Halloween Horror Nights 31 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 31 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
This thread is dedicated to all Speculation & Rumors for this year's Halloween Horror Nights 31 event at Universal Orlando.

As always, we ask that all speculation come from realistic expectations and adds to the discussion. Please keep discussions about wishful thinking/dream properties to the HHN Wish List threads. Official news will be shared on the News & Info thread.

We will be monitoring this thread very closely. We understand it's been 2 years since we've had a proper new speculation season and everyone is antsy to start talking about what's next. At the same time, we don't want the threads to devolve into chaos. We kindly ask you to please respect the guidelines of discussion so we can avoid locking discussions.

Also, we ask you to please refrain from any COVID protocol handling (i.e. Plexi/Vinyl) discussions for the time being. As has been evident for the past couple of years, things can change, especially last minute. Let's keep the initial focus on Spec, please.


DISCLAIMER: This thread contains discussion centered around rumors and sometimes could include baseless speculation, and should be treated as such. Posts are not confirmations. Any official announcements for HHN will be shared on our main site, InsideUniversal.net


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To avoid the Wish List situation I do wonder what Netflix property we'll get. ST4? Midnight Mass? Fear Street?

ST4 feels like a lock.

But given that we apparently came close to a Game of Thrones house, I'm surprised The Witcher doesn't come up more. More pop culture penetration than the traditional horror shows, would lend itself to a monster house quite easily.
I wonder if the rumor of keeping Universal Monsters involved in some way with HHN will end up being true. I've already heard mention of another potential UM house for this year; not for an inside source just ppl talking.
This is what I’m hoping. Sort of a continuation series of UM. I want Creature from the Black Lagoon but honestly I would love any of the monsters. I like the ideas of keeping up with these houses.
Also, Fear Street and Halloween (probably Kills) are my two “relevant” IP guesses. Gremlins of course too would be great. Don’t really want ST4 but who knows.
I'm writing an article about "The Road to HHN 31" so I won't go into too much - but I do not see Midnight Mass coming, despite me loving the show.

Also - Squid Game is not Horror and doesn't belong; and if you want to call that Horror, then we have to call Hunger Games horror, too. Plus, we already kinda got a Horror-Adjacent version with Seek and Destroy and a majority of the people did not care for it.
...and if you want to call that Horror, then we have to call Hunger Games horror, too.

I do technically classify Battle Royale as horror even if I classify Hunger Games as fantasy... :whistle:

But I don't want to veer too off-topic and I also don't think Squid Games will make an appearance for several reasons.

I almost feel like the popularity zenith for Fear Street will be too far in the past by the time next HHN rolls around. I think Stranger Things 4 will be the hot commodity at the time closest to the event finalizing plans.

IP-heavy year? Potentially. There could be a lot of recent properties to choose from...

Not going any deeper down the speculation hole until we have some concrete reasons to.

Right off the bat, here's IP's I think have a decent to really good chance of appearing:

  • Gremlins - Was apparently going to come last year but only didn't because we already had Beetlejuice as the comedy house.

  • The Thing - Highly requested, and next year is the 40th anniversary of the original. C'mon. It's time.

  • Chucky - New TV series, owned by Universal, popular character, and always seems to find a way into HHN. Makes perfect sense.

  • Scream - New movie releasing next year, and of course was supposed to come in 25 but, uh... ya know.

  • Halloween - Would be based on the Blumhouse trilogy which comes to an end next year.

  • Fear Street - A pretty obvious choice, considering it's Netflix and the trilogy has been a big success. I could see this becoming a 5th soundstage house and getting the AHS treatment (i.e. 3 houses in one).

  • The Haunting of Bly Manor - I think it's pretty obvious why this could be a house next year.

  • Monsters: Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman - Continuing this HHN Universal Monsters story, we can have Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman next year. It was done in Hollywood in 2019, and for the story it would make sense. Following Frankenstein's Monster being resurrected, the Bride of Dracula's looking for some revenge and so she brings in the Wolfman to kill them both, resulting an epic battle with us stuck in the middle.
Any reason not to speculate towards a potential Chucky zone/house? We got the photo-op this year, the show is on an NBC network, and it's not like it's unexplored territory for HHN by any means.
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Speaking of that...

Not that it really means much, but it was liked by Aiello :lol:. Seems worthy of speculation lists at the very least.

Right off the bat, here's IP's I think have a decent to really good chance of appearing:
  • Halloween - Would be based on the Blumhouse trilogy which comes to an end next year.

Wouldn't count on it unless they patched things up with Miramax.
I think with the current Halloween trilogy coming to a close with Halloween Ends next year and Universal having distribution rights to all of these films, it'd be foolish not to think that Halloween has a high chance of showing up, especially with it being HHN's Halloween year (HHN 31). And to just to get it out of the way since it'll probably be talked about quite a bit until we figure out if it's coming or not, Stranger Things 4 is something I wouldn't be at all surprised at Universal wanting again just with all the merch and F&B possibilities the IP brings.
I think with the current Halloween trilogy coming to a close with Halloween Ends next year and Universal having distribution rights to all of these films, it'd be foolish not to think that Halloween has a high chance of showing up, especially with it being HHN's Halloween year (HHN 31).
I could've sworn there was an issue with Miramax preventing the trilogy from being used? Am I completely misremembering lol?
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