Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 83 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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Universal Orlando survey out there, wants to know how AP holders feel about possible precautions once the parks reopen. Put how you feel about: requiring everyone pass a 15 min Covid test to enter, disallow those with fevers, no self serve food/beverage stations, require TMs to wear masks, require guests to wear masks, require 6 feet distance at all times, TMs wipe down ride vehicles after every use, parks at 50% capacity, parks at 75% capacity, all indoor rides/shows closed.

That outta give you an idea of what they’re considering.

Sounds like "are you ok with the worst case scenario?" Some of that seems impossible without drastically reducing attendance.

Also, rollercoasters with masks probably won't work. So with no inside rides and no rollercoasters... Water rides only?
Universal Orlando survey out there, wants to know how AP holders feel about possible precautions once the parks reopen. Put how you feel about: requiring everyone pass a 15 min Covid test to enter, disallow those with fevers, no self serve food/beverage stations, require TMs to wear masks, require guests to wear masks, require 6 feet distance at all times, TMs wipe down ride vehicles after every use, parks at 50% capacity, parks at 75% capacity, all indoor rides/shows closed.

That outta give you an idea of what they’re considering.

So they'd want to open HRRR at USF and nothing else as an option?
Not counting queues I think this is the list of every ride with no indoor sections: Flight of the Hippogriff, Rip Ride Rockit, Pteranodon Flyers, Hulk, Fearfall, Kang and Kodo, One Fish Two Fish, Popeye, Storm Force Accelatron.

You could probably go to F&F too, just by virtue of no one else wanting to be there either.
Not counting Queues I think this is the list of every ride with no indoor sections: Flight of the Hippogriff, Rip Ride Rockit, Pteranodon Flyers, Hulk, Fearfall, Kang and Kodo, One Fish Two Fish, Popeye, Storm Force Accelatron.

You could probably go to F&F too, just by virtue of no one else wanting to be there either.

Oh god, this is going to be the thing that makes F&F popular.
Sounds like "are you ok with the worst case scenario?" Some of that seems impossible without drastically reducing attendance.

Also, rollercoasters with masks probably won't work. So with no inside rides and no rollercoasters... Water rides only?
Idk how masks won’t work on coasters. I wear sunglasses on most coasters and it’s fine.

my guess is nearly everything outside of testing and no indoor rides happens. Masks will be mandatory for everyone, as they are in the Asian parks that have opened up
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A few of the outdoor rides have indoor queues so ”in for a penny in for a pound”. I say open the whole thing up and stick thermometers up everyone’s bums and swab their nostrils.

Imagine arriving for your vacation and testing positive only to be dragged away and put in a box until the county comes and picks you up for quarantine in some bunker somewhere.
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Idk how masks won’t work on coasters. I wear sunglasses on most coasters and it’s fine.

my guess is nearly everything outside of testing and no indoor rides happens. Masks will be mandatory for everyone, as they are in the Asian parks that have opened up

People lose sunglasses on coasters all the time. Especially launched and inverting coasters. Your experience does not make it true for everyone. Masks will fly off.

Masks on a coaster should be essential. Have you ever been on a coaster when somebody is sick? It goes everywhere, same thing with small bits of saliva.

Branded theme park face masks are going to be a huge seller.

As I think masks will fly off, I don't see how they do coasters.
People lose sunglasses on coasters all the time. Especially launched and inverting coasters. Your experience does not make it true for everyone. Masks will fly off.

As I think masks will fly off, I don't see how they do coasters.

I think you’re overestimating how many masks would fly off. They’re pretty well on your face. Hagride and Mummy will be fine at the very least

Fun Spot will have more to do.
they’re not gonna open without indoor rides
People lose sunglasses on coasters all the time. Especially launched and inverting coasters. Your experience does not make it true for everyone. Masks will fly off.

As I think masks will fly off, I don't see how they do coasters.

I think masks would be more secure than glasses since they loop around your ear where as glasses rest on top. If glasses start to slip, they’re pretty much gone but masks will give you a chance to at least catch it or hold it against your face. Masks should also be more snug to your face.

From a safety point of view, a falling mask is far less dangerous than glasses.
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A few of the outdoor rides have indoor queues so ”in for a penny in for a pound”. I say open the whole thing up and stick thermometers up everyone’s bums and swab their nostrils.

Imagine arriving for your vacation and testing positive only to be dragged away and put in a box until the county comes and picks you up for quarantine in some bunker somewhere.

my bet is you wouldn’t even be able to get on the plane because you’d have a fever and there will almost certainly be fever checks at the airport soon
my bet is you wouldn’t even be able to get on the plane because you’d have a fever and there will almost certainly be fever checks at the airport soon

I was joking as checking for a fever is a joke because as I have said on here over and over that fever is only a telltale for a very short time in most.

The most dangerous super-spreaders appear to be people in apparent great health. This is a very clever virus.
Keep in mind not all of these are practical considerations. There's no way Universal would have enough rapid-use tests for their park guests. They're gauging how comfortable people and the limits of that comfort.

If 90% of respondents say they won't return without mandatory rapid testing at the park entrance, they're going to reconsider opening the parks. If 85% of respondents say they won't return if indoor attractions are open, they're going to reconsider opening the parks.

It's testing the waters.
I think you’re overestimating how many masks would fly off. They’re pretty well on your face. Hagride and Mummy will be fine at the very least

they’re not gonna open without indoor rides
It was a tongue in cheek comment. Note the emoijs I used. :lol: Don't you ever have a sense of humor around here. Sheesh....It's obvious they're only testing the waters.
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I was joking as checking for a fever is a joke because as I have said on here over and over that fever is only a telltale for a very short time in most.

The most dangerous super-spreaders appear to be people in apparent great health. This is a very clever virus.

Yea, true, which is why I'd definitely bet masks will be a requirement whenever they do reopen
Universal Orlando survey out there, wants to know how AP holders feel about possible precautions once the parks reopen. Put how you feel about: requiring everyone pass a 15 min Covid test to enter, disallow those with fevers, no self serve food/beverage stations, require TMs to wear masks, require guests to wear masks, require 6 feet distance at all times, TMs wipe down ride vehicles after every use, parks at 50% capacity, parks at 75% capacity, all indoor rides/shows closed.

That outta give you an idea of what they’re considering.
Park at 75% capacity would mean nothing considering USF’s capacity is 50K and not the largest park to begin with.
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So, talking about HHN and social distancing... Here’s an actual sprung layout, built directly from the CAD (I’m not telling which).

The green is a two-foot wide “Guest Path.”

The blue is “Guest Space;” the area between walls/scenic that guests have access to (I admit I cut off some key employee spots).

The red lines are the “Social Distance,” which here is only a 5ft radius off center of the Guest Path (I flubbed the math).

Purple dots are performer locations.

Basically, social distancing is near impossible in a haunt. The walls serve as the only “protection,” but there are open spaces and you almost aways have performer within 6 ft of you.

I just went to a store and had to wait outside until people left because they are limiting capacity.If when The Parks reopen how does everyone feel about some kind of reservation system for Passholders.If Out of State Passholders Travel in to go to Park (Me) should we get a priority to get in (out of state passholders pay more) If Capacity is reduced and Passholders are turned away after paying to Travel and stay at a Hotel .Such as a guaranteed weekend entrance once every 3 months .If a local passholder gets turned away they get to pick a guaranteed return day. (with limits on number of guarantees)
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