The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood | Page 60 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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Waterworld would also make a nice spot for not only a Hogwarts Express Station but  further expansion for WWOHP. Then you could use Shrek theater for a show for either WWOHP or for the theme park in general.
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Unfortunately removing only Shrek would not be enough for a full scaled Hogwarts Express Station. You'd need both Shrek and Waterworld. HOWEVER, (and this is kind of crazy and hypothetical...) you could theoretically put a full sized Hogwarts Express Station directly between Shrek, Waterworld and Hippogriff (if my rendering is accurate), where the former walk-way that led to the Gibson was. This would however require the track to cross directly above (or below) Hogsmeade in front of the castle, and be an absolute construction nightmare. But it would fit haha. More photoshop!

If it's wildly successful here, I see Waterworld being taken out for a Hogwarts Express station with a path carved out between Hogsmeade and Hippogriff leading to the station, then the remaining land where Shrek is being used for peacemaking or an entertainment venue not related to Potter.
WaterWorld is on a pretty massive footprint itself. Taking it out and using it for something like the Hogwarts Express is super silly and a waste of space on my opinion. A major mega E-Ticket almost the size of FJ can fit there eventually.
Where Hogwarts Express leads is more important than the land the station takes up. If they ever do Diagon Alley right, they're going to use Waterworld IMO.
All land in USH is important, and WaterWorld sits on a big chunk of land, and they're not gonna waste it on a Hogwarts Express station....
I think he's alluding to the notion that the sacrifice will be worth it after seeing the payoff.

I don't think Diagon Ally is destined to come to Hollywood just yet, but if it rakes in the cash, well, I'm assuming they'd do everything in their power to get it in California.
The WaterWorld spot is the largest in-park spot for future development on the Upper Lot (not counting expanding the park's borders somehow), and I'd hate to see WaterWorld removed for something like the Hogwarts Express STATION.

The biggest reason I'm Anti Diagon Alley is because we're so limited with land in our one park because of the layout of the land Universal owns, and because I wanna see other franchises become rides as well. I love Potter. I understand it would make s ton of money. I'm still not a fan of us making room for Diagon Alley at this time.
I think he's alluding to the notion that the sacrifice will be worth it after seeing the payoff.

I don't think Diagon Ally is destined to come to Hollywood just yet, but if it rakes in the cash, well, I'm assuming they'd do everything in their power to get it in California.
Since there are talks on the web about more Potter books and movies to be released, I could totally see it happening over here eventually. When I first heard rumors about Potter coming over here four years ago, I did not think that would be possible. Look where we're at now. You never know. While I do think there is a small possibility we could get Diagon, I'm going to share my thoughts more on this below.

The WaterWorld spot is the largest in-park spot for future development on the Upper Lot (not counting expanding the park's borders somehow), and I'd hate to see WaterWorld removed for something like the Hogwarts Express STATION.

The biggest reason I'm Anti Diagon Alley is because we're so limited with land in our one park because of the layout of the land Universal owns, and because I wanna see other franchises become rides as well. I love Potter. I understand it would make s ton of money. I'm still not a fan of us making room for Diagon Alley at this time.
I agree with the first statement. WaterWorld is on a friggin' HUGE chunk of land. Until they get the Lower Lot expansion done with or whatever else is next, that should be a prime spot for a big, high capacity E-ticket, or a mini land. Space is premium at USH and they need to use it VERY wisely.

Now back to my thoughts on Diagon. I have not had a chance to see it in person, but from what I've seen on YouTube, it looks amazing. It would be nice to have it, but I would prefer to keep it exclusive to Orlando. Here's why:

1) Gringott's looks cool, but it's VERY screen-heavy. I saw little-to-no physical effects in the video I watched. It's a Transformers on a roller coaster basically. We have enough screen-heavy rides as is.

2) If USH is going to increase its coaster count (And I hope it does), give us LEGIT coasters.

3) I want to have some reason to visit Florida. Haha

4) Aside from those, if it does come, I won't be upset. Although, we could use the space for where ever it may occupy for something unique and completely new.

Shrek is staying until at least 2016. The attraction is getting an all-new queue.
Yeah, it's staying 'till the end of the decade at least. I see them re-focusing their attention to the lower lot after Potter is done. The upper lot has been through enough construction already. :p
Since there are talks on the web about more Potter books and movies to be released, I could totally see it happening over here eventually. When I first heard rumors about Potter coming over here four years ago, I did not think that would be possible. Look where we're at now. You never know. While I do think there is a small possibility we could get Diagon, I'm going to share my thoughts more on this below.

I agree with the first statement. WaterWorld is on a friggin' HUGE chunk of land. Until they get the Lower Lot expansion done with or whatever else is next, that should be a prime spot for a big, high capacity E-ticket, or a mini land. Space is premium at USH and they need to use it VERY wisely.

Now back to my thoughts on Diagon. I have not had a chance to see it in person, but from what I've seen on YouTube, it looks amazing. It would be nice to have it, but I would prefer to keep it exclusive to Orlando. Here's why:

1) Gringott's looks cool, but it's VERY screen-heavy. I saw little-to-no physical effects in the video I watched. It's a Transformers on a roller coaster basically. We have enough screen-heavy rides as is.

2) If USH is going to increase its coaster count (And I hope it does), give us LEGIT coasters.

3) I want to have some reason to visit Florida. Haha

4) Aside from those, if it does come, I won't be upset. Although, we could use the space for where ever it may occupy for something unique and completely new.

Yeah, it's staying 'till the end of the decade at least. I see them re-focusing their attention to the lower lot after Potter is done. The upper lot has been through enough construction already. :p
The new Potter books and movies coming out are simply based on the Wizarding World, not Harry's story or timeline.

I'm a huge Harry Potter geek, William will vouch for me. It's been my life since I was 6 or 7. I'm ridiculously exciting that we're getting Hogsmeade. However, I 100% agree with you with why I wouldn't wanna see it here. I wouldn't complain for a second if they announced it. But I don't want it here. I want something totally new, not an over saturation of one franchise, and something that'll help diversify our park's line up and take advantage of the awkward layout and space. I wanna see more brands and stories besides Potter.

As for Shrek??? I hope they invest more into it than just a new queue, and update it SOMEHOW. Another decade is a long time for this mediocre attraction.

It needs to be upgraded to 4K 3D, larger screen, it needs new D-Box type motion seats with a higher range of motion, maybe more in theatre 4D effects (in line with It's Tough To Be a Bug), and any other way they can inexpensively but thoroughly update it...
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Take this image of the Hogwarts Station and turn it 90 degrees.  It'll fit on Shrek and snake between Hippogriff and backstage of Waterworld...
Actually... It would work perfectly WITHOUT the removal of Shrek! (keep in mind anything that looks like trees in my rendering is just space filler and could be staff/maintenance facilities).

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Actually... It would work perfectly WITHOUT the removal of Shrek! (keep in mind anything that looks like trees in my rendering is just space filler and could be staff/maintenance facilities).
I actually do like this layout quite a lot. According to your image, however, this would suggest the removal of the Cartooniversal building.
I actually do like this layout quite a lot. According to your image, however, this would suggest the removal of the Cartooniversal building.
Correct, Cartooniversal and the Waterworld bathrooms would be removed. I don't see that being problematic since the redevelopment of HoH will consist of a new retail space as well as the possibility of a new bathroom complex.
My issue with that location is the fact of where Hippogriff will actually be located up against the Shrek building.  I agree this layout makes sense, but the truth is that Hippogriff would block this from happening.

Great use of Photoshop or whatever program you use!
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