How do you think they deal with the LOTR issue? Obviously, if it ever comes available, they jump on it. But who knows when or if it will ever be available? So how do they proceed with the new park considering that? Do they ignore the issue completely? Do they put in generic area that can be easily rethemed? Or do they just leave an easily accessible area open for future expansion? And if they do that, how long do they leave it open before just giving up on LOTR? I'm sure they have an idea what they would do with all scenarios, but it would be interesting to see how they plan to deal with it.
If fate serves me wrong; in my head, I believe TPI had said that WB now has the chance to potentially go to court with the Tolkien Estate, for theme park rights to be allowed for a company like WB, or potentially a third party.
I believe it was around November, but I can be severely wrong with it.
That said..if WB allows Comcast/NBCUniversal to use the IP, I have to imagine that it'd not be far out of the probabilities that they'd use the world of Middle Earth for the third they'd do it, is another question.
Personally, I actually think that Bree would be a good place to house a LOTR area, and use the Shire in a major dark ride, not the area. They could, and I am saying could; just base the area off of Hobbit and actually use LakeTown (yes, that's what its called) and have a indoor/outdoor coaster themed to the third act of Desolation of Smaug as you go into the mines. Either those two, or go really ambitious and do Rivendell; could be done; it'd be hard, but it can be done.
That said, if the potential court case goes through, as WB could get it, i'd expect UC to have the ability of using Middle earth for the parks.
EDIT: Heres the TPI Article from October..
Court Ruling Clears Way for Next Battle Over 'Lord of the Rings' Theme Park Rights