Decided to scour through some Youtube vids to see how Jupiter's Claim is coming along. Here's the new stuff I noticed:
The bloodied/skinned horse prop has been removed from atop the truck at the front of Jupiter's Claim.
Jupiter Claim mascot inflatable is up.
A wooden fence has been added to the front of Jupiter's Claim.
Some of the metal fencing has been removed from the front of the area, either in prep for opening or to allow more space for construction/crew vehicles to enter.
Looks like a bloodied cart might have been added to the street.
A horseshoe sign has been added near the Blacksmith shop.
The Star Lasso sign has been painted green.
Destroyed green bleachers have been added on top of the Star Lasso stage.
In general, seems to be more 'destroyed' theming added to the Star Lasso area, including another large destroyed sign that seems to either read 'The Shop' or 'The St_r' (Can't make out the middle letter...A....O....I....E?). Unsure if this sign will remain where it currently sits or will be moved. EDIT: Found the second half of the sign in the latest vid from Jsland. It is located on the opposite side of the street and appears to say "Arts"
Lights for night have been added near the Star Lasso area. EDIT: Hearing murmurings that strobe lights or lights turning off and on will be involved in some way.
A large green tarp has been added to the bottom of the Star Lasso area. I'm guessing this is where the bloodied/skinned horse prop was moved, and the tarp is to hide it from public view.
All thanks go to Five Fires and SoCaliRific for the vids.
EDIT: As of Monday, 7/11/22 ALL FENCES METAL FENCES HAVE BEEN REMOVED! I REPEAT ALL THE METAL FENCES HAVE BEEN REMOVED. THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Some flags have also been added to the tops of buildings. (Thanks to Jsland for the vid)