Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 84 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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Yea, my guess is if the studios do end up getting into the actual theater business, which is just a theory on my end, that they would have to get into it *together* to get around anti trust laws. Basically every major studio gets an even stake.
The DOJ is actively seeking the end of the Paramount decree as they feel with streaming theaters no longer can control a market by itself.
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So, talking about HHN and social distancing... Here’s an actual sprung layout, built directly from the CAD (I’m not telling which).

The green is a two-foot wide “Guest Path.”

The blue is “Guest Space;” the area between walls/scenic that guests have access to (I admit I cut off some key employee spots).

The red lines are the “Social Distance,” which here is only a 5ft radius off center of the Guest Path (I flubbed the math).

Purple dots are performer locations.

Basically, social distancing is near impossible in a haunt. The walls serve as the only “protection,” but there are open spaces and you almost aways have performer within 6 ft of you.

View attachment 11996
Welp, see you all in 2021
So, talking about HHN and social distancing... Here’s an actual sprung layout, built directly from the CAD (I’m not telling which).

The green is a two-foot wide “Guest Path.”

The blue is “Guest Space;” the area between walls/scenic that guests have access to (I admit I cut off some key employee spots).

The red lines are the “Social Distance,” which here is only a 5ft radius off center of the Guest Path (I flubbed the math).

Purple dots are performer locations.

Basically, social distancing is near impossible in a haunt. The walls serve as the only “protection,” but there are open spaces and you almost aways have performer within 6 ft of you.

View attachment 11996
On top of this, Scareactors wear the same costumes for the length of the event and if they are out for a day, the person put in their spot wears the same exact costume. There aren’t extras for when people have a day off or call out. That would pose a big health liability for the company as well, I’d think.
On top of this, Scareactors wear the same costumes for the length of the event and if they are out for a day, the person put in their spot wears the same exact costume. There aren’t extras for when people have a day off or call out. That would pose a big health liability for the company as well, I’d think.
The costumes are washed nightly (at least, they were, so that’s less of an issue. Masks though...
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The costumes are washed nightly (at least, they were, so that’s less of an issue. Masks though...
Only what is absolutely necessary gets washed - most gets sprayed down with disinfectant and they call it good enough. There’s also only about 5 people park wide that handles washing (and they’re already overloaded), so if they were to wash everything every night, they would likely have to double the wardrobe staff.

And yeah, masks just get a quick wipe down. They are an easy way to spread germs from person to person if multiple are wearing the mask, especially since the virus is airborne.

Yea, my guess is if the studios do end up getting into the actual theater business, which is just a theory on my end, that they would have to get into it *together* to get around anti trust laws. Basically every major studio gets an even stake.
Was thinking about this and the closest all the studios together have come to working together on a joint business in recent memory is Hulu.

Disney/Comcast/Fox/Warner all came together to form what became Hulu. We know how that story ended. Companies either got bought out or sold their shares to the point that Hulu only has one parent company.

We can’t let that situation even be possible with theaters if they become ajointly owned-studio business. Studios beyond just the legacies need to be included including Netflix, Amazon, Lionsgate, Paramount, Sony, etc, etc.

It needs to be to the point where it’s virtually impossible for a buyout to occur. Or even for one Studio to own 51%.
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I wonder if Disney will reintroduce a smoking area inside the parks.

If they're introducing a new type of entry system, they can't have people going in and out the park all day. It makes social distancing more difficult and also adds more stress to what will no doubt be a overloaded system.

The obvious irony being that smokers are more likely to have a worse COVID experience.
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I wonder if Disney will reintroduce a smoking area inside the parks.

If they're introducing a new type of entry system, they can't have people going in and out the park all day. It makes social distancing more difficult and also adds more stress to what will no doubt be a overloaded system.

The obvious irony being that smokers are more likely to have a worse COVID experience.
Doubtful. When Disney makes a big change like that, they rarely go back, only forward.
I can see smaller parks like Silver Dollar City, Kennywood, Knobels, etc opening in the fall. They're smaller parks all around (ride count, attendance, work-force, demand, etc) so they'd be able to handle an early opening a lot better than Disney/Universal/Cedar Fair/Six Flags/Seaworld would.
Good point. They’re also region specific and don’t draw national crowds. So if a 100 mile radius around Silver Dollar City has very few cases, they should be able to safely open with restrictions.
Beaches reopening in FL tonight.
Sigh. This isn’t smart at all.
I mean, hospitals still don’t have adequate PPE
*Some don’t. In fact very few don’t. The northeast has been hit the hardest (population density), but the large majority of the US hospitals have adequate PPE.
This is why we should not be opening up the country at all unless we all want to live like this the rest of the year, or 2 years.
Ironic statement. So to not prevent living like this for the rest of the year we should... live like this for the rest of the year? :D
“Opening up the country” is far to large a statement. Leave it up to the governors and local areas to determine.
1) There will not be another New York City
2) There are plenty of places in our nearly 4 million square mile country that can open small aspects today. New York, New Jersey, most of Michigan or New England? No.
Florida beaches? Hell no. Though even then, some rural beaches should be looked at on a county by county Or city by city level.
State parks in Texas? Yes.
Basically the entirety of Utah or North Dakota with limits on number of people? Absolutely.
There comes a certain point where so many ****ing stupid decisions are made that you start to wonder if we deserve it?
Mother Nature keeps trying to cull the population and we always stop her.
Texas is supposedly going to open as soon as this coming week. The first domino has fallen.
The guidelines are very mild for Texas.

I don’t have anything I disagree with.
The biggest two things are:
State Parks: with Texas’ locations of state parks, they’re almost all in rural areas and they don’t lend themselves to any large gatherings. Limit of 5 people in a group. Also must wear masks and keep 6 feet distance unless with family.
Retail is opening but only with curbside delivery or at-home delivery. So similar to ordering wings from Buffalo Wild Wings and picking them up curbside; which is already happening.
That and officially cancelling schools and any graduation gatherings for the 2019-2020 school year (we’ve been out since first week of March).

It’s hard to disagree with any of those. Gets a few people back to work. Hopefully if people blow their stimulus money on retail, they can do it locally now and not online.
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Question for you guys who live locally and are APs. Are you guys gonna have reservations about going to the park when it opens right away? Or are you going to wait until next year when (hopefully) things get back to some kind of normalcy?

Looking at these guidelines on the survey, I can’t imagine going to a theme park in 2020 being an enjoyable experience. If they even open up. It’s damn near impossible to follow social distancing unless they drastically reduce capacity.

Being from NY, I kind of accepted the fact I wouldn’t be making my way down this year. Which I’m super bummed about because I was very much looking forward to experiencing Galaxys Edge. But if this is what we’re looking at for the foreseeable future, it’s a little easier to stomach.
Question for you guys who live locally and are APs. Are you guys gonna have reservations about going to the park when it opens right away? Or are you going to wait until next year when (hopefully) things get back to some kind of normalcy?

Looking at these guidelines on the survey, I can’t imagine going to a theme park in 2020 being an enjoyable experience. If they even open up. It’s damn near impossible to follow social distancing unless they drastically reduce capacity.

Being from NY, I kind of accepted the fact I wouldn’t be making my way down this year. Which I’m super bummed about because I was very much looking forward to experiencing Galaxys Edge. But if this is what we’re looking at for the foreseeable future, it’s a little easier to stomach.
I’m neither of those two things (well, technically I have an AP, but that’s more of a hack from my last trip) , but I would imagine it depends on how long Universal/Disney keep extending annual passes.

If they stop extending passes when the parks “open” (50% capacity or whatever), I think pass holders will to just because it’s a waste of money not to. Passes are expensive and pass holders are already on the hook to pay for them
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I would go in November when it is cooler all the while wearing one of these:


The naughty thing about a respirator is that the exhale valve isn't filtered. So if you wear one and have the virus then everyone around you is poop out of luck. But you will be breathing highly filtered air!
I must have missed something
He’s making fun of the governor of Florida by calling him a clown and describing horror to Orlando and Florida as opening up the beaches.

It’s only a one way street though. One party is acceptable to be made fun of and the other isn’t. Or maybe name calling (the very bottom of Graham’s hierarchy for disagreement) is allowed on both sides, but no one here stoops to that for the other party; so as long as you name-call the “president” or the clown, all is ok.

For the rest of us, we can look at the decisions and hopefully make a reasoned assessment.
For me, some might be ok (even the beaches- there are counties where the beaches are local only/not tourist and only have one death in the entire county) and others; like Clearwater, aren’t.

I think the counties should have control and make the best decisions after communicating with their local hospitals and reviewing their specific situations.
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