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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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I think everyone's a fan of Flight of the Hippogriff, and who wouldn't want to eat at Three Broomsticks? Oh, and Ollivanders is always a neat experience.
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Thanks Chris! I've been waiting for a Photoshopped pic of what the layout would look like. Did you alter the layout out in anyway or is it literally Orlando's layout copy and pasted over our plot? If so, it looks like a perfect fit! I can't tell but is Hippogriff in that bunch of trees?

I sincerely hope that we'll get a slightly longer or different Hippogriff, at least in terms of layout, considering that a different layout wouldn't change the essence of the ride one bit, and they definitely have the opportunity to make it more unique than what Orlando had, which was just a reskinned ride.
The street which connected New York area to the Studio Tour will never return.  Our park is in for a very congested area near the Starway, even more than we already have.  However, those restaurants in that area are in for a big surprise too!

Thanks Chris! I've been waiting for a Photoshopped pic of what the layout would look like. Did you alter the layout out in anyway or is it literally Orlando's layout copy and pasted over our plot? If so, it looks like a perfect fit! I can't tell but is Hippogriff in that bunch of trees?

I sincerely hope that we'll get a slightly longer or different Hippogriff, at least in terms of layout, considering that a different layout wouldn't change the essence of the ride one bit, and they definitely have the opportunity to make it more unique than what Orlando had, which was just a reskinned ride.
This image is just a paste of Orlando on top of USH.  From what I have seen, its about the exact same layout.  The FJ may be adjusted to help fit the area a bit, and yes, Hippogriff is in those trees.
Well if that path is never coming back, the best they could do (and it seems like they are) is widen the path in front of Flintstones and SES (e.g flatten that entire area) and make Simpsons Plaza more manageable. They're already trying to make up for all the lost tables by sending them to the ring around Universal Plaza. Also, the Forbidden Journey show building is going to be hilariously more noticeable in Hollywood due to it hugging the Studio Tour but it's going to be so cool when you'll be able to see Hogwarts Castle from the studio of the company that made the movies.

Also, this:
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Excellent Chris! I'm so excited :) I think any adjustments that they make to the layout, either to FJ, Hogsmeade, or Hippogriff, will either be minimal or not significantly change the experience. I'm all for that.

Any mention of the rumored Great Hall dining experience from what you've seen?

And yeah, I'm very worried about how congested the park will feel next to the tour entrance and the starway. But...I guess it'll be worth it ;)
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There was a community event at the Globe Wednesday night. I couldn't go by my girlfriend did. She said there were models (no pictures allowed) and a presentation with singers and dancers. That photo looks exactly as she described it. she said the Great Hall is going to be here.
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There was a community event at the Globe Wednesday night. I couldn't go by my girlfriend did. She said there were models (no pictures allowed) and a presentation with singers and dancers. That photo looks exactly as she described it. she said the Great Hall is going to be here.
Didn't hear anything about the Great Hall, but Hippogriff, Ollivanders and Three Broomsticks were confirmed (along with Forbidden Journey, obviously).
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Mayor Villagarosa (sp?) was confirmed to be here this morning for the presentation that began around 10:00. Model was in fact on site.
Ahhhh gosh I'd love to see the model!!!!! If Universal was smart, they'd make a semi-permanent display set up with the model of our WWoHP to build hype! Kind of like DCA's Blue Sky Cellar. They used to do that in Florida when IOA was being built, I wish they'd do that here!
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I don't like how Universal has to be so secretive all the time!!! Gosh, give us a break and let us see the models. Is that really too much to ask?
Do they think that being secretive creates more buzz than showing us the models? Imagine us fans posting pictures all over and raving about it....
I would like for Flight of the Hippogriff to be replaced to a broom-esque roller coaster, like the Pony Express in Knotts but with brooms. 
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