The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 752 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Today it was a walk on for single riders throughout the day on FJ. Overall WWOHP wasnt bad at all in terms of crowds.

So I went to go on Forbidden Journey today, the posted wait time was 60 min however I got on twice in 10 min! You gotta love single riders, and I still got to go through the castle because afterwards I just took a castle tour and saw everyroom without being rushed. It was awesome!

What's the deal with the castle tours? You have to ask any employee around the entrance?
Yah, You'll notice one TM is standing in front of a roped lane just ask if you can take a castle tour and they'll let you in. I think you can ask to wait for a student if you want to be guided as well.

Just wondering is the tour just in a different lane to the queue or does it have anything unique?
It's the Express queue. It skips the first indoor portion of the queue, the green house, and the entrance hallway, it has its own portrait room, and after that it runs parallel with the regular line.

Oh thanks for clarifying that I may just have a look at that on our next holiday :smiley:
Are the horror stories I've read about how busy Universal is the week of Christmas true? My parents are POSSIBLY going to Key West in December to celebrate my grandparent's anniversary with the rest of our cousins, aunts, and uncles (although Key West is only one of a few options they're debating), and thought that if they went there, they may head to Universal for a few days after the family vacation ends. My first thoughts were BAD BAD BAAAAD IDEA, as I've heard nothing good about visiting Disneyworld or Universal on Christmas day and/or the week after. But if they do decide to go to Key West and Universal, it'll probably be my only chance to go, so... :blank: But my idea of a fun vacation is not crowds so intense that you can't move and have to wait hours to even go to the restroom. You can't even enjoy it when it's that busy.
Are the horror stories I've read about how busy Universal is the week of Christmas true? My parents are POSSIBLY going to Key West in December to celebrate my grandparent's anniversary with the rest of our cousins, aunts, and uncles (although Key West is only one of a few options they're debating), and thought that if they went there, they may head to Universal for a few days after the family vacation ends. My first thoughts were BAD BAD BAAAAD IDEA, as I've heard nothing good about visiting Disneyworld or Universal on Christmas day and/or the week after. But if they do decide to go to Key West and Universal, it'll probably be my only chance to go, so... :blank: But my idea of a fun vacation is not crowds so intense that you can't move and have to wait hours to even go to the restroom. You can't even enjoy it when it's that busy.

Well... Islands of Adventure hit capacity I think three times (I know it was at least once) the week after Christmas last year. That means they didn't let anyone else in the entire park. And WWoHP has hit capacity many times by itself before and after that. So, yes, HP has been getting to the point where you can barely move in the street and you need a special ticket just to get into the island. If it's going to be your only chance, take it.
But the crowds may calm down a little by next christmas. Last christmas the WW was new, this x-mas it will be over a year old. The crowds will still be really bad though.
That sounds miserable. And it's ridiculous, too, because my mom can't even stand the local mall if it's MILDLY busy. Maybe I'll just wait till I'm in my 30s and hopefully have a decent job of my own. :rofl: I really don't want my first (and hopefully not last, but with this economy, who knows?) experience of the WW to be like that.

I'm just hoping they choose to go somewhere else so the temptation isn't there.
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Need advise

So my choir is going on a trip to Disney April 14 - 17, and we're going to Islands of Adventure April 16. How busy would you say the parks are during that time? And also what time of the day would you suggest is best to go into WWoHP in terms of crowds?
So my choir is going on a trip to Disney April 14 - 17, and we're going to Islands of Adventure April 16. How busy would you say the parks are during that time? And also what time of the day would you suggest is best to go into WWoHP in terms of crowds?

April 16 should be moderately crowded. It's best to go right when the park opens and a few hours before it closes.
So my choir is going on a trip to Disney April 14 - 17, and we're going to Islands of Adventure April 16. How busy would you say the parks are during that time? And also what time of the day would you suggest is best to go into WWoHP in terms of crowds?

It's a week before Easter, so I'd assume it would be pretty crowded with people who have Spring Break the week before Easter. And definitely go first thing in the morning or a few hours before the park closes.

:embarassed: Sorry, Manta beat me to it.
I think tbad seemed a bit unsure on it in the above posts as was i when I first read it but if thats in the book then why not. Can't even remember it in the book lol
I think tbad seemed a bit unsure on it in the above posts as was i when I first read it but if thats in the book then why not. Can't even remember it in the book lol

I couldn't recall if there was ice cream or not in the series and thought it was a little random but you all brought up Florean Fortescue's from the series which reassured me. :thumbs: