An Invisible Man is something I’ve had been wondering about whether if they could pull it or not - It’s a tough one to do.
They could do it entirely in black lights to have him to do jump scares be guys in black clothes with only one pair of clothing on that is visible like a hat or shirt (Universal/HHN merchandise would make a perfect fourth wall break for this) and holding a knife to make it seem like it’s floating in a threatening matter with some Slasher elements as an update, but you know it’s the Invisible Man.
You also got some camouflaged scares and pitch black areas with some things touching you in the dark, and course some scares with him fully clothed with the bandages. It’s sounds like a very experimental approach.
This would also require black walls for the black light scares to work, so the actors could be behind them, which would be very hard to pull off without making the scares so obvious or making the sets small. You can’t really have a house that is entirely pitch black or have anyone touch you in the dark for safety reasons.
On paper, it sounds good as a camouflage house, but I don’t think it would really come off as the Invisible Man by execution cause it wouldn’t be easy to build all the sets for the scareactors to blend in with it other than making them with just walls patterned and painted or covered with black sheets and curtains.
That’s why I consider the Invisible Man to be the toughest character to do for a house, even with some interesting ideas together, you have to build the sets uniquely different to fit in some of the scares.