Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 190 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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Glad I never switched to September.
When did you switch to? Don't know when things will return to normal in terms of flights, seems like Virgin might be the first one of many to put a halt on flights to Florida until next year as they'll probably keep restrictions on travel to hot spots like Florida for a while.
When did you switch to? Don't know when things will return to normal in terms of flights, seems like Virgin might be the first one of many to put a halt on flights to Florida until next year as they'll probably keep restrictions on travel to hot spots like Florida for a while.

Looking into it a bit further, it seems like the days have been switched. Usually they fly on Friday and saturdays. I think they’ve added another day as well.

This has resulted in changes to all flights.

I just cancelled mine outright. I didn’t fancy having a credit with a company potentially facing administration and I wanted to be sure things were returning to normal.
Let’s please not post baseless rumors, or at least wait until we have something more solid to go on.

Sorry for not including the tweet. Here's official word for Virgin:

Looking into it a bit further, it seems like the days have been switched. Usually they fly on Friday and saturdays. I think they’ve added another day as well.

This has resulted in changes to all flights.

I just cancelled mine outright. I didn’t fancy having a credit with a company potentially facing administration and I wanted to be sure things were returning to normal.

Very smart. I'd make sure everything was at least mostly normal before even considering going.
Sorry for not including the tweet. Here's official word for Virgin:

Very smart. I'd make sure everything was at least mostly normal before even considering going.

Sorry to confuse, I was talking about a baseless Twitter rumor surrounding Universal TMs getting COVID. Please do not link to the tweet if you see it as there seems to be no basis to the claim.
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The party crowd, and the no precautions crowd, really needs to start realizing the damage they're causing not only to health, but also the economy of an area that is so dependent on the tourists that they may well be scaring away. They, and their relatives, may well not have any jobs to return to if they don't calm down and take it easy for a while.
This makes me sad for Orlando in particular, but Florida as a whole. Hoping Desantis frankly does another full shutdown until August and develop a smarter plan until then, and try re-opening again. This is just awful.

Hope everyone on here who’s in the state, as I’m sure there are many, stay safe and stay sane!

Did you post at 4:20PM on purpose? ;)
and tonight the NY Times follows our lead from yesterday with a new story....NY Times, "Southern officials warn of new clusters linked to bars and frat parties".
Do you guys think HHN is happening? It just doesn’t seem likely with the amount of cases going up and how things are going on? We haven’t even made it out of the first wave.
It is, pictures of construction have been seen, plus I heard of TMs being told to be ready to apply for HHN
Do you guys think HHN is happening? It just doesn’t seem likely with the amount of cases going up and how things are going on? We haven’t even made it out of the first wave.
If I had stock I would short disney and comcast right now. Florida is going to be NYC with no lock down in sight soon. International and domestic guests are gonna get banned. Right now deaths are down presumably because old people are more often staying in but the infection rate is gonna get ugly and bump those numbers.

I would quite frankly not want comcast to waste money on HHN at all and just build for next year.
HHN as people on here point out is where the parks make a ton of money. I'd rather them do it even if smaller and make some cash then not and still have a smaller budget next year.
We have zero idea if not year will be any better with the way hot spots keep popping up

While not for everyone, I will be soooo excited if I can go to HHN this year, something unique to take my mind off of the year. Plus the crowds will be low, so hopefully less lines or emptier mazes with less guests in them to make them less scary.

But i highly doubt if the event is cancelled that means a dime more goes to next years event, pretty sure the budget will be depending on how much they are projected to make per year.
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