Forget who, but I was very consistent in noting that Valravn and Mako were likely entirely fab'd and almost finished shipping (think Mako finished shipments in October, and Valravn likely before). I would guess they're probably halfway through fabricating the pieces (very conservative guess based on how many pieces have shipped out that I'm aware of) and are shipping them out as they finish painting them. A rough guess for completed delivery would be...2nd week of March, and that's probably allowing too much time for winter to catch up to Ohio and any other delays. Allow another month for construction of the track/supports, and a month for additional interior/exterior work, and two weeks of final test & adjust plus training. That takes us up to, what, late June/1st week or two of July? They'll probably want this open before the July 4th rush, but optimistic is ready by May, IMO. Realistic/most likely is start of June. I forget, what are we looking at for Kong?