If I was a high level exec for Comcast, Evaluating the future landscape of our business... I'd be aggressively moving forward on any and all live entertainment and themepark entertainment opportunities.
The Cable, Phone and Internet Money is there today, But in as little as 5 years it could all be gone. That's not hyperbole either...
Comcast is in a very unique situation to put themselves in a position to be on par with, and go head to head with Disney parks. We're all excited, but I don't think people really understand the gravity of what were seeing here. This is just getting started, and it is a totally unprecedented war where the first shots have just been fired.
If the opportunity to buy Sea World comes up, It will absolutely be considered and I'd wager high it will be aggressively pursued. I would be 100% surprised if Comcast passed on the opportunity to essentially create a duopoly in Orlando. Disney or Universal, No other players. Buying Sea World would put Universal in a place to have the most diverse offerings in Orlando, and capturing families through that diversity in entertainment. I'd expect the animals to all go away, and the primary ride attractions stay and get rethemed.