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Jurassic World

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65% on RT with 15 fresh reviews and 8 rotten, pretty much where I expected it to land.

I was thinking mid-70's, still won't impact the numbers though. IGN and ComingSoon gave it a great review though.

FWIW, spoiler tags do work on the new forums.... so keep that in mind once we start discussing the film..

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I've seen mainly good reviews... at 70% rotten tomatoes considers it the 2nd best Jurassic Park Movie.
Ive been very vocal about how sceptical of this movie I am but I'm still really excited to see it and have my tickets already. I'm seeing it tomorrow so hope I am pleasantly surprised.
Just got back from seeing it in 3D.......O M G! LOVED IT!!!!!!!! chill bumps were definately going down my spine at the end
1. It started off a little sketchy for me.
2. I love how many times they referenced the original movie.
3. I loved how they released our T Rex to come save the day. No matter what, we all look for him to be the king.
4. Was I the only one getting teary eyed when we thought Blue died? and when he came back and was making eye contact with Owen?
5. I never was so happy to see a fish jump out the water. I hated that new hybrid dinosaur.

The theater at Downtown Disney gave out movie posters with your ticket and glasses.
Just got back from seeing it. REALLY good. Truth be told, I'm not the biggest JP fan, even less of the sequels, but I enjoyed it. Fantastic finale, not only did everyone clap at the end, but they also clapped
when the T-Rex appeared and when the mosasaur ate the hybrid.

My only issue being
the whole "use this dinosaur as a military weapon!" thing reminded me too much of the Alien franchise and that whole subplot wasn't really needed in my opinion. I also wish they used the MagicBand-like thing more for the plot. Like when the boys are missing, they could have just tracked them via the GPS or something in the wristband. Also, being a Twister fan, I did not appreciate the Fallon cameo :tongue:

Also, these were the glasses we got. They're pretty awesome

Whew! What a ride! Two hands way up. :peace:

That's how you do a summer popcorn flick.

Owen is hot!

That's not a spoiler. That's obvious.
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The movie was amazing and delivered on everything I hoped and expected, and even then some. The ending scene was just perfect. I also think the setup for the sequel(s) is already better than the plots of the other two.

Also, did anyone spot the Barbasol can? I didn't, but the response from the Barbasol Twitter account just made sure I'll be seeing the movie again very soon. :lol:
Just got back from it, hands down this is the superior of the sequels, which is impressive to say the least considering this is the 4th film and it was in quite a bit of development hell. This kind of quality doesn't happen often, so it's a great treat.

Also, not only is the I-Rex a great big bad dino that's actually believible as a big bad dino... (I say this since in the previous film I never really bought the Spinosaurus as a big bad dino, hell I thought the pteranadons were far more scary.) ...but it also has a downright killer surprise reveal which I downright loved.
Just got back from seeing it. REALLY good. Truth be told, I'm not the biggest JP fan, even less of the sequels, but I enjoyed it. Fantastic finale, not only did everyone clap at the end, but they also clapped
when the T-Rex appeared and when the mosasaur ate the hybrid.

My only issue being
the whole "use this dinosaur as a military weapon!" thing reminded me too much of the Alien franchise and that whole subplot wasn't really needed in my opinion. I also wish they used the MagicBand-like thing more for the plot. Like when the boys are missing, they could have just tracked them via the GPS or something in the wristband. Also, being a Twister fan, I did not appreciate the Fallon cameo :tongue:

Also, these were the glasses we got. They're pretty awesome

That's not a spoiler. That's obvious.

I found it VERY suspect that Universal did the movie, they consulted with UC for filming.....and then they throw in Jimmy Fallon. They are going to make sure we are ready to see him permanently. lol
My coworker who went with me came to my desk and asked me who the hot lead actor was. lol New crushes are being formed by the minute.
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Best JP sequel, and a very good popcorn movie...but a really weak script keeps it from being great. The performances mostly elevate the material, which is good, and Trevorrow shows he can shoot action which makes up for a lot of the story deficiencies.
Ive got my Jurassic Park T-Shirt. Im finishing watching the original.

Im ready.

Words cannot embody my excitement!!!

I'm actually wearing my new Jurassic World shirt at work today (and I work in an office ;) - rule breaker!!) I bought our tickets a week ago for tomorrow's showing on the IMAX 3D here in St Louis. I can NOT WAIT for this! It's going to be tough not to go to a show tonight...:look:
Its been over 12 hours since I had tears welling in my eyes. What an awesome ride through the nostalgia of the old with the birth of the new. An absolutely terrifying movie. I do have to agree with JS that the script was weak but everything else made up for it. Must see!

Going to see it again tonight!
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Saw it last night. It was an awesome ride from start to finish. Loved seeing the park actually functioning. The little tributes to JP in the movie were really well done. As was mentioned, some of the dialogue was a bit off. The script could've been a lot better, but I loved it. It is my favorite movie of the summer so far and the first I have a desire to see again in theaters.