Was referring to the surge, not the other issues..... Sure, I've always said the govt., govt agencies here, and in most countries of the world have handled this poorly from day one. And I'm certainly no fan of 45. Just about every government was ill prepared and the infighting and professional jealousies among national and world health experts has been disheartening. And the slow refusal of the in office experts to accept findings of physicians on the front lines has also been disappointing. And then you have the WHO, that's ten steps behind just about everyone else in the world on masks, the newer strain being way more contagious, and the reality of air born contagion It's a recipe for disaster.....But getting back to the surge, the lack of responsibility emanating from the under 30's, going all the way back to spring break and now 'youth gone wild'. Just gotta party. And even with the new seriousness and emphasis on the surge by the media, they are still continuing. Shut down the bar. Well, then a couple hundred will go to someones house, drink, party, vape and do whatever else. and....in Orlando, these are the people that need Universal & Disney for jobs for themselves and their families, and they're cutting the economy out under themselves.they really need to calm down, re examine their life under covid, take it easy for a few months, and quit doing stuff that has the potential to seriously affect tourism in an area that really has no other major industry to fall back on.