The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 814 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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I was lucky enough to have my first visit to WWoHP about 3 weeks ago. I followed this thread and the last one from the beginning and i must admit i cried when i first entered. Im a big Potter fan. I have to agree with people on here when they say there feet brushed something while riding FJ.
I am only about 5'3 and several times while riding my feet hit something in the Chamber of Secrets section. I think it was the skeleton of the basilisk.
Also i saw that a few people said that lately the ride made them feel abit dizzy. I noticed this on the Quidditch Pitch scene. Has it always been like this?
Glad to hear that the brick wall scene has been changed, honestly i found it all abit confusing!
Looking forward to hearing what else has changed.
JungleSkip has reported that more has changed than just the Floo network. He's going to post more on twitter @parkscope.

He also mentioned the ride profile. I take it that means the vehicle programming? I hope they leave the basilisk scene movement intact. Probably my favorite motion in the ride when the bench tilts to the right and accelerates to the left. Feels pretty awesome when sitting in that far right seat.
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I did think the first screen seemed very dark (like to the point I could barely make out much of the details) when I rode a few weeks ago. I may go to the park today, so I'll report back. I'm excited to see the new floo network scene.
Hey guys! I'm going to Orlando week after next and will be visiting WWoHP for my 3rd time. However, I've never seen the dementor effect or anything that could've taken its place… what part of the dementor scene is it supposed to be in? Hopefully I'll be able to see the effect this time :pray:
Hey guys! I'm going to Orlando week after next and will be visiting WWoHP for my 3rd time. However, I've never seen the dementor effect or anything that could've taken its place… what part of the dementor scene is it supposed to be in? Hopefully I'll be able to see the effect this time :pray:

The dementor that has a light in it's mouth. The effect will be right in front of your car as Harry says "Get away from them!"
Wow, so no details about the floo network update...

I rode a bunch of times yesterday and think the new projections make much more sense. I still think the floo network is the worst aspect of the ride, but it is an improvement. The projection is simply a green portal type effect.

In terms of the ride profile, I do think there are some changes. I noticed most of the changes right before the dragon scene and then during the spider scenes. Even though I've ridden FJ a plethora of times, I may just think these things changed simply because JungleSkip said the profile changed.

I didn't notice a difference in the lighting at all.
Really out of left field on this one but anyone here fans of the band, Band of Skulls?
Their at Universal Orlando today checking out the parks with my wife. :thumbs:
She is, Matt the drummer is my cousin so her and my family are all at the parks having a good time. They have a show tonight in downtown Orlando. Just to add insult to injury what were Matt's must do's?

Jaws and Kong :lol:
So the floo network it like a green vortex. (Think iTunes music visualizer) The ride profile seems a little more intense, but it may be I was paying more attention to it. I don't remember going as far back before at Wompy. Dementors effect looked great. Screens actually looked pretty decent today. Though the new green projection made what looked like a "tear" earlier more visible. It looks like a circle cutout, with a lower layer of screen to make it less visible. Still have no idea what the purpose is. I saw it on the return floo network. Oh and hopefully this is permanent, but the last seat no longer seems to get blasted by the dragon steam every time! Single riders will appreciate that!
Side note, love how every time I go through single riders people think we're "fast pass"!