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Halloween Horror Nights 24 Discussion

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Well I think have the reason there are so many people in the scare zones this year is that all of them are nessisary to go through. The purge also has the auction too. I'm not saying get rid of all scare zones because that's ridiculous, who wouldn't be mad at HHN for doing that? If budget is major factor though I rather have the 9th house for lines sake. That's all
Cole you said what I was thinking. Though The Purge I think people really do spend time in.

Not sure what has the streets so pumped up (maybe a good pep talk) The Purge killers were damn good. This was the first time Maskerade gave me a slight interest (There's still a lot of reasons the zone doesn't work) Bayou seemed to have quite extra amount of actors. A side note on AvP. I was so disappointed in the added actor to the "egg room". Might as well have an ops standing there.

Also what's up with the Wait-Time screens being gone. Only one I saw was the front of the park and Kid-zone. Smart move on moving the S&S to Duff. Makes sense to have a drink and get Halloween out the way.
Lol they added an actor in the egg room? How? The floor is soaking wet, Is he dressed as an egg? I think this year had some great streets, there wasn't a real stinker and you have to go through them if you want any progress (love that). The actors are also spectacular, had tons of interaction on the streets this year than any other. Dancing with the MASKerade dancers, auctioning in the purge, having the pirates in face off call me a "string bean" and who can forget mamba one of the best scare actors of all time? I rather have 4 really elaborate and well done scare zones with tons of interaction than a bunch of dull ones and one or two good ones
I've always thought the scare zones help make the event. The less focus on scare zones, the lousier the year. It creates the energy and ambiance for the entire park, not just the houses which people wait up to 2 hours for and take what..3 minutes to walk through?
It was a female solider when I went through. She was just standing there waving her hand for us to move forward. Now as for the streets there's hints of things but as a whole :look:
I've always thought the scare zones help make the event. The less focus on scare zones, the lousier the year. It creates the energy and ambiance for the entire park,
not just the houses which people wait up to 2 hours for and take what..3 minutes to walk through?

yes, yes... .yes!!!! you are right! yes!! :thumbs: that's basically what i was thinking about as well.
I feel like Hollywood does scare zones better than Orlando from what I've seen, they utilize a lot more props and it's a bit more immersive. It also kind of sucks that entire back half of the park is kind of a dead area for streetmosphere. I would really love it if they put more focus and effort into the streets for HHN in the coming years, we took a step forward by actually having scare zones this year but I'd like for them to strive to improve on it.
The "egg-room" actor is now at least telling us to move forward in character.

Hell Week was on point this year. I had a rather interesting talk with the Queen of bayou. That was simply a once in a life time. Sorry can't repeat what was said just know. She spoke with great vengeance.

Maybe do the soundtrack of the Purge zone. Though I've never notice the Volkswagen Beetle playing music. Quite funny to see the actors walking walk by to listen to the music. Also the hostage truck now has a blue light inside the back.

I don't mind express what so ever. Though not sure what's the right amount to be let in. I did a count outside of Roanoke. Counted about 60-ish people from express we're let in. I do feel sorry for those waiting 90-120mins only to be stuffed into a congo-line. No HHN house should be seen that way. Anyone else feel annoyed with the large groups just standing in zones? I know it works great for the actors. Though it kills the zone for me.
It took us an hour to park and there is wall to wall people. Several houses are over 2 hour waits. We just walked by Halloween at 150 minutes. Were eating at FFB to settle down but it's been a rough night. I'm glad I got everything done in the first few weeks.
We bailed at 11:30 tonight, only getting to do B&T and Dollhouse (after waiting nearly two hours for it). On the way out we were looking at wait times and even houses like Dracula were hitting 100 minutes. Mummy had an hour wait, Transformers was closed as we were leaving. I love me some HHN and I'm enjoying it this year, but tonight sucked bad. Just way too busy to enjoy, we're going to try and go one last time next Sunday and show up super early. Unfortunately I can't stay and scream despite having an AP since everyone I go with only has HHN passes.
The issue with those houses are not that they are modern, it just happens that the AVP and Halloween houses are better. WD would be considered modern and it is getting insane lines as well. Don't forget, Cabin and Evil Dead (evil dead really based on the more recent version), both were modern and were great houses last year. Marketing isnt going to hit a home run on every IP. Plus I am sure that many people really liked FDTD and Dracula. I personally didnt think either was bad, just not as good as the other houses. Marketing isnt just there for hard core fans. As a matter of fact, if I had to guess, WD has pulled in more than any other IP over the last few years, and it is not a classic (at least not yet :smiley: )

yeah, I guess what I meant was movies that have a following already. Everyone loved Cabin and Evil Dead had a huge positive reaction from fans.
So those movies were kind of new but they had a big following

but From Dusk as a show, barely anyone has seen it, Dracula was not even out. If Universal wants so much money from the ticket sales, wouldn't it make sense to stop promoting movies and shows with houses and stick to houses with Big fan followings? Like American Horror story?

if all that Marketing cares is feet on the ground, lines reaching 2 hours and express passes almost selling out, Wouldn't it make more sense as a business to stick to the movies that WILL bring the masses into the park?
Even the Purge has a big following already. a lot of people loved the 2 movies. so why doesn't marketing stick to the IPs that will bring the more money into the park? because From Dusk and Dracula really were not it
FDTD was a weird IP choice. It isn't popular and drawing crowds, so it doesn't come off as a marketing forced house. But I don't see it as a personal project that the creative team really wanted since it was in Florida AND Hollywood. So my best guess is that it was indeed a marketing forced house as an attempt to possibly draw a Hispanic crowd to the event.

Dracula is a bit more obvious that they wanted to promote the film with HHN. It was a house nobody was really super excited about and while it is towards the bottom of the list this year, I'd say it about did as well as it could with that particular IP.

Those IPs weren't chosen for the following, marketing had some other things in mind with them.
FDTD was a weird IP choice. It isn't popular and drawing crowds, so it doesn't come off as a marketing forced house. But I don't see it as a personal project that the creative team really wanted since it was in Florida AND Hollywood. So my best guess is that it was indeed a marketing forced house as an attempt to possibly draw a Hispanic crowd to the event.

Not quite. From Dusk Til Dawn is a show that happens to feature Hispanic characters...it is not, however, an IP aimed primarily at Hispanics and does no better job bringing that crowd in than Walking Dead does. The big idea here is SYNERGY. Comcast is huge on this. The show is featured on some network not many people have, it clearly wasnt going to be a huge draw. The idea was to use the house to promote the show rather than have the show promote HHN. Marketing's goal was to create enough interest in the series, and in turn the network its on, by giving it an unprecedntedly huge expsore (think of just how many people go to HHN). Lines are not indicators of the success of Marketing's intent...viewers of the channel FDTD premiered on will be.
Just to echo other posts, last night earned the term "Hell Night." Streets almost impassable at points, which renders SZs useless. Crowd didn't die down either, at least not up front. At 1:30, TWD was still posted 120, while FDTD and DU held at 25. A huge number of kids last night, I'm assuming school out somewhere today.
I was going to ask if I should forego the $100 Express this Thursday but after reading Milla's post, nevermind.

My friend was able to do all 8 houses on Saturday so I thought oh maybe it shouldn't be so bad. But I guess that goes with the trend for this year where nights where the ticket prices are less are actually when it's more crowded.
But I guess that goes with the trend for this year where nights where the ticket prices are less are actually when it's more crowded.

That's been building for a couple years now--I think it has to be due to growth of FF and ROF passes, as well as the occasional promotion like Knight Night. At least on the weeknights you usually have until 8 or so before the park gets flooded--Sundays are slammed from 5:45 on.

I will say the final RHPS of the night was sparsely attended--even more so by the end, given the number of walk-outs. Maybe a half dozen people were trying to do call-backs. Was is this show still in the budget???