Then that means there are plenty of people talking about it. So there are plenty of different "sources" saying a multitude of things- but they all have one constant- the ride closing. So no one is getting "in trouble", as "so many pieces" of "different people's stories" "don't match up". So only say the thing that does, right?
I follow lots of different insiders from magic and here- but the stringing along just for stringing along's sake; all while answering specific questions. Why not just start listing every attraction until you say "i cant answer that"? I just don't get it. Sorry.
C'mon, man. That would destroy the "I know something you don't know. Na-na-boo-boo." circle jerk and ruin the hierarchy around this place.
There's only four types of people in the theme park community. Those that
legitimately know and help others by dropping vague hints. Those that
may or may not know, but we have no idea if they
really know because they only ever brag about knowing and never divulge anything other than the obvious facts. Those that
want to know and treat the former like royalty and feed the circle jerk. And finally, those that
pretend to know with a post count of <10 in order to "impress" people.
I think most of us appreciate those that legitimately know and give enough information to explain what is going on, while keeping it vague enough to protect themselves and still keep things interesting. But I loathe the majority that is simply "Oh holy poop, guys! This is going to happen and its going to be crazy. But I can't tell you, because if I did I wouldn't feel special anymore! I'm not going to add anything to the discussion other than... holy poop. This is BIG! Yeah, yeah, what he said!"
I've been back for only a few months to find a lot of new people here and it's so easy to see the two or three that have credibility and add to the community, and the others that just play the "I'm special. Look at meeee." game.