Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 62 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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Disneyland Space Mountain 2005's rebuild the same layout?
It is the same layout as before but during the 2003-2005 refurbishment the foundation to the attraction was re-poured and the floor was lowered 10 feet changing the support structure throughout the ride. The new track was manufactured by a different company than the original. There were some original track pieces retained from the back end of the station to the top of third lift and the storage and spur tracks.
It is the same layout as before but during the 2003-2005 refurbishment the foundation to the attraction was re-poured and the floor was lowered 10 feet changing the support structure throughout the ride. The new track was manufactured by a different company than the original. There were some original track pieces retained from the back end of the station to the top of third lift and the storage and spur tracks.

So the answer is "yes"? lol
Not to be annoying, but I'm STILL so perplexed: we never confirmed a definitive "why" regarding this whole track replacement situation. I mean, really, this is quite unheard of.

So what was it? Simply proactive safety? Were there structural problems? The sound issue?

Universal wouldn't spend millions to effing re-build a coaster from scratch, only for a slightly smoother ride with updated vehicles, IMHO.

Please only comment if you know the actual reason... we've already speculated to death :)
Not to be annoying, but I'm STILL so perplexed: we never confirmed a definitive "why" regarding this whole track replacement situation. I mean, really, this is quite unheard of.

So what was it? Simply proactive safety? Were there structural problems? The sound issue?

Universal wouldn't spend millions to effing re-build a coaster from scratch, only for a slightly smoother ride with updated vehicles, IMHO.

Please only comment if you know the actual reason... we've already speculated to death :)

Nobody seems to have a clue what's going on so I doubt we'll get a real answer here.

The whole thing is odd, it's the first time a B&M coaster has ever been rebuilt. There could be plenty of small reasons why. Quieten the ride due to nearby hotels, new trains (Although trains have been switched before on coasters without this much work being done), new queue, the foundations could have been damaged. Who knows.
Nobody seems to have a clue what's going on so I doubt we'll get a real answer here.

The whole thing is odd, it's the first time a B&M coaster has ever been rebuilt. There could be plenty of small reasons why. Quieten the ride due to nearby hotels, new trains (Although trains have been switched before on coasters without this much work being done), new queue, the foundations could have been damaged. Who knows.
The new trains are considerably heavier than the old trains because of the onboard audio equipment. I was told that was the reason for the track replacement. And that makes some sense since Disneyland's Space Mtn. had to have an entire track replacement after they added audio to the cars and it cracked the track up.

Until I hear another plausible reason, I'm going to stick with this one.
The new trains are considerably heavier than the old trains because of the onboard audio equipment. I was told that was the reason for the track replacement. And that makes some sense since Disneyland's Space Mtn. had to have an entire track replacement after they added audio to the cars and it cracked the track up.

Until I hear another plausible reason, I'm going to stick with this one.

If they are adding subwoofers etc, the magnets added up per sit will increse the weight alot. Makes complete sense this is the reason for new track.

Having said that, I guess we still don't know if there was a trigger, like something else needing replacing that made it financially viable to go ahead.
Perhaps it has something to do with the extra $100 to $150 million Comcast gave to UO for 2015 refurbishments after the successful Diagon revenue gains. I would think they may not have originally felt it necessary to do an enhanced Hulk attraction. But with the money available, UO management seized the moment. Just a guess though.:smile:
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Perhaps it has something to do with the extra $100 to $150 million Comcast gave to UO for 2015 refurbishments after the successful Diagon revenue gains. I would think they may not have originally felt it necessary to do an enhanced Hulk attraction. But with the money available, UO management seized the moment. Just a guess though.:smile:

Businesses generally don't just splash the cash for the hell of it. The 100-150m was probably agreed when preparing the project orderbook for the next period.
Businesses generally don't just splash the cash for the hell of it. The 100-150m was probably agreed when preparing the project orderbook for the next period.
Comcast didn't make that move until they were already in the 2015 fiscal year. That wasn't budget money that UO was expecting according to reports.
Comcast didn't make that move until they were already in the 2015 fiscal year. That wasn't budget money that UO was expecting according to reports.
Fair enough, I'm just going by what we do to put a project portfolio together. We're not told to do what we can with X amount of money, any extra funding that comes along is put towards the next projects on the priority list. And if it's not related to the fiscal year, there is no rush to spend it on anything frivolous :)
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The new trains are considerably heavier than the old trains because of the onboard audio equipment. I was told that was the reason for the track replacement. And that makes some sense since Disneyland's Space Mtn. had to have an entire track replacement after they added audio to the cars and it cracked the track up.

Until I hear another plausible reason, I'm going to stick with this one.

Always heard the DLR SM upgrade was due to poor maintenance that was caught and why the ride closed suddenly. On board audio and more came as a plus.

And to echo your point but in reverse, the reason why WDW SM doesn't have on board audio is because the track wasn't upgraded during the last refurbishment.
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Always heard the DLR SM upgrade was due to poor maintenance that was caught and why the ride closed suddenly. On board audio and more came as a plus.

And to echo your point but in reverse, the reason why WDW SM doesn't have on board audio is because the track wasn't upgraded during the last refurbishment.
Easier to just duck tape a few speakers to the supports.

They added the audio to DL's SM in 1996. They replaced the track in 2003.
The new trains are considerably heavier than the old trains because of the onboard audio equipment. I was told that was the reason for the track replacement. And that makes some sense since Disneyland's Space Mtn. had to have an entire track replacement after they added audio to the cars and it cracked the track up.

Until I hear another plausible reason, I'm going to stick with this one.

Not quite convinced onboard audio is the sole reason, as Medusa/Bizzaro at SFGAdv was upgraded with onboard audio trains without doing any track or support replacement, and Dive Coasters have received bigger/modified trains without altering their structure. Also, look at Air at Alton Towers adding VR to the ride. That is adding headsets and computer systems to the trains, certainly a good increase in weight, yet no wholesale structural replacements/modifications like with Hulk.
Just was peeping at old hulk videos earlier, and it is actually shocking how many videos end with someone saying "now my head hurts". Even a Spanish lady said "ay mi cabeza!" At the end. So I think it is necessary.
Truly believe the back half of the ride had structural damage since the ride came in with so much force in such a compact area. Especially the wrap-around the MCBR. That part turned your head into a smashed skittle.