Well I just did this twice…no dice. I guess the timing is extremely picky???
Well I’ve got a BIG secret I’m willing to share with the whole class. I fellow single rider just filled me in on this on my second ride today and it got me up to my all-time best score of 199 (ONE COIN SHORT OF GETTING THAT STAMP UUUUGGHH)
I literally have been doing this wrong for the past two years. When the arrows pop up calling you to turn the wheel, you are actually supposed to hold the wheel into position for at least five seconds. When I did this, I got at least 5 coins per turn.
Now you’re gonna get a higher score than everyone else in your vehicle. You’re welcome.
EDIT: I FINALLY DID IT! I FINALLY GOT ALL THE STAMPS FOR MARIO KART LETS GOOOO. I got the start bonuses but there was no sound queue that let you know you got it. Oh well. A w is a w.