Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear | Page 141 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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Heading out soon! I have express so i most likely hitting all houses. I will write my review tomorrow!
2ND YEAR!! Ugh being excited but nervous at the same time all day was not fun..
From a comment on HHN's FB page:
We saw her last night close to the end of the Psychoscarepy house. she isn't dressed as "Bloody Mary" she is dressed as Dr. Mary Agana. She is wearing the dress that Mary wore, had her hair up, lab coat on & the necklace. If you go to the VIP area they have a model of her wearing exactly that. Also, my friend I was with played Bloody Mary in Reflections of Fear & said that it was Dr. Mary Agana.
Can anyone confirm that Bloody Mary/Agana is in PS now?
All the music throughout the park is Midnight Syndicate, they do use similar intruments so I see where you might be confused.
It feels weird to be a weekend night and not be at a Halloween event. We did HHN Thurs. and HOS Fri., but today I covered Food & Wine at Epcot so no haunted tonight (our FF isn't good for Sat. anyway but we might have gone back to Busch...it was DEAD there last night). HHN tomorrow night, and my quest to find Eddie will continue.

I hate to say it, but other than Saws and Steam, the Busch scare zones blow HHN away. I'm not actually couting 20 Years as a scare zone, since it's set up more than a photo op (although Cindy did scare the hell out of me in there).
I had an awesome first time last night. :) Definitely going to head back in the future, whether it be this year or in the years that follow. Just wish I had gotten interested in it earlier...
All the music throughout the park is Midnight Syndicate, they do use similar intruments so I see where you might be confused.

Definitely not all Midnight Syndicate, the soundtrack from last year included numerous non-Midnight tracks. They ARE definitely playing some Inception tunes every once in a while. My ears perked up when I heard it, since I own (and love) that soundtrack.
From a comment on HHN's FB page:

Can anyone confirm that Bloody Mary/Agana is in PS now?

Yeah, what happened to Bloody Mary? I thought she (a character look alike, or whatever) was confirmed for a scarezone and house, but I never saw her anywhere...


Anyways, I went back Thursday night and had a pretty great time. I got there REALLY late, after 8pm, and I was still able to do all 8 houses, which I didn't even get to do on opening night with the AP preview! The weather was perfect too and standing in line wasn't so bad with the nice breeze. ZombieGeddon is still the house with the most line and it's long all night long! The last three houses we did were Catacombs, Havoc and Orfanage, in that order, and they were all walk-on. We got really lucky for Orfanage because as we were walking towards it, a mass of people were exiting Bill & Ted's but we were still able to get in without any line. I must say, doing all houses at night is SO much better... I had done some houses during the daytime on opening night, and doing them at night on Thursday, they were ALL so much more amazing, for some reason :shrug: I was able to see some new scares, and I finally did Hades, but I still feel I've not seen all the scares and elements in the houses, especially in Legendary Truth. I won't get too in-depth and spoil the things in the house, but I went through it twice now, both times with different people, and both times the other person with me felt blah about the house. I think it's all about bad timing on our walk-throughs. There's at least three effects I've heard of that are in LT, that I've not yet seen myself. I did get to see a few new things and experience a few new scares, especially in Hallow'd Past, that I had not gotten to before. So, I'm eager to do the event many more times, seeing as with every new visit I get to discover more and more new things that I missed before!

You are all welcome to see the pics I got Thursday right here! Because I was with a friend, and especially because we got there so late, I didn't devote as much time to pictures as I wanted to, and the pics I did take were rushed... so I also can't wait to go again and take more time to do this properly.

This has likely already been mentioned but this is a huge thread and effort to search for it. Mary Agana is right in the Texting game for Psychoscarepy this year as well.
This has likely already been mentioned but this is a huge thread and effort to search for it. Mary Agana is right in the Texting game for Psychoscarepy this year as well.
That's the lamest inclusion of Bloody Mary they can come up with... Bring a damn white eyed, cut up, bloody-robe wearing brunette and put her in 20 years of Fear at least! And better if she's behind a two way mirror, or a wall with a framed hole where "bloody lady in the mirror" will appear ;-)

im not a big fan of fear jacks my fav :D
Fear is a disappointment at the event... He's in no houses, and he just stands there, looking very fake... :( He should be in Hallow'd Past giving us a good scare.
Does anyone know how late they allow you to enter the gates? As in, if you arrive at 11pm, can you still get in?

I don't see why not. Once I actually entered IoA at closing time :p They scanned my ticket and said, "have fun!" :lol: Of course all the rides were closed and only the stores were open, but they still let me in! I don't see how HHN would be any different, especially at 11pm when you have an hour or more of the event still ahead of you.
Does anyone know how late they allow you to enter the gates? As in, if you arrive at 11pm, can you still get in?

I have seen them letting people in 30 minutes before closing on my way out on a non peak night.
From a comment on HHN's FB page:

Can anyone confirm that Bloody Mary/Agana is in PS now?

I learned a couple of interesting tidbits about this today on the Unmasking the Horror tour:
-I asked, and they said that Dr. Mary Agana is NOT in PsychoScareapy, that's just another nurse.
-They said Bloody Mary is actually not an icon during their history presentation! :confused:
-They mentioned again that the LT got rid of Bloody Mary and she is no more. At this time plans are for her to never return, although they did say "never say never," but as of now, no more Bloody Mary :'(
Wanna see the ONLY mention of Bloody Mary at HHN XX? Check out the small graveyard near the Caretaker's hearse in Fear Revealed. The tombstones have a few familiar names....
From HHN's Facebook:
Here's your chance to take part in a LIVE Q&A on the Universal's Halloween Horror Nights - Orlando (OFFICIAL) Facebook page TODAY with Steve Gonsalves & Dave Tango from SyFy’s hit show, Ghost Hunters! Q&A starts at 5:30pm ET at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights - Orlando (OFFICIAL). The Ghost Hunters will be at HHN later this week for a special appearance.
A hint if you come late:
They were selling EPs at a booth out front as we left, so I asked if they were selling the heavily discounted EPs that are good after 10 p.m. They said they were but you had to specifically ask for those, so keep that in mind if you come late on a crowded day. I don't think they always sell those, but worth asking.

I finally found Eddie...woo hoo! Wasn't sure it was him, but got up the guts to ask and was rewarded with success. Cindy is a vicious little vixen over there. Scared me good last time and got hubby last night. I noticed they are getting more aggressive with scares in the Mureto zone or whatever it's called too. Coven just ain't scary tho'. I still love Steam and Saws but overall I've got to give HoS the scarezone award this year (I barely count XX as a scarezone since it's all basically photo ops...I like it, but it's not a true scarezone).
The only scary element of Coven is when those hags come out of the huts. That actually got me good :p
Even though there aren't many scares in Fear Revealed, and there are some scares, it's still one of my favorites because of the interaction we get to have with the icons, as well as the nostalgia and the chance to get to know those icons that we never "met" in the past.