I don't really understand this argument. The story is a classic man vs wild fable. To say it didn't have a good plot, is basically also saying that a number of other classic stories do not have a good plot. It's formulaic, but it's not in any means "bad".
it didn't have an "original" plot, this is true, but the world, technology, creatures, language, basically everything else on screen is all very original and created from Cameron himself. There are true heroes and villains, and the pacing follows a logical and grand conclusion. there is nothing "wrong" with the storytelling. It's just not mind bending sci-fi, but to be honest most of the films that a lot of people lap up these days (comic book moves, cough, cough) follow the same type of genre story formula. I mean how many super hero origin stories are EXACTLY the same? A lot of them.
And to respond to snarky comment #2 .....yes 3D TVs did not take off the way that the electronic companies hoped, but there is still a market, and the impact on theaters is still very, very, present. Last I checked the majority of blockbusters and animated moives are still released in 3D on a weekly basis.
any other haters want to umm...hate?