Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 86 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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If the parks say they’re required, I hope they make sure people follow the rules. I worry all it’ll take is a few complaints for the mask requirement to disappear
And call me cynical, but someone is going to say they can’t wear a mask for medical reasons. Who knows what the reason will be, but it’ll happen.

Another silver lining of COVID! ;)
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Time to short Disney, investors are 100% going to be spooked by the rebound and when things shut back down.

They’ll be open. Not sure how much that’s going to help Orlando proper, but they’ll almost certainly be open in June

In some capacity, for some length of time, at least. I don't think they'll be open enough to be meaningfully profitable, though.
It’s only a one way street though. One party is acceptable to be made fun of and the other isn’t. Or maybe name calling (the very bottom of Graham’s hierarchy for disagreement) is allowed on both sides, but no one here stoops to that for the other party; so as long as you name-call the “president” or the clown, all is ok.
I’ll take animated movies for $600, Alex.....

This 1995 Disney film followed the love interest of a female protagonist who enjoyed exploring “just around the river bend.”
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The parks in Asia aren’t even open yet. And when they tried relaxing restrictions, cases started popping up again. If Orlando parks do reopen in June, either people will be too timid to show up, making them operate at a loss, or people show up and another outbreak occurs, then we’re back to where we started. I don’t see a scenario where we go back to “normal” until 2021.
Because those countires are run by leaders who aren't idiots who think they are smarter than scientist

While many countires screwed up at the start most don't do it after the fact...but America will because we are a speical kinda stupid with people protesting to go get sick
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I’ll take animated movies for $600, Alex.....

This 1995 Disney film followed the love interest of a female protagonist who enjoyed exploring “just around the river bend.”
That’s definitely somebody I’d want to be like. /s

Note: I was also specifically talking about this forum, as I mentioned in my post. So unless the “president” posts here, the point stands.
The parks in Asia aren’t even open yet. And when they tried relaxing restrictions, cases started popping up again. If Orlando parks do reopen in June, either people will be too timid to show up, making them operate at a loss, or people show up and another outbreak occurs, then we’re back to where we started. I don’t see a scenario where we go back to “normal” until 2021.
Cases are going to spike again if we open back up, it's a fact.

I do wonder what summer will do to Covid-19...especially in Florida.
I will continue to say that if the parks are open in Orlando come October they will have 7 garunteed guests from me and my family and we will be coming from Arizona so say what you will but there are those of us willing and able.
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Question for you guys who live locally and are APs. Are you guys gonna have reservations about going to the park when it opens right away? Or are you going to wait until next year when (hopefully) things get back to some kind of normalcy?

Looking at these guidelines on the survey, I can’t imagine going to a theme park in 2020 being an enjoyable experience. If they even open up. It’s damn near impossible to follow social distancing unless they drastically reduce capacity.

Being from NY, I kind of accepted the fact I wouldn’t be making my way down this year. Which I’m super bummed about because I was very much looking forward to experiencing Galaxys Edge. But if this is what we’re looking at for the foreseeable future, it’s a little easier to stomach.
Yes our family has major reservations. From my mindset, I didn't go through all this to throw it away for a day at the parks. I don't know when we'll be back but won't be until its safe.

I will say that since my wife and I have been working from home for years and due to me constantly worrying about everything we are likely taking things more serious than most people. I would love to be back at the parks, but I will not jeopardize things that are way more important.
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People are talking about *when* they try to shut things down again. I don’t know if the masses will tolerate this. Protests are springing up.

Don’t think the masses are at those protests.

I generally don't like linking to reddit but it looks like these protests are mostly astroturfing linked to some dude in Jacksonville, FL that owns a salvage company.
It was a tweet where DeSantis clearly did not know how to put a mask on.
Anyway, this has the potential to be a big issue for the parks. This study (still preliminary) seems to indicate that Air Conditioning is a huge spreader of the disease. Masks are going to HAVE to be mandatory to keep droplets out of the air.

Not sure what article you read, but your statement isn't what the article says. The body of the article pretty much goes out of its way to say theres no proof whatsoever that the A/C itself spread the virus, but then tries to conclude it caused it anyway. They tested the AC and found no traces of the virus on the inlet or outlet. They go on to explain scenarios where the families could have gotten the virus and that none of the staff or anyone else in the restaurant got the virus. It states that Tables B and C had one member of the family show symptoms first, then the rest developed them. If they all would have gotten infected at the same time, they would have been more likely all gotten sick at the same time. Their hypothesis is that air blowing out of the air conditioner went past the table that wasn't sick, past the table with someone that was sick, and then cycled back past the table that wasn't sick to the return air. It supposedly did that, but never made it to the ac? That's shaky at best. If the person who was sick was sitting right by the ac outlet, I could see the high pressure airflow spreading droplets. But as this would have had to been by the much lower pressure return, I just can't see it. Even if it was the scenario here, those at Tables DEF and the staff(81 people) would have been in that air flow, yet none got sick. If that's the case, a gentle breeze outside would spread it all around as a return air will have about as much pressure as that.

All that being said, I'll say theres almost no chance that the virus would make it through an AC. AC's pull moisture out of the air. It condensates on the coils and dryer air is blown out. An air conditioned room would be safer than a non air conditioned room.
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I will continue to say that if the parks are open in Orlando come October they will have 7 garunteed guests from me and my family and we will be coming from Arizona so say what you will but there are those of us willing and able.
Same here...and I volunteer to wear an apocalypse mask to HHN
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Let’s not forget the reason we were supposed to be doing these lockdowns in the first place: to “bend the curve” and not overwhelm the healthcare system. Now that the numbers have gone down during this, it seems like the goalpost has been shifted to “let’s bring it to ZERO!” in order did that to take place, we would basically be in a great-depression level scenario, if not worse.

People are already at their breaking point. Virus or not, people are getting restless.
Let’s not forget the reason we were supposed to be doing these lockdowns in the first place: to “bend the curve” and not overwhelm the healthcare system. Now that the numbers have gone down during this, it seems like the goalpost has been shifted to “let’s bring it to ZERO!” in order did that to take place, we would basically be in a great-depression level scenario, if not worse.

People are already at their breaking point. Virus or not, people are getting restless.
It's like whack a mole. It's nearly impossible that this will get down to zero cases in any populous state, even if a vaccine happens.That's a completely unrealistic scenario. Best they're going to be able to accomplish is an under 1 person spread ratio. Hell, things like measles,polio, and the black plague still pop up after all these years....and then when international travel, which started this whole mess, starts anew, guaranteed it will pop up again. It's not going to go away completely in our lifetimes.Best we can do is temper it's effects.
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People are talking about *when* they try to shut things down again. I don’t know if the masses will tolerate this. Protests are springing up.

lol A couple dozen astroturf protests don’t mean spit.

Open up too early and things absolutely will shut down again.
I do think it's fair to speculate whether or not the masses will return to another round of indeterminate social distancing, should one be called.
Most polling shows the vast majority of people have no desire to “return to normal” any time soon.
lol A couple dozen astroturf protests don’t mean spit.

Open up too early and things absolutely will shut down again.

Most polling shows the vast majority of people have no desire to “return to normal” any time soon.
Don’t underestimate the people. If enough show up in front of the town halls and make their voice loud and clear they’re through with these lockdowns, I don’t think the powers that be will want to lose their votes.

Remember when Fallow said how much say the conglomerates (Disney, Uni, etc) have in these matters? Iger was summoned to Newsom’s economic task force to reopen Cali. That’s after Newsom said that “it would not be wise” to have mass gatherings during the Summer. If there’s enough pushback, I think they will hold off on the lockdowns.
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Don’t underestimate the people. If enough show up in front of the town halls and make their voice loud and clear they’re through with these lockdowns, I don’t think the powers that be will want to lose their votes.

Remember when Fallow said how much say the conglomerates (Disney, Uni, etc) have in these matters? Iger was summoned to Newsom’s economic task force to reopen Cali. That’s after Newsom said that “it would not be wise” to have mass gatherings during the Summer. If there’s enough pushback, I think they will hold off on the lockdowns.

I don’t underestimate the people at all. I just know the protests we’ve seen are not “the people”. They’re an AstroTurf movement of a vast minority.

And I have no delusions about how important business interests are to our government. But I also think anyone expecting masses of people to show up to these parks anytime soon are kidding themselves
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