The more I see reactions the more I'm mildly baffled at how negative people are reacting towards the idea of only having 6 mazes. Some of the best years in the events history, notably 2016, and some of the best mazes in the events history, such as Insidious 2015 and Texas Chainsaw Back in Business, came out of years with 6 mazes or less. I will admit the lack of terror tram and the likely scaling back of scarezones makes there overall less content at the event, but a scaling back of the maze count makes me interested in the possibility of more money going into the maze design themselves. Its honestly kinda hard for me to understand, had we been sorta spoiled with the constantly growing maze count over the last few years, or is it just because a lot more of the HHN fanbase wasn't around for the pre 2016 years?