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HBO's Game of Thrones

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The episode was cool but also felt like, "we got a lot of stuff to do in not very much time to do it!" It felt like a best of album.

I loved the "king of the north" scene (was Sansa casting him an eyeroll?), and the lovable girl ruler. Jon's mama is finally known and it looks like they set up the inevitable Jon & Dany marriage. And the ships and dragons crossing the ocean was AWESOME!! Stuff is about to go down.

With queen crazy pants, Little Finger, Euron, the Night King... Going to be interesting.

You said it better than I. It was the best themed attraction I have ever been on. It satisfied my every crevice! Now, its up to everyone else to figure out how the editors of HBO did it. It was piss elegant and best of the best.
The episode was cool but also felt like, "we got a lot of stuff to do in not very much time to do it!" It felt like a best of album.

So true! I know they kind of compressed time to tell the story, but it felt a little disjointed with people getting from one place to another so quickly. Especially when (in the books especially) they talk about how far apart all these places are and how long the journeys were. For Varys to show up in Dorne then show up back in Mereen, then to have Aria show up back in Westros it almost felt like they found some sort of magic way to travel all of a sudden.

Overall though, the last two episodes were excellent!
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Loved the episode. Feels like we got everything we have been waiting for. Only drawback was none of it felt like a surprise.

I was somewhat surprised by Cersi blowing up everyone up. Knew about the about the wild fire but didn't wasn't aware she knew or would use it. I thought maybe some how she would have an army storm the building and kill everyone off. Then the king committing suicide. Im curious to see how the hound plays into this mix
I was somewhat surprised by Cersi blowing up everyone up. Knew about the about the wild fire but didn't wasn't aware she knew or would use it. I thought maybe some how she would have an army storm the building and kill everyone off. Then the king committing suicide. Im curious to see how the hound plays into this mix

No wonder I was shocked. What is "wild fire"??? How was it once described?
Song of Ice and Fire. Could the outcome have been put out there right under our noses the entire time :shrug:

Dany - Fire
Jon - Ice

But last night was a confirmation that Jon is both ice and fire. The R + L = J theory was basically confirmed in the Bran flashback. Jon is both Stark and Targaryen. It would also make him the second head of the dragon. There still should be one Targaryen left to ride the third dragon which hopefully will be revealed next season.
No wonder I was shocked. What is "wild fire"??? How was it once described?

Fantasy/medieval nepalm, created by alchemists. I think GRR Martin based it loosely on reports of Archemdes' "Greek fire" but I could be off on that. In other words, not actually a real world substance, it's pseudomagical.

The Mad King Aryes--Dani's father--buried stores of it under the city during Robert's Rebellion, planning to set it on fire and go out in a blaze of glory if his enemies ever breached the walls. Jamie, his chief bodyguard, stabbed him when he tried. Hence why everyone calls him "The Kingslayer."
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Top five episode easily. Could be top one or two with no argument. I hope the book will be out soon to see the differences, but I am guessing the foundations of this season will be the same, but more depth. Very cool to finally see who Jons parents were (even though it was pretty much assumed). And no one ever puts Cersi is a corner!!
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Fantasy/medieval nepalm, created by alchemists. I think GRR Martin based it loosely on reports of Archemdes' "Greek fire" but I could be off on that. In other words, not actually a real world substance, it's pseudomagical.

I couldn't help but think of Ghostbusters slime when I saw the glowing green stuff while watching last night's episode :lol:
But last night was a confirmation that Jon is both ice and fire. The R + L = J theory was basically confirmed in the Bran flashback. Jon is both Stark and Targaryen. It would also make him the second head of the dragon. There still should be one Targaryen left to ride the third dragon which hopefully will be revealed next season.

My wild guess Brienne of Tarth. I have really nothing to base that on, just a wild, nothing would surprise me anymore guesses
At any other point in the season they would have drawn out the trial for an entire hour, so I'm glad that was finished relatively quickly, and what a pay off! Cersi is an ice queen. I have a feeling ... Jamie might kill her.

Arya could have, you know, just gone back to Winterfell. The time/space jumping bothered me. And God help Theon when he faces Jon Snow again.

I was pretty disappointed how Melisandre was used this season, tbh.
It's amazing how many of these stars are getting jobs on television and in movies in the USA. North man doing commercials and LF in Maze Runner. Has Sansa gotten a film part yet... she is that good.
Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell) is the lead in the upcoming Marvel/Netflix show Iron Fist. He'll team up with Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage in the Defenders miniseries.

Guess he won't have to worry about schedule conflicts with GoT anymore. ;)
The Mad King Aryes--Dani's father--buried stores of it under the city during Robert's Rebellion, planning to set it on fire and go out in a blaze of glory if his enemies ever breached the walls. Jamie, his chief bodyguard, stabbed him when he tried. Hence why everyone calls him "The Kingslayer."

And this was presented in earlier episodes? I know I have missed some episodes... or watched them early on not knowing what any of the series was about.
And this was presented in earlier episodes? I know I have missed some episodes... or watched them early on not knowing what any of the series was about.
There were three points I can remember where this was revealed. In season 2 when Tyrion uses the Wildfire stockpile to set Stannis' fleet on fire in the Battle of Blackwater as Stannis was attacking King's Landing. The second was in season 3 when Jaime recounted to Brienne, after they were both taken prisoner, why he killed the Mad King. And the third this season after Bran was getting his Three Eyed Raven crash course flashback montage which displayed the Mad King Aerys Targaryen yelling "Burn them all!" while sitting on the Iron Throne.
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I was somewhat surprised by Cersi blowing up everyone up. Knew about the about the wild fire but didn't wasn't aware she knew or would use it. I thought maybe some how she would have an army storm the building and kill everyone off. Then the king committing suicide. Im curious to see how the hound plays into this mix
Clegane Bowl is a popular theory among fans like R+L=J

Cleganebowl | Know Your Meme