From a comment on HHN's FB page:
Can anyone confirm that Bloody Mary/Agana is in PS now?
Yeah, what happened to Bloody Mary? I thought she (a character look alike, or whatever) was confirmed for a scarezone and house, but I never saw her anywhere...
Anyways, I went back Thursday night and had a pretty great time. I got there REALLY late, after 8pm, and I was still able to do all 8 houses, which I didn't even get to do on opening night with the AP preview! The weather was perfect too and standing in line wasn't so bad with the nice breeze. ZombieGeddon is still the house with the most line and it's long all night long! The last three houses we did were Catacombs, Havoc and Orfanage, in that order, and they were all walk-on. We got really lucky for Orfanage because as we were walking towards it, a mass of people were exiting Bill & Ted's but we were still able to get in without any line. I must say, doing all houses at night is SO much better... I had done some houses during the daytime on opening night, and doing them at night on Thursday, they were ALL so much more amazing, for some reason :shrug: I was able to see some new scares, and I finally did Hades, but I still feel I've not seen all the scares and elements in the houses, especially in Legendary Truth. I won't get too in-depth and spoil the things in the house, but I went through it twice now, both times with different people, and both times the other person with me felt blah about the house. I think it's all about bad timing on our walk-throughs. There's at least three effects I've heard of that are in LT, that I've not yet seen myself. I did get to see a few new things and experience a few new scares, especially in Hallow'd Past, that I had not gotten to before. So, I'm eager to do the event many more times, seeing as with every new visit I get to discover more and more new things that I missed before!
You are all welcome to see the pics I got Thursday
right here! Because I was with a friend, and especially because we got there so late, I didn't devote as much time to pictures as I wanted to, and the pics I did take were rushed... so I also can't wait to go again and take more time to do this properly.