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Halloween Horror Nights 2024 (USH) - Speculation & Rumors

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I’m going to reiterate how disappointed I would be if they brought back Leatherface again after we just had him three years ago. I know it’s the anniversary, but they should prioritize giving Freddy and/or Jason another go. Leatherface as well as Michael Myers need a good, long rest. Even if it’s in the context of a Titans of Terror-kind of house, he needs a break.

Sadly though, if they do bring back Leatherface, I think the GP would probably eat it up.

HOWEVER…..I do think doing a Titans kind of concept would be great for 2026, which would be the 20th anniversary for HHN Hollywood. That alongside of an “original” anniversary house with the Asylum, La Llorona, and Holidayz would be great, but that’s for another year.
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I’m going to reiterate how disappointed I would be if they brought back Leatherface again after we just had him three years ago. I know it’s the anniversary, but they should prioritize giving Freddy and/or Jason another go. Leatherface as well as Michael Myers need a good, long rest. Even if it’s in the context of a Titans of Terror-kind of house, he needs a break.

Sadly though, if they do bring back Leatherface, I think the GP would probably eat it up.

HOWEVER…..I do think doing a Titans kind of concept would be great for 2026, which would be the 20th anniversary for HHN Hollywood. That alongside of an “original” anniversary house with the Asylum, La Llorona, and Holidayz would be great, but that’s for another year.
Leatherface is ol reliable I get what you’re saying but I wouldn’t mind having tcm come back. If it was the only slasher rep then yeah I’d mind but if it was like our Hollywood exclusive ip that we usually get I wouldn’t really complain. I thought the 2021 house was really good it was the best house that year IMO
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I’ll go as far as to to add on to Freak and say if we get TCM back, I might as well brace for a mid event. The IP’s presence never bodes well for the years’ lineup the times it’s been at the event

*2016 being an exception
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I’ll go as far as to to add on to Freak and say if we get TCM back, I might as well brace for a mid event. The IP’s presence never bodes well for the years’ lineup the times it’s been at the event

*2016 being an exception
*and 2007, 2008, 2012.
Really, it has only been 2017 (where it was only 1/3 of a maze and tram) and 2021 where those years weren't that great when TCM was around.
2 out of 6 ain't that bad of a record, honestly lol
I’ll go as far as to to add on to Freak and say if we get TCM back, I might as well brace for a mid event. The IP’s presence never bodes well for the years’ lineup the times it’s been at the event

*2016 being an exception
2020/2021 was, as @HydraGen2299 pointed out, a victim of circumstance. 2007, 2008, and 2012's line-ups looked great, but this is coming from an outsider.
I am also GP--I wouldn't mind a "Best of" TCM that incorporates Blood Brothers and 2012, alongside including elements of the videogame from GUN that came out.

Think there's a lot you can do with TCM--in a way that could be really fun and fresh.
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To be honest I would actually rather one of the returning IPs be Freddy vs Jason or just NOES. It's be a while since we have seen Nightmare on Elm Street in some way shape or form and it would be good to have Freddy back at HHN. Also the 2019 IP I think will return to this year's Halloween Horror Nights is Creepshow. It makes sense for this maze to come back plus I didn't get to see creepshow but I know that this maze was good I liked everything about this maze and It just seemed like fun. The Series has enough content for a entirely new maze or maybe HHN can even replace a scene or two from the original maze if they wanted to.
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To be honest I would actually rather one of the returning IPs be Freddy vs Jason or just NOES. It's be a while since we have seen Nightmare on Elm Street in some way shape or form and it would be good to have Freddy back at HHN. Also the 2019 IP I think will return to this year's Halloween Horror Nights is Creepshow. It makes sense for this maze to come back plus I didn't get to see creepshow but I know that this maze was good I liked everything about this maze and It just seemed like fun. The Series has enough content for an entirely new maze or maybe HHN can even replace a scene or two from the original maze if they wanted to.
With NoES, at least there’s still quite a bit of material they haven’t covered. They still haven’t done the very first NoES, for one thing. Also a house on Dream Warriors would be DOPE. Plus it’s time for Freddy to come back.

With TCM….what more can you do with it? Unless they do TCM 2 with Dennis Hopper….theres only so much you can do with a hillbilly with a chainsaw.

While I would t be upset about Creepshow being repeated, I think Silent Hill is going to be out repeat. Murdy has very much wanted to do it and I think a new game or movie is coming out this year.
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With NoES, at least there’s still quite a bit of material they haven’t covered. They still haven’t done the very first NoES, for one thing. Also a house on Dream Warriors would be DOPE. Plus it’s time for Freddy to come back.

With TCM….what more can you do with it? Unless they do TCM 2 with Dennis Hopper….theres only so much you can do with a hillbilly with a chainsaw.

While I would t be upset about Creepshow being repeated, I think Silent Hill is going to be out repeat. Murdy has very much wanted to do it and I think a new game or movie is coming out this year.
If Silent Hill is repeated I would most likely be upset. I do not exactly want the silent hill maze to come back. Even though I am a massive fan of the silent hill franchise. I would love to see a New Silent Hill maze though. They could use Silent Hill 2 or even the movie for the theme of this maze. I think most people would want a new maze based off of Silent Hill 2. Also I want to know everyone's thoughts on expanding Blumhouse behind the scenes it has so much potentially. Imagine having more character encounters and maybe even add more creative ideas to expand the show and make it more longer, horrifying, and fun.
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Silent Hill has plenty coming out this year, especially with the Silent Hill 2 remake as @ProjectScare said, I think there's plenty of demand and plenty of ideas. Plus a new movie, theoretically, for GP that aren't as familiar with the franchise. Never did the Hollywood version in 2012, but I think Silent Hill alone is unique enough to stand out from the haunts the event has had recently, even if it does become a copy/paste in some sections.
If Silent Hill is repeated I would most likely be upset. I do not exactly want the silent hill maze to come back. Even though I am a massive fan of the silent hill franchise. I would love to see a New Silent Hill maze though. They could use Silent Hill 2 or even the movie for the theme of this maze. I think most people would want a new maze based off of Silent Hill 2. Also I want to know everyone's thoughts on expanding Blumhouse behind the scenes it has so much potentially. Imagine having more character encounters and maybe even add more creative ideas to expand the show and make it more longer, horrifying, and fun.
I can understand not wanting Silent Hill by virtue of it being a repeat and wanting something new. The pattern with Hollywood post-Covid is that they like to bring back one house from the past. While I would rather have something new, the event is big enough now to where having just one repeat out of eight isn’t bad. If anything that’s one less house I gotta do on my repeat visits lol

But it’s been (Or will be when the event starts) 12 years since we had Silent Hill! Even when I went through it back then they could’ve done it a little better. Now that we have access to soundstages I would love to see them pull it off in the Exorcist stage. I think of all the IPs to bring back that’s the one I wouldn’t mind having back. That or AWiL.
I can understand not wanting Silent Hill by virtue of it being a repeat and wanting something new. The pattern with Hollywood post-Covid is that they like to bring back one house from the past. While I would rather have something new, the event is big enough now to where having just one repeat out of eight isn’t bad. If anything that’s one less house I gotta do on my repeat visits lol

But it’s been (Or will be when the event starts) 12 years since we had Silent Hill! Even when I went through it back then they could’ve done it a little better. Now that we have access to soundstages I would love to see them pull it off in the Exorcist stage. I think of all the IPs to bring back that’s the one I wouldn’t mind having back. That or AWiL.
Another claim I want to make is that it doesn't make sense to return silent hill as a repeat. In the past couple years which are HHN 2021, 2022 and 2023 they seem to be bringing back an IP from HHN 2019. I think that's a sort of trend they may be focusing on doing right now. Unless their are 2 repeated IPS I could see silent hill coming back to HHN but not as a repeat.
I don't really see Creepshow happening, the iron isn't hot, so to speak. I don't think that show is on anyone's radar and it's not that huge of a classic. I think there's plenty of other things that take priority over it.

Silent Hill would be great to revisit. The first time, it wasn't the best, would love to see them give it another shot. However, every year I want them to give Resident Evil a shot, and every year I am disappointed! Guess I gotta go to Japan...with that said, Silent Hill seems to be back on people's minds, especially after The Last of Us maze was a huge draw and there's new content coming out.

AWIL, compared to Silent Hill, would just be an exact repeat. Silent Hill could be changed 100 different ways, while they covered everything an AWIL maze could cover. It was good, but not great, no real big interest from me, but I wouldn't be mad at it either. Other than that, it would just seem kinda random. Maybe in 2 years for it's 45th anniversary.

Silent Hill would be the best case scenario out of these three for the "repeat house" this year.
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