The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 851 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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I have seen full trains, but someone mentioned capacity at 5k an hour on here. So even if not all the trains are full, it still could have a pretty high capacity number.

I do think they should have put the entrance elsewhere, because it would get more riders if it was elsewhere. But even prior to WWOHP I hardly ever waited to get on the coaster with hulk always having a wait. So I have got to think capacity allows it to not have so much of a wait.

But the argument was moving it and I still say moving it would be a huge waste of money and would not accomplish what people think it will.
I actually had to wait back beyond the water fountains closest to the station one day. I was shocked to say the least, and the park wasn't actually very busy at all. I still think the biggest culprits are the Potter fans not being so inclined towards large coasters, and the awful entrance that is anything but recognizable or noticeable. If they didn't have the test seat, I think even I might be hard pressed to successfully point it out to someone standing in the middle there next to the Owl Post due to how well it blends in. In this case, that is a very bad thing.

Ive seen lines out the castle in the past but it was well before the Potters days. We turned right around when we saw the line, no way I was waiting knowing how long that castle line was :lol:
The ride is called Dragon Challenge there is no reason they should have got rid of the original entrance. With the entrance they have now, that could have been literally added on to the entrance we had before. And the no more dueling upsets everybody, but we can't do anything about that anymore. Besides that the coasters are top notch rollercoasters and are still rare type of coasters. In my opinion I think it would be foolish to get rid of them for something smaller or not as thrilling. Now if somebody told me they were to get rid of it and make it the Forbidden Forest/major E-ticket dark ride or even just totally re theme it to Quidditch then I would probably say let's make a change. Plus in all realization the Forbbiden Forest would make sense considering it would be rite behind Hagrid's Hut but that probably doesn't matter. There are some thing's I would like to see added for phase 3. The Shrieking Shack would make a great walk-through attraction and even though Universal has a couple of them already, I would really like to see a Harry Potter attraction similar to a T2 mixed with 4D. There are so many possibilities for an attraction like this considering it is Harry Potter. Another thing even though a lot of you would not want another coaster a Death Eater coaster would be a great idea and makes a lot of sense. I would like to see something similar to the SAW coaster in England I believe? btw I like the idea of getting the maze under Dragon Challenge and makes sense because it's themed to the Triwizard Tournament.
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The entrance doesn't sell it, on the other hand, the bloody coaster flies right over it. I think it is a Potter thing, due to families, but also it's lack of theming and it's intensity. This will only get worse though, first with the contrast of the heavily themed Diagon Alley, and then overtime when Potter fans grow up and have kids of thier own.
Am I the only person here who doesn't hate the current theming? I understand, as with everybody else who has ridden it as Dueling Dragos, that the queue was far better. However with the placement of it in Hogsmeade now I think they did a pretty alright job. The entrance is hard to miss (a good thing for people who like shorter lines) and a little plain, but I like it. A small courtyard leading into a "Champion's walkway" and then it's into the tents before going deeper and deeper into this cavernous old castle that revels the treasures of the Triwiz Tourney? Hey man, it's good with me. Sure, they took away some super awesome elements, but to see the Triwizard Cup glowing blue on it's tall pedestal as the centerpiece of a dark and foreboding room pumps me up for the challenge even more. It goes for a different feel. Downgraded, yes, but not pitchfork worthy. I kinda like it.

EDIT: With the exception of the ice cavern room. That peed me off. No reason to knock that out.
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Am I the only person here who doesn't hate the current theming? I understand, as with everybody else who has ridden it as Dueling Dragos, that the queue was far better. However with the placement of it in Hogsmeade now I think they did a pretty alright job. The entrance is hard to miss (a good thing for people who like shorter lines) and a little plain, but I like it. A small courtyard leading into a "Champion's walkway" and then it's into the tents before going deeper and deeper into this cavernous old castle that revels the treasures of the Triwiz Tourney? Hey man, it's good with me. Sure, they took away some super awesome elements, but to see the Triwizard Cup glowing blue on it's tall pedestal as the centerpiece of a dark and foreboding room pumps me up for the challenge even more. It goes for a different feel. Downgraded, yes, but not pitchfork worthy. I kinda like it.

EDIT: With the exception of the ice cavern room. That peed me off. No reason to knock that out.

Personally I'm one of the few like you that doesn't mind the queue now. I just miss some of the old stuff that was in the queue and entrance before(the bones). Other than that I do like seeing some of the Triwizard items and I still love the ride. Does anybody know if the Dragon still makes noise when you pass that one door in the Dragon Challenge queue? because I know before it did every once in awhile but I'm just wondering if they still had it and maybe I've missed it lately?..
Personally I'm one of the few like you that doesn't mind the queue now. I just miss some of the old stuff that was in the queue and entrance before(the bones). Other than that I do like seeing some of the Triwizard items and I still love the ride. Does anybody know if the Dragon still makes noise when you pass that one door in the Dragon Challenge queue? because I know before it did every once in awhile but I'm just wondering if they still had it and maybe I've missed it lately?..

Sadly no. It doesn't move anymore, either. That used to scare the **** out of me.
Also another thing that would have been absolutely fine keeping. It actually helps the current theme.

Not if you want to appeal to younger visitors. I would bet 100 galleons on JK and Warner Bros specifically denying that effect.

Also, give me Battlestar Galactica and you can do whatever you want to the Dragons. I will take BSG anything.
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Not if you want to appeal to younger visitors. I would bet 100 galleons on JK and Warner Bros specifically denying that effect.

Also, give me Battlestar Galactica and you can do whatever you want to the Dragons. I will take BSG anything.

That show has the most obnoxious cinematography. Seriously, lower the exposure and keep the camera still for 2 seconds.
Its due to the amount of guest incidents they have and their bodily fluids, lol. And the fact that Creative is never satisfied.

I've always wanted everything the old way, but people are whiney about it. I would also love the old ride profile they had with the rolls like in the Common Room video.

Woah, so there was another ride profile before this with barrel rolls? What?
Tom, my first ride was in December of 2010. Did I ever experience the original? I think I recall a slight difference, but I only get down there once a year.
Sadly no. It doesn't move anymore, either. That used to scare the **** out of me.

Seriously! I would be running in line and BAM! just happened to be perfect time for me almost every time haha but it was always really cool and appropriate for the ride.

- - - Updated - - -

Also another thing that would have been absolutely fine keeping. It actually helps the current theme.

Yeah I don't know why they would even get rid of that. Probably some whimps complaining it's too scary or whatever just like they always do over EVERYTHING.
Yeah I don't know why they would even get rid of that. Probably some whimps complaining it's too scary or whatever just like they always do over EVERYTHING.

Yeah, but the height requirement is 54", which is pretty up there in themepark restrictions. You'd have to be pretty aged to ride... and complainers would have to be friggin' pansies! :lol:
Woah, so there was another ride profile before this with barrel rolls? What?

The original profiling concept had more intense rolls and was a violent mess. It was never implemented with the public. Us HPFJ fanboys call it concept profiling. Its a major regret. Just like cutting off the Dementor's hands..... and killing the strobes for the dementor waves.... Sad stuff.

Tom, my first ride was in December of 2010. Did I ever experience the original? I think I recall a slight difference, but I only get down there once a year.

You probably got the v1 programming before we got to the current programming.

Just to review:

Concept profiling: Never implemented, but resembles the video in the common room with a "violent" flying experience with side inversions.

v1: This was the profile that premiered to the general public and was the first one used. By far the roughest one we've seen. Classic times. Its missed. Can't remember the timeline of when it disappeared.

v2: The current profile. Rolling and combined axis motion were dampened and motion was lessened into an okay ride experience in an attempt to ease motion sickness.

v3: Tested for a few days in mid-late March. Another attempt to tone down the ride and make it more appealing for those with motion sickness and to cut down on adverse reactions (lol). Speed of the bench turns is dramatically reduced with very little combined motions or rolls. Benches did however "dive" lower in the carousel scenes. Dragon bit was awful and slow. Whomping Willow was closer to the bench, but with less rolling. Profile was removed after a few days of use because of serious glitches to the ride system and increased stops. Sources report that Creative is "in love" with this profile and will return later down the line.
v3: Tested for a few days in mid-late March. Another attempt to tone down the ride and make it more appealing for those with motion sickness and to cut down on adverse reactions (lol). Speed of the bench turns is dramatically reduced with very little combined motions or rolls. Benches did however "dive" lower in the carousel scenes. Dragon bit was awful and slow. Whomping Willow was closer to the bench, but with less rolling. Profile was removed after a few days of use because of serious glitches to the ride system and increased stops. Sources report that Creative is "in love" with this profile and will return later down the line.

Since when has Creative been taken over by WDI?


Do not dumb down this attraction, Creative.