I guess I’m the only Chucky fan on here then lol. Yes it’s silly. Yes it’s dumb. But that’s why I like it. It’s funny, over the top, very camp and just fun. I also do like Leprechaun too for the same reasons. Looking forward to the house just for the dark humour. Is Chucky scary? Ignoring the burned and melted versions in Child’s Play 1 and 2 not at all. Is Chucky fun? Absolutely. Some really comedic moments in the show, and played very tongue in cheek. Hopefully there’s a chance for real interaction similar to the last Chucky scarezone. I think it’ll be a nice break from everything else at the event this year, and compliment the lineup nicely. Having ten very intense scary houses will just lessen the impact of them all. Variety is the spice of life!