Whether you like it or not, here is the cold, harsh reality of enforcing mask-wearing:
There will be a lot of people going to theme parks (Mainly in Orlando) that will be out-of-state (and country) tourists. After being in lockdown for months, they're going to grow tired of restrictions. It has been clearly evidenced in the opening of Sea World Orlando and even in Universal Orlando as you will see many guests either not wearing their masks or not wearing them the way they're meant to be worn. The hot and humid weather will only exacerbate the issue as people will have a hard time breathing after an hour or so (If that!). Theoretically, they could strictly enforce the policy by having cast members crack down hard on mask-wearing and social distancing, but when all of the people that refuse to wear a mask/social distance are your paying customers, are you going to berate your customers that will gladly open up their wallets to buy a meal, a churro, or a beer? If you piss them off, they will leave. If enough people feel frustrated and leave from the restrictions the parks put in, they're losing money. And when the parks lose money, guess who they're going to sympathize with more? Frankly, I don't see the Covid measures being put in place come HHN, if not sooner.
I think you will also see this in SoCal as the parks opening up there will be opening a month later. More people are going to grow tired of the restrictions and they won't be keen on being yelled at to social distance or wear a mask. Even with the mask order Newsom put in place, I see many people not wearing a mask as I walk in the streets. Even when I walked around the Irvine Spectrum Center a couple of weeks ago, half the people I saw either had their masks down, or weren't wearing them at all.
Another thing to consider is that if people are really concerned about Covid (And I mean, REALLY feel concerned about Covid), do you think many of those individuals are going to go to a theme park? If the people that do feel this way (I'm including the theme park fanatics here) do go to a park and don't feel safe and end up leaving, guess who's left? The people that won't adhere to the restrictions and spend money.
So for better or for worse, I just don't see the parks enforcing the restrictions. Even if they do, I can tell you, they won't last long.