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Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks

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Well I bet SpongeBob store is gunna be removed. With that out of the way it will allow for them to run Et queue to Allah and let nintendo land start right at the circle there in from of animal actors. That's the problem with Et now. No one goes to the right and for the most part that area is ignored.
Sorry if this has been answered but how sure are we that the rides we're getting will be E-tickets? I'd hate to find out we get a Nintendo version of Seuss Landing

I don't know what the designations will be. But considering Nintendo's CEO was surprised at the "highly detailed" plans, we're not just getting spinners and carousels.

Well I bet SpongeBob store is gunna be removed. With that out of the way it will allow for them to run Et queue to Allah and let nintendo land start right at the circle there in from of animal actors. That's the problem with Et now. No one goes to the right and for the most part that area is ignored.

Allah won't be the ET queue. If anything I could see them demoing KidZone pizza and rerouting the queue there. Allah is going to be an NBC Media Lab.

From one of the articles I was reading the other day about the partnership :p

Ya know, its funny how people talk about Nintendo losing market share with their Wii U, etc., but Mario is a BRAND himself, just like Mickey Mouse is a BRAND himself.

Mickey Mouse went decades it seems without any actual cartoons or features outside of the parks, but he was still a most beloved and popular character....I think the same can be said for Mario.
Seems as if Hate got a message of the future of how they're getting it as he interprets this being Interactive and a Gamechanger.

Just looked up his twitter and yea, Hate described it as : Game changer, interactive, Huge.

Getting hyped, makes me wonder if we will get some more information sooner than originally expected. When it was first announced I kind of figured it would be at the stage where Disney was with Avatar when they announced it, and then earlier with then news of Iwata being surprised at the "extremely detailed plans" shows that this is at least quite a bit further along than the Disney/Avatar situation.
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Realistically there's no reason to close any existing rides that anyone cares about. There's plenty of room for stuff in KidZone and the attached expansion pad.

Now, how this could affect HHN? That is probably a good question.
Random thoughts....

1. Space Fantasy re-do would fit perfectly with a Mario Galaxy themed ride. Especially if Nintendo announces Mario Galaxy 3 at this year's e3 convention. Synergy.

2. A Pokemon special effects show would be a great replacement for Animal Actors

3. Princess Peach birthday cake, Yoshi melons, Goomba brownies

4. Interactive Piranha Plants
Random thoughts....

1. Space Fantasy re-do would fit perfectly with a Mario Galaxy themed ride. Especially if Nintendo announces Mario Galaxy 3 at this year's e3 convention. Synergy.

2. A Pokemon special effects show would be a great replacement for Animal Actors

3. Princess Peach birthday cake, Yoshi melons, Goomba brownies

4. Interactive Piranha Plants

They could also do Cadburry-styled Yoshi egg candy!

Also it would be cool is they did big plastic versions of the question mark power up box as a container for kid's meals at the restaurants!

Plus, don't tell me while play Mario Galaxy that the Star Bits in the game never reminded you of Gushers fruit snacks! :lol: C'mon! I can't be the only one who thought that!
They could also do Cadburry-styled Yoshi egg candy!

Also it would be cool is they did big plastic versions of the question mark power up box as a container for kid's meals at the restaurants!

Plus, don't tell me while play Mario Galaxy that the Star Bits in the game never reminded you of Gushers fruit snacks! :lol: C'mon! I can't be the only one who thought that!

Mushroom shaped cupcakes
The more i think about things i really would just love an E-Ticket Mario Bros. ride, A Pokemon Dark Ride D/E Ticket and i really enjoy the thought of Universal finally getting that Mine coaster we all have been wanting with Donkey Kong. Also i know somebody said it before but i think the Nintendo version of DHS's Great Movie Ride would be an amazing idea!
When you say this, I, as a fan of both parks, can attest that this makes me thrilled for the future of UOR and even more grim on WDW's future. Uni just dropped two grenades on WDW in 2 days. Yeah, it's gonna make WDW fans a little antsy.

It's amazing, in a year where Uni and WDW both aren't opening any new attractions, Uni is STILL kicking WDW's ass. Can't wait until next year when Kong and Sapphire are open and 2017 when the water park opens!

It's only gonna rile up regular/local park goers, tourists won't give a crap!
This should be fun.:sneaky: Let's start.

Except for the TINY fact that they have repeatedly said they don't want to touch Animal Actors or ET. So how about you have your "fun" by outlining the parts that are ACTUALLY KidZone.

Clearly didn't read the contract well enough. They have the characters represented in those rides as well as every character in the associated families under their control. The contract even specifically says The Avengers under the families clause. Nice try though.

But again, let's keep Marvel talk to the Marvel thread.

Not to belabor this, but the contract CLEARLY and PLAINLY says that any future new Marvel attractions will require Marvel's approval.

Whenever Marvel has “reasonable” rights for rejection of approval hereunder, the basic criteria to be used by Marvel may include inconsistency with (i) basic story line, (ii) the powers, (iii) basic personality traits, (iv) physical appearance (including clothing or costume), and/or (v) living habitat or environment relating to such character as portrayed in Marvel’s exploitation of such character in comic books or other products for the particular time period being depicted by MCA.

Ya think Disney is going to approve some awesome Avengers ride? They will have reason after reason that it doesn't follow theming or story, which will drive the price higher and higher and stretch the timeline out longer and longer. Yes, Universal can fight any of this but it all goes to arbitration EVENTUALLY and there are many clauses Disney could argue that Universal has not followed to the letter. And if Disney wins that arbitration, Universal loses the license. Ya think Universal wants to chance that?

Marvel Super Hero Island WILL NOT CHANGE without Disney's approval. Period. End of story. Now move on...

You seem to have somehow missed the many numerous posts in this thread that have discussed how this is not only planned to replace KidZone (which is not speculation but the inside word from those folks who are in the know) but is likely to also expand into the relatively vacant area behind Men in Black, which is considerably larger than Toon Lagoon.

YOU SEEM TO HAVE SOMEHOW MISSED the entire rest of my post which mentioned that lot REPEATEDLY. And you are also VERY wrong about that lot. It's basically 715ft x 575ft. Toon Lagoon is over 900ft long and at its narrowest width it is about 520ft and at its widest it is about 850ft. And you don't need to be a math major (like I was) to figure that out. It's painfully obvious just comparing the two on Google Maps.

YOU ALSO SEEM TO HAVE SOMEHOW MISSED how PLANS CHANGE. If they didn't, we'd be riding the Jurassic Park Jeep Adventure and then flying through the Pterodactlyl dome and then zooming on the Rocky the Flying Squirrel coaster and then heading over to USF and we'd race past Twister which has been long closed and past that brand new museum and then we'd ride the flume ride over in that vacant lot next to MIB and after that we could visit the Smurfs in KidZone... oh no wait it'll be SpongeBob in the KidZone... oh no wait it's going to be Fast & Furious in the KidZone... oh no wait it's going to be Star Trek in the KidZone... oh no wait FOR REALZ it's going to be Nintendo! Honestly, how can somebody be SO SURE of a rumor for a land that is now in its FIFTH incarnation??!?!

Far more rumors have died on the vine than have come to fruition, yet so many people here treat rumors as if they came down from high on the mountain carved into stone tablets. What an absolutely futile existence that is! The only thing we KNOW is that Nintendo is coming. PERIOD. Beyond that, the best GUESS we can come up with is that Universal Creative is creating possibilities for a Nintendo land WHEREVER THEY CAN FIT ONE. If you think they will focus solely on KidZone, you're absolutely ignorant of the most basic aspects of theme parks. People throughout UC will be creating ideas for a Nintendo replacement for KidZone AND for Toon Lagoon AND for the Lost Continent AND for that empty lot and probably for San Francisco too. They haven't excelled over the last few years by thinking as narrowly as many of you appear to think they do. Yes, the current plans are for KidZone. But what happens if the idea for ONE of those other locations is more amazing than the idea for KidZone? There are MANY options to replace KidZone but how many options are there to replace Lost Continent? How many options are the for Toon Lagoon? What if USF's attendance continues to skyrocket and IOA's stays flat AGAIN for the next two years? What if the Fast and Furious attraction is anointed the greatest thing in history? What if it's not? Universal is going to create MANY options and there are MANY outside forces - attendance, box office, guest surveys, money - that will constantly affect those options. Until they start demolishing stuff, they can ALWAYS change their minds, as they have done repeatedly in the past.

Argue for what you KNOW. If you don't KNOW it, then how about you try not to be a Capital A about it? Save that attitude for the Disney boards!

I don't think the lines are the problem, more potential loss of house venues.

That's one other reason I'd put Mario and Co over at IOA. Regardless of whether or not they'll put houses inside a new Nintendo land, they certainly won't be putting any in a construction zone, which KidZone would be for two years. In 2014 it looks like there were two houses in KidZone. Where will they go if KidZone goes down? If Nintendo takes over the empty lot also, then they most likely can't move any over there. Putting Mario and Co over in IOA and Pokemon in KidZone means they wouldn't have to move into the empty lot. Moving Krustyland into the lot could open places for new houses as that's a license that doesn't mind a little gore and violence. Other attractions could also allow for HHN houses. Would Nintendo allow HHN anywhere near its bloodless property?

I'm certain Universal Creative always has HHN in mind when they create anything since it's such a big-ticket event. They can't have fewer houses. They could also stand to add a few more scare zones. Or even rides that can be made scary for HHN. That certainly won't happen with Nintendo. Don't get me wrong; I love the idea of a Nintendo land, and HHN doesn't interest me in the least. But from a business standpoint, HHN brings in too much money and it MUST be considered in anything that happens at USF.

***DISCLAIMER*** This is all rampant speculation and meant to be a fun extension of the conversation. If you believe what's in your brain is the ONLY thing that will EVER happen, and that someone mentioning another outcome that does not match exactly what is in your head is the equivalent of that person murdering your maternal grandmother, DON'T BOTHER REPLYING. Your response will undoubtedly be about as fun as liver cancer. Isn't Orlando SUPPOSED to be fun and shouldn't conversations about it ALSO be fun??!?!?!