Definitely what I saw at PCB also. The beach had plenty of room when I was there (though both the beach in PCB and Destin I went to were private). So no mask wearing there was np. But anywhere else at any other restaurant (servers did) or store? Zip. Not one that I saw. In a huge chunk of the south, people have accepted the losses COVID will bring and are fine with it. And for the area with the highest obesity rate, I don’t know how wise that is.
Speaking of weight; I still find it highly annoying that the only mentions of prevention of this disease are masks and social distancing. No one is talking about boosting immune support. Good sleep, taking vitamins, getting exercise and sun, eating healthy, nothing.
If some effort would be placed on immune support and knowledge, the hospitalization rate wouldn’t be as high. But that, of course, would make people healthier; and our health care system can’t have that, can they?