Just because food is good quality doesn't make it 'fine-dining'. I'm talking more gourmet options, celebrity chef outlets, top notch experiences. Cowfish has great food, good enough service, and a nice experience, however would you consider it in the same tier of say a Wolfgang Puck or Gordon Ramsay establishment? That's what I'm getting at by fine dining. Doesn't have to be Michelin-starred or anything, but my family and I always have one or two "nice" dinners every vacation, and at Universal on property, there aren't many options for that. I like the plan they have, but I'd love to see more unique dining options and especially some more gourmet outlets for the next phase of Citywalk. They have the inexpensive and middle price ground covered. Would love to see some real Asian flavors or a nice steakhouse in CW, even something Mediterranean or Greek inspired would be welcome. Additionally there's not really a great Seafood place on prop unless you count Lombard's, which I've personally never tried.