Edit: Sorry half my post got deleted when I was typing it but thankfully pat_naughty05 picked up the pieces. Below if your interested would be my game plan.
Upon entering the park at opening head directly to Hallow'd Past, always do Hallow'd past first as its exit will dump you off directly next to Catacombs entrance. Once you exit Catacombs it will dump you off about twenty feet from Havoc's entrance. After Havoc head towards Bill and Ted, if its showtime do it, if not then do the Orphanage then Bill and Ted. After you complete these two head towards disaster and hit up Zombiegheddon. Once your done hit up Psychoscarapy, then either Hades or LT which ever has the shortest line. Psycho, LT, and Hades all share the same exit area so doing Psycho first will generally cut back your backtracking. Always go to the back of the park first. Everyone else go's straight to the soundstage haunts and clogs up the lines. They also have staggered opening times and can really screw your night up. Any other questions dude let me know, I would be glad to try to help it make it a better trip for you.