from both sides? (Lost Continent & Jurassic Park)

The reason I'm asking is because it seems on videos and posts on other sites that its only through the Jurassic Park side... (or is this just a morning thing when the park opens?)
Anyone wanna clear this up for me??

As of right now you can only enter through the JP side in the morning as for the afternoon i cant say for sure

EDIT: thanks for getting the thread bac Briman :thumbs:
Nice picture! We were standing in the shade by the Snowman waiting for the next set of entertainers when we noticed a guy popping out of the doors with mugs of frozen butterbeer. At the cart we noticed they had water, juices and pumpkin juice but didn't see anything saying they were selling Butterbeer. We picked up a few more pumpkin juice there and noted it for a quick Butterbeer later in the afternoon.

Last Saturday, they had a little sign in the ice that advertised butterbeer for this cart. Somehow it didn't make the line too long, which I guess is a good thing. I know it wasn't there last week when I went. They must be trying to draw crowds away from the main cart, but the giant BUTTERBEER sign on the front is a bit too tantalizing.

--- Update ---

Hi there, I am going to Florida in 8 days time, it will be my first time visiting there and I'm mainly going for the theme parks, in particular WWoHP because I've been a huge HP fan since a small child. I am really excited to visit the HP theme park as it's always been a dream of mine to visit the Hogwarts castle and to visit a replica will be a surreal moment. I am arriving on the 20th of July and will probably venture to the WWoHP on my second day there (21st July), what shall I expect for waiting times? I know that I will have to do a fair bit of waiting because it will be the summer holidays and lots of tourists like myself will be travelling to Orlando but should I prepare myself for waiting times on the rides for over 2 hours?

Any feedback would be appreciated

Were you able to read Tbad's response to your questions before the post was deleted?
I just remembered something I meant to mention in my write-up of my experience from Saturday:
I had my first encounter with bad service in the WWoHP. I was in the HH in line for Butterbeer. I was with two other people, and the bartender completely ignored me, even though I was at the front of the line. It was more like a clump of people...but I made eye contact with him a few times. My brother had to ask him (very loudly) "How much is Butterbeer?" He already knew, of course, because I'd told him. But it was the only way to get the guy's full attention. He took care of my brother and then continued to take care of two girls. He was obviously flirting, and I was getting pretty fed up of waiting nearly fifteen minutes for him to take my order. I had even put my stein on the counter....I'm a non-confrontational person. I admit, I should have said something. But a woman behind me confronted the bar tender and told him off, basically...

Besides that, I've been overly impressed with the service. That was the only blemish I've seen among the employees.
I just remembered something I meant to mention in my write-up of my experience from Saturday:
I had my first encounter with bad service in the WWoHP. I was in the HH in line for Butterbeer. I was with two other people, and the bartender completely ignored me, even though I was at the front of the line. It was more like a clump of people...but I made eye contact with him a few times. My brother had to ask him (very loudly) "How much is Butterbeer?" He already knew, of course, because I'd told him. But it was the only way to get the guy's full attention. He took care of my brother and then continued to take care of two girls. He was obviously flirting, and I was getting pretty fed up of waiting nearly fifteen minutes for him to take my order. I had even put my stein on the counter....I'm a non-confrontational person. I admit, I should have said something. But a woman behind me confronted the bar tender and told him off, basically...

Besides that, I've been overly impressed with the service. That was the only blemish I've seen among the employees.

Hmm, I'm wondering if this is the same bartender I had, um, problems with both of my visits... Did you happen to watch when the GO was on the Today show? He was the bartender in the segment that showed the HH.. it was either on there or the WW NBC special, but I know it was the guy, whichever show it was.
How busy was it today? I went to UO and it was very quiet early on. We hopped on Simpsons in 15 minutes. Jaws had the longest wait, it seems.

We're going to IOA tomorrow around two with intentions to stay until close to get some private time with Harry.
I just remembered something I meant to mention in my write-up of my experience from Saturday:
I had my first encounter with bad service in the WWoHP. I was in the HH in line for Butterbeer. I was with two other people, and the bartender completely ignored me, even though I was at the front of the line. It was more like a clump of people...but I made eye contact with him a few times. My brother had to ask him (very loudly) "How much is Butterbeer?" He already knew, of course, because I'd told him. But it was the only way to get the guy's full attention. He took care of my brother and then continued to take care of two girls. He was obviously flirting, and I was getting pretty fed up of waiting nearly fifteen minutes for him to take my order. I had even put my stein on the counter....I'm a non-confrontational person. I admit, I should have said something. But a woman behind me confronted the bar tender and told him off, basically...

Besides that, I've been overly impressed with the service. That was the only blemish I've seen among the employees.

I think I might have had the same guy one time. He was just standing there doing absolutely nothing but talk to the other bartenders while a line was growing out the door. Finally after five minutes he took our order.
I can't say much... But I will say 3 things
1. The elevator goes both up and down from the loading platform level (answer this question: if there are three floors, why are there four buttons?)
2. Both
(3. I will post in spoilers because I don't know what people consider "spoilers")

You just said a whole whole bunch person of whom I know not. I knew it must be wacky, but "Teebin" could not "see" it.

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I just remembered something I meant to mention in my write-up of my experience from Saturday:
I had my first encounter with bad service in the WWoHP. I was in the HH in line for Butterbeer.

Was this from the dark short haired guy in his 40's. If so, that is why I saw him shopping at publix supermarket apparently. I cannot imagine working in service at a theme park in my 40's. Early 20's or late 60's maybe (and the ones in their late 60's - early 70's are the best employees from my experience)
So, I'm heading out to the park for my first time on Wednesday! Can anyone tell me, as of right now, how much frozen/non-frozen butterbeer is? And how much pumpkin juice is? Thanks!
So, I'm heading out to the park for my first time on Wednesday! Can anyone tell me, as of right now, how much frozen/non-frozen butterbeer is? And how much pumpkin juice is? Thanks!

I believe a non-frozen Butterbeer is $3.00, a frozen Butterbeer is $4.00, and a pumpkin juice is somewhere around $6.00

You just said a whole whole bunch person of whom I know not. I knew

How were you even able post on this site knowing so much secret stuff about WWoHP?
it's so hard to not tell anyone about all the cool stuff. :bang:

BTW, if you know that you have (an estimated) 2 Gallons of water, how does it fit in an "1 Gallon" bucket

(Thank You Briman!)
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I just remembered something I meant to mention in my write-up of my experience from Saturday:
I had my first encounter with bad service in the WWoHP. I was in the HH in line for Butterbeer. I was with two other people, and the bartender completely ignored me, even though I was at the front of the line. It was more like a clump of people...but I made eye contact with him a few times. My brother had to ask him (very loudly) "How much is Butterbeer?" He already knew, of course, because I'd told him. But it was the only way to get the guy's full attention. He took care of my brother and then continued to take care of two girls. He was obviously flirting, and I was getting pretty fed up of waiting nearly fifteen minutes for him to take my order. I had even put my stein on the counter....I'm a non-confrontational person. I admit, I should have said something. But a woman behind me confronted the bar tender and told him off, basically...

Besides that, I've been overly impressed with the service. That was the only blemish I've seen among the employees.

Wow, I guess I was lucky since the only time we had Butterbeer in HH was GO day. I was at the Owlery and just happened to see the HH doors open and then shut. My youngest and I walked over and asked the guy at the door if HH was open and he said yes so we walked right in. Apparently they had just opened the doors. We walked in and there was No Line! The main cart had a line all the way up to Ollivanders. There were two bartenders and it did take a mintue or two to get their attention. I opted for a frozen in the disposable cup while my daughter put up her Butterbeer stine. Then the total came to just over $14 which surprised me so I asked him how much Butterbeer went up in one day? The Bartender thought we were purchasing a mug but I explained we purchased her stine the day before. He looked like he didnt' belive me so I told him to check the bottom of her stein for her initials in Red perm marker. He did check. Thank goodness I put each of our initials on the bottom of our steins. I only did it so the kids wouldn't confuse who's was who's if one showed up missing or unwashed.

I can see as it was the first official day of opening a Bartender would think a stein coming in when they open could have been new.
Was this from the dark short haired guy in his 40's. If so, that is why I saw him shopping at publix supermarket apparently. I cannot imagine working in service at a theme park in my 40's. Early 20's or late 60's maybe (and the ones in their late 60's - early 70's are the best employees from my experience)

No. This was guy was maybe 28-32 with really dark hair and facial hair.
Guess I'm not the only one who has had a bad experience in the HH...makes me feel better! I guess...because that's not good that it was not an isolated incident. I cannot imagine that that would be part of their role to play.
And you are absolutely right--the older employees are spectacular. At the front of the park where they scan your ticket they have the sweetest people. My brother literally chose a longer line with an older man rather than going in the shorter line with a younger person. The man was sooo nice and just what we needed to get excited about our day. He seemed genuinely happy to be working there too.
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