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Frozen Ever After

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those people that would decide to visit Norway based on an animated film are strange to me. Unlike LOTR, Frozen isn't filmed at an actual place, they could have easily placed the story in any country and the movie would not have been effected. Norway is NOT a character in the say Africa is in Lion King, London in Peter Pan, or Paris is in the Aristocats.
I hate this so very much. Another nail in the coffin to what was at one point the greatest theme park on the planet.
those people that would decide to visit Norway based on an animated film are strange to me. Unlike LOTR, Frozen isn't filmed at an actual place, they could have easily placed the story in any country and the movie would not have been effected. Norway is NOT a character in the say Africa is in Lion King, London in Peter Pan, or Paris is in the Aristocats.

While technically true, most of the architecture, culture references, and clothing designs were based solely on Norwegian tradition.
What if Frozen doesn't replace Maelstrom and instead gentrification of Arendelle-ians to Norway (with it all redeveloped) happens?
What if Frozen doesn't replace Maelstrom and instead gentrification of Arendelle-ians to Norway (with it all redeveloped) happens?

That's worse, IMO. At least with a Frozen overlay of Maelstrom, it's like their pretending they want to improve the park and give Epcot a well deserved new experience. Dropping the ride is just admitting they're putting in a Frozen shopping mall.
That's worse, IMO. At least with a Frozen overlay of Maelstrom, it's like their pretending they want to improve the park and give Epcot a well deserved new experience. Dropping the ride is just admitting they're putting in a Frozen shopping mall.

Oh the ride is still coming, just there's no pretending the buildings are staying and it will now be a fake country in WS.
I was one of the ones who really liked Frozen when it first came, I am sick and tired of it. It's just way too much, the amount of times I've had to listen to Let It Go is enough to drive someone mad. Can't we just keep Maelstrom and rename the unload village Arendale....just put a sign up that says Welcome To Arendale where you unload and BOOM, problem fixed. Just please, for the love of God.... NO MORE FROZEN!
I was one of the ones who really liked Frozen when it first came, I am sick and tired of it. It's just way too much, the amount of times I've had to listen to Let It Go is enough to drive someone mad. Can't we just keep Maelstrom and rename the unload village Arendale....just put a sign up that says Welcome To Arendale where you unload and BOOM, problem fixed. Just please, for the love of God.... NO MORE FROZEN!

Disney's repeating it's mistakes with Who Wants to be a Millionaire all over again.
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I love how I got completely flamed for saying this movie wouldn't be that relevant in the future and now look at it. I haven't heard let it go in months, the MGM event wasn't that successful after the first week and it's now becoming just another Disney movie that was once gigantic. Shame ain't it?
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That's the second reference I hear to the Frozen event at DHS not being busy anymore. Is this true? They're not even filling up the Let It Go sing-alongs anymore?
I love how I got completely flamed for saying this movie wouldn't be that relevant in the future and now look at it. I haven't heard let it go in months, the MGM event wasn't that successful after the first week and it's now becoming just another Disney movie that was once gigantic. Shame ain't it?
This is absolutely not "just another Disney movie".
Yeah it's just another Disney movie. Which is why they have lines at the mall every Saturday for the arrival of Frozen merch. Come on guys, are we really still trying to say this is another flash in the pan? Say what you will about the poorly conceived summer cash-in at DHS, but Frozen is huge and will hold over time. What they're doing now is no different than what they did when Lion King came out. And because you haven't heard Let It Go in "months" (which lucky you, because the rest of us have), that means that it's not relevant. Please guys. You're making yourselves look silly.

As a personal aside, I am a manager at an indie theater that is similar to the Alamo Drafthouse (we serve beer and wine and food in the theater). We do special events and on big classic screenings (like Star Wars and Indy) we sell out. We showed the Frozen sing-a-long three weeks ago for kicks... and sold out all 4 nights of it. Lines out the door, not just kids. Grown adults dressing up in costume. Lines to take pictures with said adults.
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LOL...Forzen fad is FAR from's just died down a little bit. Our local learning express had a forzen princess meet and greet this past week and there was a line out the door the whole time. If you had children, I would think this would be way more obvious to you.
Actually I have 2 little brothers that are Disney obsessed, they're basically girls with how many princess movies they've watched (my 3 year old brother has a little mermaid backpack). We watched frozen for atleast a week and they kept asking me to change it to something else, these are the same boys that watched nothing but Peter Pan for a month. It's not even they're tastes because we watched 2 weeks of home on the range!!! There are always going to be movies like this and once you watch it a couple times and see how it doesn't really take any risks or do anything that special it gets boring as hell and that's probably what happened to tons of kids watching it. Sure it's still a little but popular but it's time has passed. Call me crazy but by the time the maelstrom retheme gets announced I don't think anybody will care, especially with the new Star Wars coming out and people asking for that in a land
Call me crazy but by the time the maelstrom retheme gets announced I don't think anybody will care, especially with the new Star Wars coming out and people asking for that in a land
You're crazy. People love Frozen. I can't get in my 21 year old friends car without it being on, never mind going home and my sister is playing some sort of frozen game or she'll be watching it. And the Frozen Summer Event isn't doing as bad as you seem to claim either. They sold out of all premium packages for the run of the event a week or two ago.